If you're a founder raising capital in Czechia or Slovakia, we want to meet you! We're consistently meeting and investing in top founders, and the data proves it. 💸 ⬇️ 🎯 Shoutout to CzechCrunch for their excellent review of startup and VC activity in 2024, highlighting us as the most active investors in Czechia with 9 investments (and several 2024 deals aren't even public yet 🤭). 🌟 Speaking of success stories, we're proud to highlight some remarkable achievements from the top founders who are also our backers: Tomas Formanek's Inventoro had a spectacular exit, while Mews, led by Richard Valtr and Matthijs Welle, secured an impressive €100+m growing past their unicorn status. 😎 As for what our one and only Vaclav Pavlecka had to say, let's leave that for the comment section. ⬇️ 💪 It's been a busy year 2024, but we're not slowing down. 📢 For example, our successful Sherpa accelerator is ready for its new spring cohort, with applications open today until February 9th. ✨ If you're looking to raise your pre-seed round, there's no better framework to help you succeed. Check out the website for more info. 👏 Peter Brejčák, Ondřej Holzman, Filip Magalhães, Klara Bendlova, Filip Houska 🙏 High-five Vit Horky Vaclav Pavlecka Ivan Kristel Ondřej Smýkal David Přerovský Jiřina Stirling (Dunková) Adam Bočev 🙏
Czech Founders VC
Vedoucí společnosti obchodních spekulací a soukromého kapitálu
We help Central European founders who aim high. We are a community-driven pre-seed VC set up by founders for founders.
O nás
Czech Founders VC is a community-driven venture capital firm investing into exceptional Central European founders with global ambitions. We typically invest as the first external investors, we are backed by 40+ top European founders who use their knowhow and connections to accelerate the global ambitions of the portfolio founders.
- Web
Externí odkaz pro organizaci Czech Founders VC
- Obor
- Vedoucí společnosti obchodních spekulací a soukromého kapitálu
- Velikost společnosti
- 2 – 10 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Prague
- Typ
- Soukromá společnost
- Datum založení
- 2022
Prague, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti Czech Founders VC
Vit Horky
Failing Forward as a Founder & Investor
Martin Jezek
Founder & Investor, Go-To-Market Consultant, Web 3.0 Enthusiast 🖖
Eduardo A. C.
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) | Angel Investor & Venture Advisor | ex-Rocket Internet, ex-Foodpanda & ex-Delivery Hero
Vaclav Pavlecka
Startup Investor @ Czech Founders VC | Co-Founder @ United Founders
🚀 Shout out to DAITABLE, our portfolio startup and Sherpa alumni, for securing €700K in Strategic Grants to accelerate digitalisation and automation in the energy-heavy industry reignited in the European push for sovereignty! 🎯 What makes DAITABLE unique: Their AI-powered system monitors energy at the machine level, delivering 15-30% savings for industrial clients. ⚡ The new €700K funding fuels DAITABLE's expansion beyond manufacturing into new verticals and developing a stronger “moat” around their tech capabilities. Soft funding often gets a bad rep when it’s awarded randomly to fake projects so it’s great to see it going to aspiring tech founders on the frontier. 🖇️ You can read more about Daitable and the funding in the article by Startitup linked below. 📷 Picture from Warper - venture builder Startup awards where Daitable also won (a slightly smaller ticket yet significant at that stage 🙂) #fundingupdate #Daitable #DeepTech #CzechFoundersVC #Industry4.0
Uživatel Czech Founders VC to přesdílel
Does ESOP truly motivate employees, or is it just the founders' dream? 🚀💭 Most research on Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) looks at things from the top down—measuring overall firm productivity and showing a 4-5% boost in performance. But is the ESOP really driving this? Or could it be that startups offering ESOPs already have a strong culture, better leadership, or other factors that explain both the increase in productivity and the decision to offer equity? 🔍 What do employees think? Does ESOP make them feel more engaged and motivated? How much equity is actually enough to matter? How low can a salary go before ESOP becomes meaningless? My friend and colleague David Přerovský is diving deep into this for his thesis research, and we need your help! If you work in a startup, please take this short survey and share your thoughts—he'll send the results to everyone who participates! Let’s cut through the noise and uncover what really drives employee motivation! 🚀 Link in comments Courtesy of the image to Carta. 🖇️
Uživatel Czech Founders VC to přesdílel
Jsme rádi za spolupráci s Czech Founders VC. Začalo to Sherpou, řešíme investice a hlavně nás zásobují zajímavými kontakty a doporučení. Tak jsme se třeba dostali k mezinárodnímu projektu Female Founder Team od UBS . Prošli jsme výběrem (prý zájem nebyl malý, o to více nás to těší 💚), a teď nás čekají jednotlivé aktivity. Jsme zvědaví, kam nás to posune 🍀. Thank you 💚💚💚 https://lnkd.in/dB5tSdSu
Uživatel Czech Founders VC to přesdílel
For founders aspiring young (<25) European founders, there's a new 💰 backer Project Europe. This new VC is empowering the next generation of tech builders with global ambitions. Backed by over 125 of Europe's top founders, this initiative is all about driving Europe's competitiveness through innovation. There's no mission closer to our heart at Czech Founders VC than supporting the new generation of startup entrepreneurs through the knowhow and funding from the star examples. Project Europe offers €200k in pre-seed investment. We invest up to €350k in the inception stage to all CEE founders who attempt global impact. It's great to see more joining the mission and hope to co-invest with Project Europe soon enough. Find the link in comments.
See you at xPORT Business Accelerator VŠE Startup festival today talking about why you shouldn’t build a startup. But if you really have to, this is what do… 💡 No 🐂💩, just real talk
🔥 Startupy jsou k ničemu?! 🔥 Dnes od 13:00 na VŠE v rámci Startup Festivalu přinesu možná nejkontroverznější přednášku dne: “Startupy jsou k ničemu.” Jo, čtete správně. Možná je lepší pohodlná židle v korporátu, klidné večery a jistota pravidelné výplaty. Možná… nebo taky ne. 🚀 Přijďte si poslechnout, proč byznys není pro každého, jak (ne)funguje startupová realita, a hlavně – proč bez odvážných podnikatelů nám v Evropě ujede vlak. 💡 Tak startup, nebo zaměstnání? Kdo vyhraje? Odpověď je na vás. 📍 Kdy: 13:00 📍 Kde: Startup Festival, VŠE 📍 Registrace: https://lnkd.in/eR9JKZ4Y Vidíme se tam? Nebo raději zůstanete v komfortní zóně? 😉 #Startupy #VŠE #StartupFestival #Podnikání #CzechFoundersVC
⌛ Long time in the making, and proud of the representation of innovation on the grounds of an academic institution. It is an essential step to enable the builders in the early days, and we hope Vaclav's course work will be one step closer to making our countries startup nations! 💜 🇨🇿 🇸🇰 🇪🇺 Bullish on Europe's innovativeness despite a few regulators monkey wrenches.
🇪🇺 Losing the AI race, struggling with bureaucracy and facing fragmented markets. I think the time has come for all of us to stop repeating the losing mantras of Europe and start creating the meaningful change! 🏫 Glad that I had a chance to help shape the brand new Prague University of Economics and Business master's course focused on European competitiveness and transformation. Expect nothing less than lectures with founders, investors, experienced scale-up operators and of course also a portion of macroeconomics. Hope to meet more fresh founders in Czechia in the years to come (and to inspire a handful of young talent to start their own venture). The plan is to add options for students for various internships, so if you are looking for a fresh talent (and you are a scaling tech business), let us know. 👉 https://lnkd.in/emXeDRTg Thanks Jana Vlčková, Ondřej Sankot, Jarolím Antal, Pavel Hnát, Othon Anastasakis, Josef Bič for such initiative.
Uživatel Czech Founders VC to přesdílel
Minulý týden jsem sdílel pár zajímavých témat, ale tím nekončíme! 🔥Je zde další várka přednášek a workshopů, tak neváhejte a registrujte se: 🍹PwC - Jak se úspěšně překlopit z fáze založení do růstu Založení a počáteční rozvoj startupu v prvních fázích jeho existence je jako cesta z party s jedním procentem baterie na mobilu. Před tebou je dilema – zavolat Uber nebo zapnout navigaci. Ať už zvolíš jakoukoliv možnost, každá přináší svá rizika. Jak se s tím vypořádat vám představí Václav Karban 😱Czech Founders VC - Startupy jsou k ničemu…? Vaclav Pavlecka ukáže, jak rozjet byznys, který může změnit svět. ⛑️PatentEnter s.r.o. - Ochrana Brandu: 9 typů, aby budování značky nepřišlo vniveč Jak správně tvořit značku a jak ji chránit vám ukáže Šárka Bula Švihálková a Radek Tihelka 🚨Start it @ČSOB - Bacha na časté chyby při budování startupu Proč nejčastěji startupy končí? To a mnohem více vám představí Marketa Uhrova 💸EKP Advisory - Nejčastější daňové a účetní chyby startupů Jan Tecl ukáže, jak nastavit daně a účetnictví a ušetřit tím spoustu času a peněz. Festival se kvapem blíží, tak si nezapomeň ulovit svoje místo. https://lnkd.in/eEnKbCuk
Uživatel Czech Founders VC to přesdílel
64.5% of founders in CZ saw the year 2023 as rather successful or better. Yet they forecasted 2024 overwhelmingly more positive! 💫 💡 Wanna know how it changed throughout the year and what's the 2025 outlook? ME TOO!!! 📢 🔗 https://shorturl.at/HgLdE 🔗 So go ahead and fill out this survey by the Czech Founders non-profit organisation led by Barbora Werdmölder. If you're a builder in Czechia, please share your voice and opinions which will have a major impact on your fellow founders as well as in informing the decision-making of the whole CZ governmental policy which is finally waking up to the voice of Czech Founders. Share love and information for the data-nerds like me. Lotta ❤️🔥. #czechfounders #publicdata #ForInteligentPublicPolicy
🎯 "Startupy jsou k ničemu?" Pokud chcete strávit celý život vyplňováním tabulek v korporátu, raději tenhle post přeskočte. Ale jestli sníte o vytvoření něčeho, co může změnit svět, čtěte dál! 🚀 Vaclav Pavleckačka, General Partner Czech Founders VC vyrazí na Startup festival od xPORT Business Accelerator VŠE promluvit do duše aspirujícím podnikatelkám a podnikatelům o krásách i nástrahách spuštění vlastního byznysu. 📅 12. března 2025 od 13:00 do 13:45 na VŠE (RB212) proběhne inspirativní diskuse o tom, proč jsou startupy budoucností podnikání. Co se dozvíte? • Proč je startup kultura víc než jen trend • Jaké jsou nejčastější chyby začínajících podnikatelů • Co odlišuje úspěšné startupy od těch, které selžou • Jak můžete změnit svět (a přitom si vydělat) Startup Festival je pro všechny kolem startupů a s chutí změnit svět k lepšímu💡 🎟️ Registrace (místa jsou omezená!): https://buff.ly/41g6pMm #CzechFoundersVC #Entrepreneurship #VSEXport #StartupLifeAtUniversity