My Summary After Returning from the European Film Market – EFM at Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale)
📢 The film industry is trying to be #dynamic, but on the end all people in industry are highly conservative.
The production of films and series is growing at a rapid pace, but traditional distribution models are struggling to keep up. Streaming platforms remain the dominant distribution channels, while theatrical and non-theatrical segments still face challenges in adapting to new technologies and changing audience behavior.
🎢 Numbers Speak for Themselves
🌏Globally, cinema box office revenues in 2024 reached $8.75 billion, only 3.3% lower than in 2023, but still below the 2018 peak of $11.9 billion. Approximately 680 million tickets were sold, significantly fewer than the 1 billion+ average seen between 2005 and 2019.
In Europe, trends vary significantly across markets. For example in 🇫🇷 France, cinema attendance reached 181.3 million viewers, with almost half of all tickets sold going to domestic films. This highlights the strength of local production and the audience’s willingness to support homegrown content.
In my favorite India, cinema revenues in 2024 reached ₹118.33 billion (approximately $1.38 billion), making it the second-highest year in history after the record-breaking ₹122.3 billion in 2023. India, with a population exceeding 1.426 billion, has only 6,000 cinemas, meaning that one cinema serves approximately 238,000 people.
▶️ Key Challenges for the Coming Years
What about traditional theatrical distribution and the non-theatrical segment? Adaptation to new challenges remains slow. Changes in audience behavior, new distribution models, and technological innovations call for new solutions, but distribution channels are controlled by a handful of "gatekeepers" who are reluctant to open the floodgates of innovation—driven by power and money.
A key question for the coming years is not just how to bring films beyond streaming into physical venues—cinemas, community centers, schools, and events—but also how to simplify the entire licensing process.
We must:
✅ Simplify licensing fee collection (ideally online)
✅ Automate payments to governments and ensure transparent control of finances and subsidies
✅ Streamline box office reporting
✅ Develop flat fee models that cover licensing fees and administration in one simple solution
A Path to a Sustainable Market
The future of the film industry should not be solely about blockbusters and global distribution giants. Supporting local productions and making public screenings easily accessible for expat / Interest communities worldwide are crucial steps toward a more balanced market.
What are your thoughts? What are your key takeaways from Berlinale and EFM?
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