37th ICDCS 2017: Atlanta, GA, USA - Workshops

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The 16th International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ADSN 2017)

The 2nd International Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems (CCN-CPS 2017)

The 9th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Mobile Computing and Online Social Networking (HotPOST'17)

International Workshop on the Internet of Things Computing and Applications (IoTCA 2017)

The International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Big Data EcoSystem (PSBD 2017)

The 8th International Workshop on Joint Cloud Computing (JCC 2017)

NSF-JST 2017 Workshop

The 1st International Workshop on Integrating Process-Oriented, Event-Based and Data-driven Systems (PED) and International Workshop on Big Graph Processing (BGP 2017)

The 1st International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC 2017)
