EUROSPEECH 1993: Berlin, Germany

SPARQL queries 

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Speech Coding

Articulatory Modelling

Voice Source Analysis and Modelling

HMM-Based Recognition System

Speech Signal Processing

Speaker Recognition

Data Bases, Speech Assessment, Noisy Speech


Phoneme Classification and Labelling

Duration Modelling in HMMs

Speaker Adaptation and Normalization

Speech Analysis, Articulatory Modelling

Prosody: Rhythm, Style, Emotion

Improved Algorithms for HMMs

Noisy Speech and Enhancement

Speaker Variability

Segmentation and Labelling

Prosody: Analysis and Modelling of F0 Contours

Speech Recognition in Noise

Speaker Independency

Speech Synthesis

Dialogue Structure

Language Modelling

Prosody: Prosodic Parameter Manipulation

New Architectures for Neural Networks

Noise Reduction and Channel Adaption

Word Spotting

Speech Processing and Coding

Prosody: Phrasing

MLPs and TDNNs for Speech Recognition

Speech Translation, Language Identification, Parsers

Dialogue Evalution

Data Bases

Letter to Sound and Architecture for TTS


Search Algorithms

Speech Recognition, HMMs, NNs

Spoken Language Dialogue

Speech Input/Output Assessment

Synthesis: Sound Generation

Hybrid HMMs/ANNs for Speech Recognition

Visual Cues

Telecommunication, Application Aspects

Spoken Language Dialogue Application

Synthesis: Articulatory and Source Modelling

Syntactical Constraints

Pathological Voice Analysis

Speech Analysis: Pitch and Prosody


Synthesis: Systems, Syntax, Prosody

Large Vocabulary Systems

Continuous Speech Recognition Systems

Human Factors

Complex Forms of Speech & Speaker Recognition
