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The American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 114
Volume 114, Number 1, January 2007
- Peter Maier, Werner Nickel:
Attainable Patterns in Alien Tiles. 1-13 - Tanya Leise, Andrew Cohen:
Nonlinear Oscillators at Our Fingertips. 14-28 - Dave Auckly:
Solving the Quartic with a Pencil. 29-39 - Donatella Merlini, Renzo Sprugnoli, M. Cecilia Verri:
The Method of Coefficients. 40-57
- William F. Ford, James A. Pennline:
When Does Convergence in the Mean Imply Uniform Convergence? 58-60 - Sime Ungar:
The Koch Curve: A Geometric Proof. 61-66 - Dong-Soo Kim, Young Ho Kim:
A Characterization of Ellipses. 66-70 - Jonathan M. Borwein:
A Class of Dirichlet Series Integrals. 70-76
- Donald E. Knuth:
Problem 11264. 77 - Steve Butler, Jia Mao:
Problem 11265. 77 - Marian Tetiva:
Problem 11266. 77 - Eugene A. Herman:
Problem 11267. 77 - M. L. Glasser:
Problem 11268. 78 - Hervé Moulin:
Problem 11269. 78 - Sergey Sadov:
Problem 11270. 78
- David Beckwith:
An Accidental Repetition of the All-Ones Problem: 10851. 78-79 - Tom M. Apostol, et al.:
Summing the Initial Inverted Powers: 11128. 79-80 - M. L. Glasser, Richard Stong:
An Elementary Integral: 11148. 80-81 - Mircea Ivan, Ioan Rasa, M. A. Prasad:
Limit with Nested Logs: 11149. 81 - Paul Bracken, Michael Goldenberg, Mark Kaplan:
A Nonlinear Recurrence: 11153. 81-82 - Hillel Gauchman, et al.:
Square Root Inequality: 11157. 82-83 - Greg Oman, Michael W. Botsko:
Isomorphic Rings of Functions: 11166. 83 - Mohammad Hossein Mehrabi, O. P. Lossers:
A Gamma Function Inequality: 11169. 83-84 - Slavko Simic, et al.:
Maximum Real Part of a Zero of a Polynomial: 11184. 84
- Fernando Q. Gouvêa:
A First Course in Modular Forms by Fred Diamond; Jerry Shurman. 85-90 - Daniel J. Velleman:
Editor's Endnotes. 91
Volume 114, Number 2, February 2007
- Richard K. Guy:
The Lighthouse Theorem, Morley & Malfatti: A Budget of Paradoxes. 97-141 - Po-Ru Loh:
Stepping to Infinity Along Gaussian Primes. 142-151
- Bau-Sen Du:
A Simple Proof of Sharkovsky's Theorem Revisited. 152-155 - Gwen Spencer, Francis Edward Su:
The LSB Theorem Implies the KKM Lemma. 156-159 - Sam B. Nadler Jr., Donna M. Zitney:
Pointwise Products of Uniformly Continuous Functions on Sets in the Real Line. 160-163
- Iliya Bluskov:
Problem 11271. 164 - Vasile Mihai:
Problem 11272. 164 - Marian Tetiva:
Problem 11273. 164-165 - Donald E. Knuth:
Problem 11274. 165 - Michael S. Becker:
Problem 11275. 165 - Eugene A. Herman:
Problem 11276. 165
- Vicentiu D. Radulescu, Richard Stong:
Exponential Growth of a Solution: 11137. 165-166 - George Lamb, Jan A. Grzesik:
A Quadrature on a Sphere: 11159. 167 - Paolo Perfetti, et al.:
Series with Sines: 11162. 167-168 - Vicentiu D. Radulescu, et al.:
Ginzburg-Landau Energy: 11167. 168-170 - Suat Namli, O. P. Lossers:
A Functional Equation with Exponential Solutions: 11180. 170-171 - Grahame Bennett, Eugene A. Herman:
Apply Hölder: 11202. 171
- Gerald B. Folland:
Analysis I: Convergence, Elementary Functions by Roger Godement; Analysis II: Differential and Integral Calculus, Fourier Series, Holomorphic Functions by Roger Godement. 172-176
Volume 114, Number 3, March 2007
- Amy Cohen-Corwin:
Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Award to Lee Lorch for Distinguished Service to Mathematics. 181-182 - Robyn Curtis, Marcel Steiner:
Configuration Spaces of Planar Pentagons. 183-201 - Katherine Socha:
Circles in Circles: Creating a Mathematical Model of Surface Water Waves. 202-216 - Anders Claesson, T. Kyle Petersen:
Conway's Napkin Problem. 217-231 - Dante Manna, Victor H. Moll:
A Simple Example of a New Class of Landen Transformation. 232-241
- Michael W. Botsko:
Exactly Which Bounded Darboux Functions Are Derivatives? 242-246 - Mark Levi:
Riemann Mapping Theorem by Steepest Descent. 246-251 - David H. Armitage:
Entire Functions That Tend to Zero on Every Line. 251-256 - Mark A. Pinsky:
Stirling's Formula via the Poisson Distribution. 256-258
- Prithwijit De:
Problem 11277. 259 - Slavko Simic:
Problem 11278. 259 - Vitaly Stakhovsky:
Problem 11279. 259 - Harris Kwong:
Problem 11280. 259 - Max A. Alekseyev, Emeric Deutsch:
Problem 11281. 259 - Dragomir Z. Dkovic, Kaiming Zhao:
Problem 11282. 260 - John Abbot, Umberto Zannier:
Problem 11283. 260
- Stephen B. Gray, Thomas McMillan, Xiaoshen Wang:
Stepping to Regularity: 10923. 260-261 - Kent D. Boklan, Michael Avidon:
Heronian Triangles: 11134. 261-262 - Ernst Schulte-Geers, Karl David:
An Identity Involving Rooted Forest: 11144. 262-264 - Yongge Tian, Eugene A. Herman:
Matrix Systems with the Same Sets: 11146. 264 - Emeric Deutsch, O. P. Lossers:
Peaks in Dyck Paths: 11150. 264-265 - Donald E. Knuth, O. P. Lossers:
Partitions of a Circular Set: 11151. 265-266 - Kent Holing, Michael Avidon:
Indivisibility of the Sum of Squares: 11154. 266
- John Stillwell:
God Created the Integers by Stephen Hawking. 267-271
Volume 114, Number 4, April 2007
- Alberto A. Martínez:
Euler's "Mistake"? The Radical Product Rule in Historical Perspective. 273-285 - Christopher Francese, David Richeson:
The Flaw in Euler's Proof of His Polyhedral Formula. 286-296 - Gopala Krishna Srinivasan:
The Gamma Function: An Eclectic Tour. 297-315 - Bennett Chow, David Glickenstein:
Semidiscrete Geometric Flows of Polygons. 316-328 - Colin Adams, Frank Morgan, John M. Sullivan:
When Soap Bubbles Collide. 329-337
- Arthur T. Benjamin, Gregory P. Dresden:
A Combinatorial Proof of Vandermonde's Determinant. 338-341 - Michael A. Allen:
Evaluation of Some Improper Integrals Involving Hyperbolic Functions. 341-343 - Robin Pemantle, Carsten Schneider:
When Is 0.999... Equal to 1? 344-350 - Brendan Foreman:
Ghys's Theorem and Semi-Osculating Conics of Planar Curves. 351-356 - Gilbert Helmberg:
An Absolutely Continuous Function in L1 (R) W1, 1 (R). 356-357
- Greg Oman:
Problem 11284. 358 - Yakub N. Aliyev:
Problem 11285. 358 - Marc LeBrun, David L. Applegate, Neil J. A. Sloane:
Problem 11286. 358 - Stephen J. Herschkorn:
Problem 11287. 359 - Christopher J. Hillar, Troels Windfeldt:
Problem 11288. 359 - Oleh Faynshteyn:
Problem 11289. 359 - Cezar Lupu, Tudorel Lupu:
Problem 11290. 359
- Jonathan Sondow, Richard Stong:
Choice Bounds: 11132. 359-360 - Paul Bracken, Heinz-Jürgen Seiffert:
An Integral Inequality: 11133. 360-361 - Donald E. Knuth, Roberto Tauraso:
A Combinatorial Maximum: 11142. 361-362 - Richard P. Stanley, et al.:
Inverting a Matrix of Striling Numbers: 11156. 362 - Emeric Deutsch, et al.:
Compositions without Common Factors: 11161. 363 - Michel Bataille, Richard Stong:
Counting Lattice Quadrilaterals Tangent to an Ellipse: 11163. 363-364 - José Luis Díaz-Barrero, Ulrich Abel, Mircea Ivan:
A Recurrent Identify: 11164. 364-365
- John P. D'Angelo:
Geometric Function Theory: Explorations in Complex Analysis by Steven G. Krantz. 366-370
Volume 114, Number 5, May 2007
- Yuval Peres, Oded Schramm, Scott Sheffield, David Bruce Wilson:
Random-Turn Hex and Other Selection Games. 373-387 - Tom M. Apostol, Mamikon A. Mnatsakanian:
Unwrapping Curves from Cylinders and Cones. 388-416 - Graham Everest, Shaun Stevens, Duncan Tamsett, Thomas Ward:
Primes Generated by Recurrence Sequences. 417-431
- J. W. Neuberger:
The Continuous Newton's Method, Inverse Functions, and Nash-Moser. 432-437 - Anthony Mendes:
A Note on Alternating Permutations. 437-440 - Michael Kerckhove, Gary Lawlor:
The Circle and the Cycloid: A Surprising Link. 441-443 - Jack Ohm:
A Matrix Approach to Zero-Divisors in R[x]. 444-450
- Richard Jerrard, John E. Wetzel:
Problem 11291. 451 - David Callan:
Problem 11292. 451 - Sergey Sadov:
Problem 11293. 451 - John Zucker, Ross C. McPhedran:
Problem 11294. 452 - Stefano Siboni:
Problem 11295. 452 - Saïd Amghibech:
Problem 11296. 452 - Marian Tetiva:
Problem 11297. 452
- Bogdan Nica, Saïd Amghibech:
Similarities of Euclidean Space: 11124. 452-453 - Alexander Dubinov, Irina Dubinova:
Closed Form Closure: 11143. 453 - David Beckwith, Harris Kwong:
Prime Powers Dividing a Factorial: 11158. 453-454 - Marc Chamberland, C. R. Pranesachar:
Fermat to the Rescue: 11160. 454 - Yogesh More, Robin Chapman:
The Sum of Catalan Numbers, Modulo 3: 11165. 454-455 - Kent Holing, et al.:
Properties of Pythagorean Triples: 11168. 455-456 - Emeric Deutsch, Stephen C. Locke:
Dissecting a Polygon: 11170. 456-457 - Heinz-Jürgen Seiffert:
Familiar Identities in Disguise: 11172. 457-458
- David M. Bressoud:
Making Transcendence Transparent by B. Burger; Robert Tubbs. 459-461 - Mark Schwartz:
Conics by Keith Kendig. 461-464
Volume 114, Number 6, June - July 2007
- Brian S. Thomson:
Rethinking the Elementary Real Analysis Course. 469-490 - Andrew J. Hetzel, Jay S. Liew, Kent E. Morrison:
The Probability That a Matrix of Integers Is Diagonalizable. 491-499 - Brody Dylan Johnson:
The Nonholonomy of the Rolling Sphere. 500-508 - Dierk Schleicher:
Hausdorff Dimension, Its Properties, and Its Surprises. 509-528
- Ling-Ling Shi, Hao Pan:
A q-Analogue of Wolstenholme's Harmonic Series Congruence. 529-531 - Jürgen Bliedtner, Peter A. Loeb:
A Local Maximal Function Simplifying Measure Differentiation. 532-536 - Boris Adamczewski, Yann Bugeaud:
A Short Proof of the Transcendence of Thue-Morse Continued Fractions. 536-540 - Joseph Bak, Pisheng Ding, Donald Newman:
Extremal Points, Critical Points, and Saddle Points of Analytic Functions. 540-546
- Jakob Jonsson:
Problem 11298. 547 - Pablo Fernández Refolio:
Problem 11299. 547 - Ulrich Abel:
Problem 11300. 547 - Finbarr Holland:
Problem 11301. 547 - Horst Alzer:
Problem 11302. 547 - Mohammad Farrokhi Derakhshandeh Ghouchan:
Problem 11303. 548 - Teodora-Liliana Radulescu:
Problem 11304. 548
- M. N. Deshpande, J. P. Shiwalkar, et al.:
Two Heads Are Better than One: 11173. 548-549 - Jon Louis Bentley, Colin L. Mallows, Richard Stong:
Learning from Experience: 11178. 549-550 - David Beckwith, Li Zhou:
A Determinant by Möbius Inversion: 11179. 550 - Shahin Amrahov, Nicholas Singer:
Perfect Powers in an Arithmetic Progression: 11182. 550-551 - David Beckwith, Vadim Ponomarenko, Rob Pratt:
Building Two Piles of Equal Height: 11183. 551-552 - Rainer Brück, Robin Chapman:
When Does It Converge: 11185. 552-554 - Li Zhou, Christopher Carl Heckman, Jerry Minkus, et al.:
Tiling 4-Rowed Rectangles with Dominoes: 11187. 554-556
- Susan Jane Colley:
Introduction to Plane Algebraic Curves by Ernst Kunz; Richard G. Belshoff. 557-561
Volume 114, Number 7, August - September 2007
- Enrique A. González-Velasco:
James Gregory's Calculus in the "Geometriœ Pars Universalis". 565-576 - Roman Dwilewicz, Ján Minác, Andrew Schultz, John Swallow:
Hilbert 90 for Biquadratic Extensions. 577-587 - Arno Berger, Theodore P. Hill:
Newton's Method Obeys Benford's Law. 588-601 - Jin Akiyama:
Tile-Makers and Semi-Tile-Makers. 602-609 - Byron L. Walden, Lesley A. Ward:
A Harmonic Measure Interpretation of the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean. 610-622
- Carlos A. Escudero, Agustí Reventós:
An Interesting Property of the Evolute. 623-628 - Jack Cook, Jonathan Lovett, Frank Morgan:
Rotation in a Normed Plane. 628-632 - Arjeh M. Cohen, Donald E. Taylor:
On a Certain Lie Algebra Defined by a Finite Group. 633-639
- Vahan Mkrtchyan:
Problem 11305. 640 - Alexandru Rosoiu:
Problem 11306. 640 - David Callan:
Problem 11307. 640 - Ovidiu Furdui:
Problem 11308. 640 - Roman Witula, Damian Slota:
Problem 11309. 640 - Erwin Just:
Problem 11310. 641 - Stephen J. Herschkorn:
Problem 11311. 641
- William Calbeck, Richard Stong:
Another Diophantine Equation: 11175. 641-642 - M. N. Deshpande, et al.:
An Urn Problem with Labeled and Unlabeled Balls: 11181. 642 - Angelo J. Christino Jr., William C. Waterhouse, et al.:
A Group of Invertible Matrices: 11186. 642-643 - David Bailey, M. L. Glasser, Richard Stong:
A Hypergeometric Identity: 11188. 643-645 - Lajos Csete, O. P. Lossers:
A Quick Inequality: 11189. 645 - José Luis Díaz-Barrero, Julien Grivaux:
A Polynomial and Its Zeros: 11190. 645-647 - Marian Tetiva:
A Cyclic AM-GM Inequality: 11193. 647 - Marian Tetiva, Pál Péter Dályay:
Ratio Circum-to-In-Radius: 11195. 648-649 - Aliyev Yakub, David B. Leep:
Symmetric Inequality: 11199. 649 - R. A. Strubel, Donald R. Bridges:
A Zeta Function Quickie: 11219. 649
- Stephen A. Fulling:
Linearity, Symmetry, and Prediction in the Hydrogen Atom by Stephanie Frank Singer. 650-653 - James Fey, Eric Hart, Christian Hirsch, Harold Schoen, Ann E. Watkins, Daniel J. Velleman:
Editor's Endnotes. 654-661
Volume 114, Number 8, October 2007
- David Benko:
A New Approach to Hilbert's Third Problem. 665-676 - John H. Jaroma, Kamaliya N. Reddy:
Classical and Alternative Approaches to the Mersenne and Fermat Numbers. 677-687 - Gábor J. Székely, Maria L. Rizzo:
The Uncertainty Principle of Game Theory. 688-702 - Harm Derksen, Christian Eggermont, Arno van den Essen:
Multimagic Squares. 703-713 - Leonard F. Klosinski, Gerald L. Alexanderson, Loren C. Larson:
The Sixty-Seventh William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. 714-724
- Peter D. Lax:
The Cauchy Integral Theorem. 725-727 - Folkmar Bornemann, Thomas Schmelzer:
Taming a Hydra of Singularities. 727-732 - M. Ram Murty, Nithum Thain:
Pick's Theorem via Minkowski's Theorem. 732-736 - Fernando Albiac, Nigel J. Kalton:
A Characterization of Real C(K)-Spaces. 737-743
- David Callan:
Problem 11312. 744 - Cezar Lupu, Tudorel Lupu:
Problem 11313. 744 - Yakub N. Aliyev:
Problem 11314. 744 - Mohammad Farrokhi Derakhshandeh Ghouchan:
Problem 11315. 744 - Ovidiu Furdui:
Problem 11316. 745 - Michel Bataille:
Problem 11317. 745 - Roman Witula, Damian Slota:
Problem 11318. 745
- R. V. Heath, Christian Boyer:
Better Late than Never: E 496. 745-746 - Folkmar Bornemann, Robert B. Israel:
A Disguised Radius of Convergence: 11194. 746-747 - Oleg Faynshteyn, Arkady Alt:
A Crux Inequality: 11197. 747-748 - Joel Zinn, O. P. Lossers:
Kronecker-Like Convergence: 11200. 748-749 - Michael S. Becker, Zuofeng Shang:
Cosine Infinite Product: 11210. 749 - Mihály Bencze, Heinz-Jürgen Seiffert:
More A-G Inequalities: 11211. 749-750 - José Luis Díaz-Barrero, Eugene A. Herman:
Limit of an Integral: 11225. 750 - Ovidiu Furdui, Michael Avidon:
A Gamma Limit: 11229. 751
- Warren P. Johnson:
Mathematics and Social Utopias in France: Olinde Rodrigues and His times by Simon Altmann; Eduardo L. Ortiz. 752-758
Volume 114, Number 9, November 2007
- Thomas Callaghan, Peter J. Mucha, Mason A. Porter:
Random Walker Ranking for NCAA Division I-A Football. 761-777 - John Starrett:
Solving Differential Equations by Symmetry Groups. 778-792 - Tomasz Bartnicki, Jaroslaw Grytczuk, Hal A. Kierstead, Xuding Zhu:
The Map-Coloring Game. 793-803
- Hugh L. Montgomery, Ulrike M. A. Vorhauer:
Biased Trigonometric Polynomials. 804-809 - Omer Adelman:
∑(1/n) = ∞: A Micro-Lesson on Probability and Symmetry. 809-810 - Benjamin A. Lotto:
Stacked Groups. 811-812 - Brett A. Harrison:
On the Reducibility of Cyclotomic Polynomials over Finite Fields. 813-818
- Marston Morse:
Topology and Equilibria. 819-834
- David Beckwith:
Problem 11319. 835 - Donald E. Knuth:
Problem 11320. 835 - Christopher J. Hillar:
Problem 11321. 835 - Jonathan Sondow:
Problem 11322. 835 - Jody M. Lockhart, William P. Wardlaw:
Problem 11323. 835 - Martin Kochanski:
Problem 11324. 836 - Finbarr Holland, Jim Leahy:
Problem 11325. 836 - José Luis Díaz-Barrero, Pantelimon George Popescu:
Problem 11326. 836
- Pál Péter Dályay, et al.:
Periodic Composition: 11174. 836-837 - Oleg Faynshteyn, Yan-loi Wong:
Another Triangle Inequality: 11176. 837-838 - Dorin Marghidanu, Henry Ricardo:
GM ≤ AM: 11177. 838 - Barthel Wayne Huff, Gregory Keselman:
Another Urn and Balls Problem: 11191. 838-839 - Brett Stevens, Richard Stong:
A Sudoku Solution from Orthogonal Latin Squares: 11192. 839-840 - Fuxiang Yu:
An Old Fermatian Problem: 11203. 840 - Christopher J. Hillar, John H. Lindsey II, Robin Chapman:
The Trace of the Sum of All Products of Two Matrices: 11204. 840-841 - Li Zhou, Chris Mackeprang, Kellen Myers:
Coloring Graphs on Sponges: 11208. 842
- Edward Nelson:
18 Unconventional Essays on the Nature of Mathematics by Reuben Hersh. 843-848
Volume 114, Number 10, December 2007
- Volume Information.
- Charles Hadlock:
Practicing Mathematics in the Public Arena: Challenges and Outcomes in Some Prominent Case Studies. 849-870 - Markku Halmetoja, Pentti Haukkanen, Teuvo Laurinolli, Jorma K. Merikoski, Timo Tossavainen, Ari Virtanen:
On Direct and Inverse Proportionality. 871-881 - Thomas C. Hales:
The Jordan Curve Theorem, Formally and Informally. 882-894 - Mark Levi, Serge Tabachnikov:
The Poncelet Grid and Billiards in Ellipses. 895-908
- Alain Connes, Don Zagier:
A Property of Parallelograms Inscribed in Ellipses. 909-914 - Johan Wästlund:
An Elementary Proof of the Wallis Product Formula for pi. 914-917 - Christopher J. Hillar, Darren L. Rhea:
Automorphisms of Finite Abelian Groups. 917-923 - António Guedes de Oliveira:
On the Adjugate of a Matrix. 923-924
- Rick Mabry, Debbie Shepherd:
Problem 11327. 925 - Dmitris Vartziotis:
Problem 11328. 925 - Tewodros Amdeberhan, Victor H. Moll:
Problem 11329. 925 - Marian Tetiva:
Problem 11330. 925 - Richard Bagby:
Problem 11331. 926 - Roberto Tauraso:
Problem 11332. 926 - Pablo Fernández Refolio:
Problem 11333. 926
- Chu Cheng, Marius Stefan:
A Quadrilateral and Its Circles: 11171. 926-927 - Wu Wei Chao, Pál Péter Dályay:
A Triangle Inequality: 11205. 928 - Mircea Ivan, Alexandru Lupas, Richard A. Stong:
A Limit Involving Euler's Constant: 11206. 928-929 - Michael W. Botsko, Robert B. Israel:
Disguised Cauchy Sequence: 11207. 929-930 - Alexander Dubinov, Irina Dubinova, Knut Dale:
Can "Closed Form" Involve Lambert? 11209. 930-931 - Michel Bataille, Richard Stong:
Finding the Greatest Lower Bound: 11217. 931 - Bogdan Nica:
Reverse Engineering: 11124. 932 - Kent Holing:
Unsolved No Longer: 11154. 932 - Errata: 11307. 932
- Michael Henle:
Divine Proportions: Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry by N. J. Wildberger. 933-937

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