Sie haben einen leistungsstarken Mitarbeiter, mit dem es schwierig ist, zusammenzuarbeiten. Wie können Sie diese effektiv verwalten?
Set behavior standards:Clearly outline expected workplace behaviors to emphasize teamwork. This ensures everyone understands the importance of collaboration and fosters a more cohesive work environment.### *Offer balanced feedback:Regularly provide feedback that highlights strengths and addresses concerns. This helps high performers understand their impact on the team and encourages positive behavioral changes.
Sie haben einen leistungsstarken Mitarbeiter, mit dem es schwierig ist, zusammenzuarbeiten. Wie können Sie diese effektiv verwalten?
Set behavior standards:Clearly outline expected workplace behaviors to emphasize teamwork. This ensures everyone understands the importance of collaboration and fosters a more cohesive work environment.### *Offer balanced feedback:Regularly provide feedback that highlights strengths and addresses concerns. This helps high performers understand their impact on the team and encourages positive behavioral changes.
Equilibrar alto desempenho e colaboração é um desafio, mas acredito que começa com a definição clara de expectativas. Para garantir o equilíbrio, destaco a importância do trabalho em equipe e crio um ambiente onde o desempenho individual não sobreponha o coletivo. Oferecer feedback regular, tanto positivo quanto construtivo, é essencial para reconhecer os pontos fortes do colaborador e, ao mesmo tempo, abordar os comportamentos que podem prejudicar a dinâmica da equipe. Promover um diálogo aberto e constante ajuda a alinhar as expectativas e a construir um ambiente mais colaborativo e eficaz. ⚖️
High performers thrive on challenges, but it's crucial to ensure their assignments align with their expectations and the impact they seek. If their needs aren’t met, they may lose enthusiasm, which can affect both their performance and the team’s dynamics. To effectively manage high-performing employees, maintain open lines of communication to understand their concerns and aspirations. Emphasize the importance of collaboration for the overall success of the project. Additionally, whenever possible, align their work with their preferences and goals. By doing so, you not only empower them but also enhance team cohesion and productivity.
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