Ihr Redetermin wird vom Veranstalter gekürzt. Wie können Sie trotzdem eine aussagekräftige Präsentation halten?
Zeitdruck im Rampenlicht? Teilen Sie mit, wie Sie trotz des unerwarteten Abbruchs eine Präsentation hinbekommen haben.
Ihr Redetermin wird vom Veranstalter gekürzt. Wie können Sie trotzdem eine aussagekräftige Präsentation halten?
Zeitdruck im Rampenlicht? Teilen Sie mit, wie Sie trotz des unerwarteten Abbruchs eine Präsentation hinbekommen haben.
Stay calm and prioritize what matters. First, identify your audience and what kind of content resonates with them. Then, streamline your speech accordingly. Once, I was invited to an entrepreneur's meet, and though I had a 15-minute speech prepared, I was told I only had 5 minutes due to time constraints. Instead of diving into theory and explaining my business model, I chose to share a personal story about my entrepreneurial journey—how I started my business at 16. I'm glad I did because nothing connects you to an audience better than a personal experience.
I just did this a couple of days ago! My hour-long presentation had to become a 30 minute presentation on the fly. The best way to handle it is going to depend on the venue, audience, and topic, but for me, I cut out most of the audience activities (which prove a point, but take a lot of time) and then focused on the core principles that I knew would help the audience most. I had to skip some wonderfully fun and impactful stories, but since it was a more tactical and results-driven setting, it mattered more to just get the principles and action items out. In other settings I may do the opposite and skip the science to savor the stories. It all depends on the audience.
If you're a public speaker, then you know one of two things will likely happen: 1) the organizer tells you at the last minute that your time has to be cut short 2) the organizer gives your more time than expected Either way it's best to come prepared. When writing my talks I plan on cutting certain sections if necessary. Or, I will write specific sections in a way that allows me to freestyle if needed. If you prepare this way you'll become best friends with event organizers and you'll likely be asked to come back. What do you to plan for time crunch situations at an event?
Always come prepared and have a backup plan. Lead with your main point right from the start—this way, even if you're cut off, you've left an impression. Another trick that works well is practicing an elevator pitch a couple of times, this will help you get across a key point or two, and make a connection with others when on stage.
This has become common for public speakers to adjust with time. Being proactive is the key. "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst" will help you to cope up with the situation. What I do is to keep myself ready for longer hours of addressing, but I also make sure in advance that what topics are core topics which I must cover irrespective of the time available. You can prepare your PPT accordingly and skip few slides. But make sure to cover those pointers in brief either at introduction or while concluding.
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