Titelbild von ACCELIOS Energy GmbHACCELIOS Energy GmbH


Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion


ACCELIOS Energy is an owner-managed consulting company with many years of experience in the renewable energy market. Our focus is on risk assessment when investing in assets in the field of renewable energies, strategy development and professional support for M&A processes in the energy market. ACCELIOS takes an active part in the energy transition. We offer our services tailored to the needs of developers, investors, banks, and insurance companies. In the area of claim management for insurance companies, we are the market leader in Europe for solar PV. We are also successfully active in international markets with the processing of sell-side and buy-side mandates for large solar PV power plants. The company is also involved in sector coupling, the market launch of storage technologies and the development of green hydrogen applications. Join us at Power for Renewables!

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
2–10 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von ACCELIOS Energy GmbH


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    Exciting news for potential investors! On behalf of our client, we are pleased to present to you an investment opportunity in the attractive battery energy storage sector in Germany, The Developer intends to sell the Project Rights at RTB to an Investor and enter now into a Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”). Please contact us for more informations on transactions@accelios.energy . #acceliosenergy #thinkfuture #bess #batterystorage #batteryenergy #storagesystems #renewableenergy #sustainableenergy

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  • Exciting news for potential investors! On behalf of our client, we are pleased to present to you an investment opportunity in the emerging solar PV sector in Romania. The Developer intends to sell the Project Rights at RTB to an Investor and enter now into a Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”). Please contact us for more information on transactions@accelios.energy #acceliossolar #acceliosenergy #solarpower #photovoltaik #romaniasolar #renewableenergy #sustainableenergy #solarenergy

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    Exciting news for potential investors! On behalf of our client, we are pleased to present to you an investment opportunity in the attractive battery energy storage sector in Germany, The Developer intends to sell the Project Rights at RTB to an Investor and enter now into a Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”). Please contact us for more informations on transactions@accelios.energy . #acceliosenergy #thinkfuture #bess #batterystorage #batteryenergy #storagesystems #renewableenergy #sustainableenergy

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    Investor and market outlook for BESS projects in the UK The UK battery energy storage system (BESS) market is poised for significant growth, driven by increasing demand for grid flexibility and the integration of renewable energy sources. Despite this potential, investor interest remains mixed and a significant number are reluctant to participate in UK BESS projects. The UK government has set itself the goal of making the country a world leader in the development and manufacture of sustainable batteries. This strategy includes significant investment in research and development and the construction of new gigafactories. The market for BESS in the UK continues to develop, with projects increasing in scale and complexity. Recent developments include the approval of a 1,040 MW project at Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park in Manchester, highlighting the trend towards larger plants. A survey of investors mainly based in Europe found that most investors cited various reasons for their lack of interest, such as prioritizing their existing portfolios, looking for projects with earlier connection dates and larger capacities, currently focused on other European markets, or the impact of Brexit and the associated economic uncertainties. The UK BESS market faces several challenges that need to be addressed, for example the Revenue Volatility, Supply Chain Risks like the long lead times for critical components and Regulatory Hurdles like fire safety and other regulatory changes. But there are also significant opportunities for growth in the UK BESS market like Government Support, Technological Advancements in battery technology and Co-locating BESS with renewable energy projects can provide synergies and improve the overall economics of energy storage. The UK BESS market presents a mixed outlook for investors, but with strategic planning and risk mitigation, this market can attract more investment and play a crucial role in the transition to a sustainable energy future. For more information or to discuss your specific needs, please reach out to us at transactions@accelios.energy #acceliosenergy #thinkfuture #batterystorage #batteryenergy #storagesystems #unitedkingdom

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  • Investor and market outlook for BESS projects in the UK The UK battery energy storage system (BESS) market is poised for significant growth, driven by increasing demand for grid flexibility and the integration of renewable energy sources. Despite this potential, investor interest remains mixed and a significant number are reluctant to participate in UK BESS projects. The UK government has set itself the goal of making the country a world leader in the development and manufacture of sustainable batteries. This strategy includes significant investment in research and development and the construction of new gigafactories. The market for BESS in the UK continues to develop, with projects increasing in scale and complexity. Recent developments include the approval of a 1,040 MW project at Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park in Manchester, highlighting the trend towards larger plants. A survey of investors mainly based in Europe found that most investors cited various reasons for their lack of interest, such as prioritizing their existing portfolios, looking for projects with earlier connection dates and larger capacities, currently focused on other European markets, or the impact of Brexit and the associated economic uncertainties. The UK BESS market faces several challenges that need to be addressed, for example the Revenue Volatility, Supply Chain Risks like the long lead times for critical components and Regulatory Hurdles like fire safety and other regulatory changes. But there are also significant opportunities for growth in the UK BESS market like Government Support, Technological Advancements in battery technology and Co-locating BESS with renewable energy projects can provide synergies and improve the overall economics of energy storage. The UK BESS market presents a mixed outlook for investors, but with strategic planning and risk mitigation, this market can attract more investment and play a crucial role in the transition to a sustainable energy future. For more information or to discuss your specific needs, please reach out to us at transactions@accelios.energy #acceliosenergy #thinkfuture #batterystorage #batteryenergy #storagesystems #unitedkingdom

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  • Exciting news for potential investors! On behalf of our client, we are pleased to present to you an investment opportunity in the battery energy storage sector in the United Kingdom (UK). The Developer intends to sell the Project Rights at RTB to an Investor and enter into a Share Purchase Agreement („SPA“). Please contact us for more information on transactions@accelios.energy. #acceliossolar #acceliosenergy #solarpower #photovoltaik #energystorage #batterystorage #renewableenergy #sustainableenergy #solarenergy

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  • ACCELIOS Solar was mandated by Eurja Power Generation Pvt. Ltd (Seller). Successful sale of 4 MW Distributed Solar PV Project rights with secured PPA to Soleos Solar Energy Pvt Ltd (Buyer) at Read to Build (RtB) stage. ☼ Prajwal Kunder: “This transaction represents a de-risked investment for the buyer, ensuring stable and predictable returns due to the secured PPAs. This milestone is a testament to our client’s robust growth trajectory in the renewable energy sector. It underscores their commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions and their strategic positioning in the market. Furthermore, this transaction highlights the continuing growth potential in the Indian solar energy market. As the demand for clean energy solutions rises, we remain optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead in this dynamic and rapidly evolving sector.”

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  • **Resümee der Intersolar-Messe 2024** Die Intersolar-Messe war auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein voller Erfolg und bot eine hervorragende Plattform für spannende Gespräche und innovative Ideen im Bereich der Solarenergie. Es war eine Freude, unsere Geschäftspartner persönlich zu treffen und sich über aktuelle Projekte und zukünftige Möglichkeiten auszutauschen. Wir möchten uns herzlich bei allen unseren Geschäftspartnern für ihr Vertrauen und die gute Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Ihre Unterstützung und die konstruktiven Gespräche sind für uns von unschätzbarem Wert und tragen wesentlich zu unserem gemeinsamen Erfolg bei. Ein besonderer Dank geht an alle, die wir persönlich sprechen konnten. Es war großartig, alte Bekannte wiederzusehen und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Wir freuen uns darauf, die besprochenen Ideen und Projekte gemeinsam in die Tat umzusetzen. Danke für das Vertrauen und die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit. Wir blicken mit großer Zuversicht auf die kommenden Herausforderungen und freuen uns auf viele weitere erfolgreiche Kooperationen. Ihr ACCELIOS-Energy Team❤️ **Summary of the Intersolar trade fair** The Intersolar trade fair was once again a complete success this year and provided an excellent platform for exciting discussions and innovative ideas in the field of solar energy. It was a pleasure to meet our business partners in person and discuss current projects and future opportunities. We would like to thank all our business partners for their trust and good cooperation. Their support and constructive discussions are invaluable to us and contribute significantly to our joint success. Special thanks go to all those we were able to meet in person. It was great to see old acquaintances and make new contacts. We look forward to putting the ideas and projects we discussed into practice together. Thank you for the trust and the partnership. We look forward to the challenges ahead with great confidence and look forward to many more successful collaborations. Your ACCELIOS-Energy Team❤️

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