Albatross Projects GmbH

Albatross Projects GmbH

Architektur und Planung

Nattheim, BW 2.760 Follower:innen

High quality anechoic chamber and shielding solutions by Albatross Projects. EMC, Microwave and MRI. #startwithtrust


Albatross Projects is one of the leading global manufacturers of anechoic chambers and shielded rooms for various applications in EMC, antenna testing and high-frequency technology. The world is our home. Our expertise lies in the development, design and realization of test environments to verify the electromagnetic compatibility of your products according to national and international requirements. Albatross Projects` successful solutions are based on the vast technical skill sets of our project teams. Our global strength is managing your project with all interfaces. We work by your side to meet the needs of your chamber project within your timeline. This is supported by the highest potential of experience, expertise, innovation and understanding of your demand. Tell us what you need – we‘ll have the solution. Excellent conditions for excellent results!

Architektur und Planung
11–50 Beschäftigte
Nattheim, BW
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
EMC, Electromagnetic Compability, Shielded Rooms, Anechoic Chamber, Microwave, MIL, Tempest, Absorber, Antenna Testing, Radar Testing, Automotive, CISPR, MRI und MRT


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