BayWa r.e. Global

BayWa r.e. Global

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion

Munich, Bavaria 74.417 Follower:innen


BAYWA R.E. RENEWABLE ENERGY BayWa r.e wurde 2009 als 100-prozentige Tochter der BayWa AG gegründet. Unter Ihrem Dach bündeln sich sämtliche Aktivitäten des Konzerns im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien: Photovoltaik, Windenergie, Biomasse und Geothermie. Heute zählt BayWa r.e. zu einem der stabilsten Projektentwickler und Sytemanbieter von PV-Anlagen in Deutschland und Europa. Für unsere Kunden sind wir dabei auch Ansprechpartner für Beratungs- und Serviceleistungen rund um den Anlagenbetrieb. Wir setzen auf einen Energiemix aus verschiedenen regenerativen Technologien und auf Aktivitäten in unterschiedlichen Ländern – aktuell in Deutschland, Europa und den USA. Unser Ziel ist es, den Ausbau der regenerativen Energien weltweit voranzubringen. Mit der Größe, der weltweiten Vernetzung und der Finanzstärke der BayWa AG sind wir gut gerüstet, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Die Branche der Erneuerbaren Energien bietet wie kaum ein anderer Bereich die Möglichkeit, sich beruflich erfolgreich weiterzuentwickeln und zugleich aktiv am Erhalt einer lebenswerten Umwelt mitzuarbeiten. Die interessanten und perspektivenreichen Positionen der BayWa r.e. gliedern sich in die Geschäftsfelder Windenergie, Solarenergie, und Geothermie. Wir bieten Ihnen spannende Tätigkeiten in fachlich kompetenten Teams. Als expandierender Anbieter im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien schaffen wir die Möglichkeit zur fachlichen und persönlichen Weiterentwicklung. Ein freundliches und kollegiales Arbeitsumfeld ist selbstverständlicher Bestandteil unserer Unternehmenskultur. Im Netzwerk der BayWa r.e. profitieren Sie von flachen Hierarchien mit kurzen, schnellen Entscheidungswegen. Die Anbindung an die BayWa AG bietet die Sicherheit und die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, die Sie von einem Großkonzern erwarten können. Sie finden unsere aktuellen Stellenanzeigen unter:

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Solar and Wind Projects, Solar Distribution, Services, Energy Trading, Renewable Energy Solutions, Hybrid Projects, BESS, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind und Hybrid


Beschäftigte von BayWa r.e. Global


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    Did you know that #photovoltaic (PV) systems not only preserve farmland and protect biodiversity but also offer significant benefits to agricultural land? Here are a few key advantages: ✅ Wind Protection: Agri-PV systems shield the land from high winds, reducing soil erosion and maintaining soil fertility in the long term. ✅ Enhanced Pastures: Sheep grazing around PV systems improves the quality of green pastures. ✅ Biodiversity Enrichment: Thoughtful PV designs can enhance #biodiversity, such as bio huts that serve as shelters for fish and other vertebrates, strengthening underwater ecosystems. ✅ Water Conservation: Floating-PV systems reduce evaporation, which is especially beneficial in areas with scarce water resources. To learn more about debunking other #SolarEnergy misconceptions, watch our video here👉:

    Does Solar Energy Take Too Much Land From Farming and Harm Biodiversity?

  • Unternehmensseite von BayWa r.e. Global anzeigen, Grafik

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    Discover Our Commitment: BayWa r.e.'s Sustainability Update 2023 Out Now! This Update highlights our ambitions to create a more sustainable future and a healthier planet. At BayWa r.e., we strive to set new benchmarks in responsible business practices, viewing sustainability as a core motivator and an integral part of our corporate identity. With the Sustainability Update 2023, we aim to inform all stakeholders about the progress we’ve made towards the objectives of our sustainability strategy. It also presents ESG key figures and case studies demonstrating the positive impact of our renewable energy projects, such as: ✔️Reducing Water Scarcity: Our innovative rainwater collection system installed beneath the solar panels in southern Spain. ✔️Environmental Benefits of Floating PV Parks: Showcasing the ecological advantages of our floating photovoltaic installations. ✔️Community Engagement in Bullawah, Australia: Highlighting our collaborative efforts with local communities for sustainable development. To learn more, download the full Sustainability Update 2023 here: or visit our website:

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  • Unternehmensseite von BayWa r.e. Global anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔋 New Video Alert: Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)! 🚀 Ever thought about how rain barrels save water for a sunny day? 💧 BESS do the same with energy! They store power from renewables like solar and wind, ensuring you have electricity whenever you need it. Here’s why BESS are the unsung heroes of the energy world: 🌟 Power Reliability: BESS keep the lights on during power outages and manage high electricity demand, providing a reliable energy supply. 🚨 Safety First: Equipped with fire suppression, smoke detection, and climate control systems, our BESS are designed for maximum safety. 📈 Grid Optimization: By balancing grid fluctuations and reducing congestion, BESS enhance power quality and make better use of existing infrastructure, reducing the need for grid expansion. 🌞 Renewable Powerhouse: Combining BESS with solar or wind projects maximizes land use, improves grid utilization, and lowers costs. With over 8 GW of projects across Europe and APAC, we’re ensuring that renewable energy always finds its way into the grid. 🌍🔋 🎥 Watch our video to see how BayWa r.e. is supercharging the energy transition! #BayWaRE #BESS #BatteryStorage #EnergyStorage

  • Unternehmensseite von BayWa r.e. Global anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌞 Empowering Future Innovators at Solar Park Pfaffenweiler! We're excited to share the next phase of our biodiversity research project at Pfaffenweiler Solar Park, in collaboration with a local German high school. After completing the introductory theoretical sessions ( with Dr. Nora Adam and Martin Dennenmoser, the students were thrilled to visit our Solar Park Pfaffenweiler and actually start conducting their research. They explored the biodiversity beneath and nearby the PV modules, with unique features such as a lizard hotel, sheep grazing, and game crossing fences, all enhancing the ecosystem. This site was the basis for the ongoing research by the young scholars to determine if areas under PV systems are biodiverse enough to serve as compensation areas. Eager to learn more about their results? Then stay tuned to follow our exciting #EducationalCollaboration journey. #Education #Sustainability #Biodiversity #BayWaRE #StudentResearch Montessori Zentrum ANGELL Freiburg ⏩ Discover more on our website:  

  • Unternehmensseite von BayWa r.e. Global anzeigen, Grafik

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    Last week, we sold our Spanish solar park, Almodóvar, to Encavis AG, a leading independent power producer. Located in Andalucía near Córdoba, Almodóvar has a capacity of 95 MW and generates 187 GWh of electricity annually. We are committed to enhancing biodiversity during the construction and operation of the Almodóvar solar park. Our initiatives include creating ponds for invertebrates and amphibians, installing nesting boxes, building shelters for small mammals, insects, and bats, and cultivating leguminous and cereal species across an 82-hectare area to benefit steppe birds. Find out more:

  • Unternehmensseite von BayWa r.e. Global anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔦 BayWa r.e. Spotlight on Offshore Wind 🌊 Two months ago, the French Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty announced that the consortium between BayWa r.e. and Elicio is the proud winner of the world's first commercial floating offshore wind tender. 🌊 🏆 The project, named Pennavel, will have a capacity of 230 to 270 MW. It is located off the coast of Lorient, Brittany, and is pivotal in driving the floating wind industry in France. #BWRESpotlightOffshoreWind #OffshoreWind #FloatingWind #EnergyTransition #WindEnergy

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    1,000 kilometers a day? It's possible thanks to 170 BayWa r.e. colleagues who walked, ran, or cycled for our Movement Challenge in June. By the end of the month, we covered a total of 30,503 kilometers! 🚶♂️🏃♀️🚴♂️ This effort not only boosted our health but also supported a great cause. We donated 2,500 euros to the Afghan Volunteer Women's Association ( Because long commutes are especially dangerous for female teachers in Afghanistan, our donation will cover transportation costs for 26 teachers at Bojasor School for 10 weeks. 🚌👩🏫 Thank you to everyone who joined us on this journey! 🌟👏  #WeEffectChange #MovementChallenge #Community Zühre Neslihan İ. Alexander R.

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    🔦 BayWa r.e. spotlight on #OffshoreWind 🌊 Can you guess what Susann "Sanni" Beucke, and our offshore wind projects have in common? We are a proud sponsor of Olympic Games medallist, Sanni Beucke, who started her second career in #offshore sailing two years ago. Where the wind blows, Sanni would be sailing with the sea breeze across the ocean. The same wind that we need for our #offshore wind farms, which we will build worldwide, to generate green energy.    👉 Find out more about how BayWa r.e. and Sanni are setting sails together: #bwrespotlightoffshorewind #offshorewind #floatingwind #energytransition #windenergy #weeffectchange #roadto2028 #thisraceisfemale

  • Unternehmensseite von BayWa r.e. Global anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 Our educational collaboration with a German high school kicked off! As previously announced, our educational collaboration journey kicked off with introductory sessions by our two experts Dr. Nora Adam, Research & Development Ecological Engineer and Martin Dennenmoser, Team Lead Research & Development. These two sessions were designed to provide students with a complete understanding of a solar park's functionality, equipping them with the essential knowledge needed for their upcoming on-site research. The task for the students is to find out if solar parks are biodiverse enough to be used for conservation. "The task for the students is to explore how solar parks can enhance biodiversity and address climate change. They developed monitoring concepts to assess biodiversity measures like creating flower islands, species-rich grasslands, installing nesting boxes, and planting native trees. They also proposed ways to increase public awareness and acceptance of solar parks, such as involving school students in monitoring, installing information boards, sharing on social media, and conducting public surveys." – Dr. Nora Adam.  Stay tuned to follow our exciting #educationcollaboration journey. #Education #Sustainability #Biodiversity #BayWare #StudentResearch #MontessoriMontessori Zentrum ANGELL Freiburg ⏩ Discover more on our website:

  • Unternehmensseite von BayWa r.e. Global anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌈 Just like every year, Pride Month in 2024 was a great chance to celebrate the motto #ComeAsYouAre. On the 22nd of June, we came together to celebrate diversity by joining the Pride Parade Munich (CSD) as an official walking group. The members of our Pride Community, our dear allies, friends, and families took their place to show support and how great it is to embrace every individual as their true self. A special thank you to all our colleagues who participated and made it a huge success! Let’s keep the spirit of Pride high every day by embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive workplace. To learn more about how else we support diversity at BayWa r.e., visit our website: #WeEffectChange #Pride #DEI

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