🚡🚠 Cable Car World 2024 was an international stage for mobility by cableway The positive response to the second edition of Cable Car World at MESSE ESSEN makes it clear that more and more local authorities see urban cable cars as a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to conventional infrastructure in local public transport. From June 4 to 5, 2024, the congress trade fair was able to expand its status as an innovative specialist event for mobility solutions at the plus-one level and make a significant contribution to networking decision-makers and driving urban cable car projects forward. Over 600 trade fair and congress participants from 21 countries - including delegations from Brazil and Sierra Leone as well as the C40 Cities network and the International Organization for the Ropeway Industry OITAF - came to find out about technologies, products and services from 51 exhibitors and 17 partners from ten countries. Attractions included the Mobility Lab with a Science Wall and City Lab, a cable car model and the Cable Car Congress. 🚡🚠 Interactive trade fair concept was well received Cable Car World 2024 used various formats to familiarise visitors with the topic. The Mobility Lab powered by Bartholet Maschinenbau AG & LEITNER was the centrepiece of the trade fair. The communication area was frequently used for discussions with experts from consulting and planning or in-depth workshops. It was also the starting point for guided tours. Special attention was paid to the City Lab, which was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport. Bogotá, Bonn, Duisburg, Freetown, Herne, Munich, Oberhausen, Offenbach, Toulouse and the Rhine-Neckar Transport Association presented their current cable car projects. For example, a connection across the Rhine in Bonn, Germany is currently being planned. The project fulfils the criteria for public funding and therefore has the best chances of being implemented. Herne is also focussing on an urban cable car. In the city in the German Ruhr region, a new technology district is to be connected to the railway station in Wanne-Eickel. The Science Wall showcased the current state of research with the participation of Technische Universität Wien, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Universidad de los Andes - Colombia, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, MBA Sustainability Management (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg), OTH Regensburg, UAM Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and the Mobility Department of the City of Munich. 📍 Save the date! The next Cable Car World and the integrated Cable Car Congress will take place on June 9 and 10, 2026 at MESSE ESSEN. ArcelorMittal WireSolutions Transdev Fatzer AG GEBAG Duisburger Baugesellschaft mbH #messeessen #cablecarworld #cablecarworld24 #cablecarworld2024 #ccw24 #cablecarworld26 #cablecarworld2026 #ccw26 #cablecar #cablecars #seilbahn #seilbahntechnik #ropeway #mobility #publictransport #infrastructure #urbanplanning
Cable Car World
Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 3.409 Follower:innen
home of new urban mobility | 9th - 10th June 2026 | Messe Essen | Germany
The Cable Car World Initiative aims to promote public mobility at the plus-one level. At the Plus One level, cable-drawn systems in particular can be used. Urban cable cars are the focus of the international congress fair Cable Car World - home of new urban mobility. This takes place every two years at Messe Essen (Germany). The integrated trade congress will develop the subject further in terms of content. In addition to the international congress fair, other activities take place at Cable Car World during the year, about which we provide information via our channel. The Cable Car World channel also serves to inform about current developments on projects all over the world.
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Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 45131, DE
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🌍🚠 Urbane Seilbahnen: Mobilitätsrevolution über dem Boden? 🚠🌍 Die DVWG Rhein-Ruhr lädt ein zur Vortragsveranstaltung im Rahmen der Cable Car World 2025 – der führenden Messe für urbane Seilbahnen in Essen! Vor einigen Jahren haben wir die Seilbahn in Koblenz diskutiert – heute stehen erste Projekte in NRW vor der Tür! Wir freuen uns, zwei hochkarätige Referent:innen im Rahmen der Veranstaltung der #BVRheinRuhrWestfalen begrüßen zu dürfen: 🤩 Dominik Berndt – Geschäftsführer der Cable Car World, gibt Einblicke in technische, verkehrliche und politische Aspekte #urbaner Seilbahnen. 🤩 Nicole H. – maßgeblich beteiligt an der Umsetzung des größten urbanen #Seilbahnsystems der Welt in La Paz, Bolivien, berichtet aus erster Hand über Chancen & Herausforderungen. 📅 Wann? Dienstag, 25. März 2025, 18:00 Uhr 📍 Wo? MESSE ESSEN GmbH, Messehaus Ost, 2. OG „Boardroom“ ⚠️ Die Plätze sind begrenzt – sichere dir deinen Platz unter geschaeftsfuehrung@rhein-ruhr.dvwg.de! Seilbahnen könnten bald Teil des ÖPNV in NRW sein – sei dabei und diskutiere mit! 🚡🔝 #SeilbahnNRW #ÖPNV #MobilitätDerZukunft #CableCarWorld #Stadtverkehr
#Freetown, working in partnership with the C40 Cities Finance Facility, will develop its first cable car project, with four stations, a total length of 3.6km, and the capacity to serve 6,000 people per hour in both directions. This will transform the public transport sector in Freetown (capital city of Sierra Leone), allowing under-served hillside communities access to the central business district through quick, safe, and inexpensive public transport. The project was presented exclusively at Cable Car World 2024 by Lord Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE. It is set to be the first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa. Find out more about the project here. If you have any questions, please contact Modupe Williams. 👉 To explore more about urban cable cars, visit #CCW26! 📅 9-10 June 2026 | 📍 MESSE ESSEN GmbH | 🌐 #Germany https://lnkd.in/e29rDwDU
Im VISION mobility Interview von Gregor Soller haben Prof. Dr. Harry Wagner von der Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (Speaker auf der CCW24 > https://lnkd.in/d4P8zeNj) und Raphael Schmidt von KPIT (Experte auf der CCW24 > https://lnkd.in/d7Ht_ufb) über Intermodalität mit urbanen Seilbahnen, die +1-Ebene und was deren Nutzung fördert oder hindert gesprochen. Dabei stellt Prof. Wagner grundlegend fest: "Wir müssen uns davon verabschieden, zu glauben, dass es Verkehr und die Mobilitätswende gratis gibt! Der ÖPNV ist eine Hilfe, um Mobilität nachhaltiger zu gestalten und kein Business Case, der Profit abwirft." 👉 Erfahre mehr über urbane Seilbahnen und besuche die #CCW26! 📅 9.-10. Juni 2026 | 📍 MESSE ESSEN GmbH | 🌐 #Germany https://lnkd.in/d8kCSCxP
As the The Times Of India reported, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region - India (MMR) is set to witness a transformative leap in urban transportation as the proposed cable car project received in-principle approval from Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari. The announcement followed a meeting of state transport ministers in New Delhi, where Maharashtra Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik presented the ambitious plan. 👉 To explore more about urban cable cars, visit #CCW26! 🗣️ For more information about India, please contact Jitender Sharma 📅 9-10 June 2026 | 📍 MESSE ESSEN GmbH | 🌐 #Germany https://lnkd.in/dxbKQwuD
Wie die WAZ berichtet schreiten die Duisburger Seilbahnpläne weiter voran. In Duisburg sollen drei große Neubaugebiete mit dem Hauptbahnhof über eine Seilbahn verbunden werden. Die Vorprüfungen sind bisher sehr vielversprechend, sodass eine Umsetzung im Gleichschritt mit den Gebietsentwicklungen wahrscheinlicher wird. Neben den Projekten in Bonn und Herne könnte nun auch in Duisburg demnächst die Plus-Eins-Ebene für den öffentlichen Nahverkehr erschlossen werden. 👉 Erfahre mehr über urbane Seilbahnen und besuche die #CCW26! 📅 9.-10. Juni 2026 | 📍 MESSE ESSEN GmbH | 🌐 #Germany https://lnkd.in/d4kBNVAw
The #Italian city of #Trieste is receiving 48.7 million euros for the construction of an urban cable car that will connect part of the harbour with the Karst region. This was announced by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The project is EU-funded by the reconstruction plan for the period after the coronavirus pandemic. The cable car will be the first of its kind in Italy. The contract for the project in Trieste was awarded to LEITNER. The journey should take a quarter of an hour. The main aim of the project is to reduce the pressure of car traffic from the northern entrance to the city. 👉 To explore more about urban cable cars, visit #CCW26! 📅 9-10 June 2026 | 📍 MESSE ESSEN GmbH | 🌐 #Germany https://lnkd.in/dFNJrsDw
Cable Car World hat dies direkt geteilt
🌍🚡 Teleféricos: conectando cidades, diminuindo distâncias e inspirando o futuro da mobilidade urbana! A segunda edição do Cable Car World , realizada nos dias 4 e 5 de junho de 2024, reuniu 600 participantes de 21 países, consolidando-se como um dos maiores encontros globais sobre soluções inovadoras para mobilidade com teleféricos. Delegações do Brasil, Serra Leoa e redes influentes como o C40 Cities e a OITAF marcaram presença, destacando o interesse crescente por essa alternativa sustentável para o transporte urbano. Durante o evento, foram discutidos temas que mostram como os teleféricos podem transformar cidades, reduzindo emissões de carbono, conectando áreas de difícil acesso e estimulando o desenvolvimento econômico. Experiências práticas, como o sistema bem-sucedido de La Paz, na Bolívia e do México, inspiraram debates, enquanto iniciativas como as de Freetown, na Serra Leoa, visam o potencial social e econômico. Além disso, o congresso apresentou soluções de financiamento, como Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP), que viabilizam grandes projetos, e promoveu a troca de ideias entre tomadores de decisão de diferentes setores. Com expositores de dez países e workshops de alto nível, o Cable Car World reafirmou sua posição como um marco global para o avanço dos teleféricos urbanos. Estar presente nesse cenário internacional foi essencial para acompanharmos as tendências e fortalecer nossa atuação no setor, representando o Brasil em um evento que é referência global. 🚠🇧🇷 Seguimos conectando ideias, inovação e soluções para um futuro mais sustentável. #MobilidadeUrbana #Teleféricos #Sustentabilidade #Inovação #Infraestrutura #Networking #MetalumínioTeleféricos #CableCarWorld #FuturoSustentável #BrasilNoMundo
Cable Car World hat dies direkt geteilt
Für uns war das heute ein guter Tag im Ruhrparlament. Neben einem Impuls von NRW Wirtschaftsministerin Mona Neubaur und der Wiederwahl des Finanz- und Beteiligungsdezernenten Markus Schlüter für acht Jahre, bekamen wir auch kräftig Rückendeckung für unsere moderne Mobilität in Form einer 🚠 Seilbahn. Auf Vorschlag der Bezirksregierungen Arnsberg, Düsseldorfund Münster hat heute das Ruhrparlament aller 53 Städte mit 76:2 Simmen beschlossen, dass die urbane Seilbahn in Herne beim Land NRW zur Aufnahme in den Bedarfsplan angemeldet und zur Aufnahme in den ÖPNV- Infrastruktur Finanzierungsplan des Landes vorgeschlagen wird. Ein großer, weiterer Etappenschritt. Jetzt kann der Stadtrat in Herne sich bald über ein Betreibermodell verständigen. Echte Pionierarbeit in Herne.
Cable Car World hat dies direkt geteilt
🚠✨ Tivemos o privilégio de participar do Cable Car World 2024 em Essen, Alemanha, um evento internacional que destacou as soluções inovadoras para a mobilidade urbana. Durante os dias 9 e 10 de junho, exploramos novas tecnologias e discutimos como os teleféricos urbanos podem ser uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para o transporte público. Com mais de 600 participantes de 21 países - incluindo delegações do Brasil e de Serra Leoa -, este evento se consolidou como um verdadeiro ponto de encontro para profissionais que buscam transformar a mobilidade nas cidades com o uso disruptivo de Teleféricos. 🌍🚡 O futuro da mobilidade urbana está nos céus: os teleféricos são a chave para um transporte multimodal mais sustentável e eficiente, conectando cidades de forma inteligente e ecológica. #CableCarWorld #MobilidadeUrbana #FuturoSustentável #TransporteEficiente #Sustentabilidade #Inovação #Transporte #MobilidadePorTeleférico #Essen2024 #Teleferico #Cablecar #Ropeways