We still feel the magic of co-creation that happened at the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Meaningful Conversations training last weekend at bUm - Raum für solidarisches Miteinander. Together with the hosting team Alice Priori, Carolin Goethel, Maria Scordialos, Julia Hoffmann, Christa Cocciole, Robin Hotz, Frauke Godat we formulated 2 calling questions inspired by the Citizens Lab current action research. ~ What new beginnings could appear through practising cultures of care and kinship? ~ What more could we be and do as humanity if we collectively listen into our potentials, our differences, and traumas? 66 people felt called, from across sectors, working on diverse topics, including climate change, transformative education, systems change, citizens governance, health systems, healing and trauma, organisation change, culture change, activism, cooperativism etc. More on our harvest from the training coming soon... In the meanwhile here are some beautiful pictures captured by the talented Alexis Papageorgiou! We are very curious about the ripples this will create for the Berlin social change collaboration ecosystem. Thank you everyone who made this such a rich, deep and vibrant training and gathering! #training #facilitation #artofhosting #collectiveleadership #complexity #communityofpractice #culturechange #care #kinship #transformation