Titelbild von CORE MUC GmbHCORE MUC GmbH



Munich, Bavaria 120 Follower:innen

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Unser hoch motiviertes Team bietet innovative Lösungen zu verschiedensten Problemstellungen in den Bereichen Entwicklung und Konstruktion von Fahrzeugen an. Dazu zählen sowohl Interieure (Cockpit, Mittelkonsole, Innenausstattung und Sitze) als auch Exterieure. Wir begleiten Sie dabei vom Konzept bis zur Serie. Darüber hinaus beschäftigen wir uns auch mit der Entwicklung von metallischen und plastischen Einzelteilen sowie ganzer Baugruppen für jeglichen Industriezweig.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von CORE MUC GmbH


  • CORE MUC GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Haris Ceribasic anzeigen

    CTO at CORE MUC GmbH

    I had the great pleasure of attending the Future Leaders Summit in Sarajevo this weekend. CORE MUC GmbH is very proud to have sponsored such an impactful event. It was incredibly motivating and inspiring to see so many engaged students and young professionals take time out of their weekend to gain new insights into technology and entrepreneurship. In addition to exhibitions from various companies, the event featured multiple insightful talks and panel discussions. In particular, the keynote speech by Namik Hrle stood out to me personally, as he shared valuable perspectives on several critical technologies, including AI and Quantum Computing. I thoroughly enjoyed the discussions with him, as well as with other attendees afterward, and I am already looking forward to next year’s event.

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  • CORE MUC GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Haris Ceribasic anzeigen

    CTO at CORE MUC GmbH

    FROM DAYS TO MINUTES - Improving Performance with Machine Learning The console output below illustrates the potential advantages of machine learning approaches when used appropriately and sparingly. The computation to be performed is extremely complex and costly to evaluate. By first implementing heuristics derived from domain-specific knowledge in the form of sampling-based methodologies and data preprocessing, we significantly reduced complexity. This approach was sufficient to provide initial results in a reasonable time. However, it became increasingly infeasible (~45 hours computation time) as model complexity increased, reflecting the state-of-the-art real-world data. This is because the underlying space is incredibly large, and the number of computations scales exponentially with each dimension. After thoroughly analyzing the underlying space, we decided to use a #machinelearning technique to leverage its rather simplistic and well-behaved nature. This allowed us to effectively learn its composition using only a small but carefully selected fraction of precomputed data with remarkably high accuracy (98%), thus substituting most of the costly computations and reducing the evalutation time from days to minutes. UNDERSTANDING YOUR TOOLBOX The conclusion is that there is enormous potential for performance improvement in industrial settings using what is generally called "AI". However, to effectively leverage its capability, a deep understanding of the underlying problem is necessary. Like any other method, #AI is simply a tool—a powerful one, sure—but still a tool. In the aforementioned example taken from our own R&D-project at CORE MUC GmbH , the performance improvement would not have been possible without the prior engineering work, which provided a solid foundation for the efficient and effective use of machine learning.

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  • CORE MUC GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Haris Ceribasic anzeigen

    CTO at CORE MUC GmbH

    This article illustrates the importance of developing new tools for automotive design in light of the ever-rising customer demands, driven by the technological and socio-economic trends of our times. At CORE MUC GmbH, we have started using our engineering experience in connection with our knowledge in machine learning, optimization, artificial intelligence, and other applied sciences disciplines to start reshaping the future of automotive design. #TechnologyTrends #automotive #appliedsciences #engineering

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