Beep – our partner in shared mobility solutions! We’re taking a giant leap forward in the world of sustainable mobility by partnering with Beep, Inc., a leader in autonomous shared mobility solutions. Together, we’re bringing the future of transportation to the United States! Beep has partnered with Benteler Mobility to bring our’s purpose-built autonomous and electric mover to the U.S. market. This collaboration ensures customers receive an integrated solution, combining cutting-edge vehicle technology with operational expertise and comprehensive support. Beep will manage deployment, operations, and integration, ensuring our vehicles will drive on the streets. The future is now—and we’re excited to shape it with Beep by our side. Stay tuned as we redefine mobility in America! #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #Beep #AutonomousVehicles #SustainableMobility #FutureOfMobility #SmartTransportation #AutonomousSolutions #SustainableTransport
Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia 9.574 Follower:innen
On the mission to deliver autonomous movers for the vehicle market of the future.
HOLON is a legally independent entity and a subsidiary of the BENTELER Group. With well-founded know-how in automotive technology and industrialization as well as the continuous implementation of new technologies for electromobility, the company develops and manufactures autonomous movers for the vehicle market of the future. To do this, HOLON works with technology companies, local public transport companies and mobility-as-a-service providers. What makes us tick? We combine the speed, passion and entrepreneurial spirit of a start-up with the strength, resources, expertise, and partner network of an established automotive company. This is how we support our customers in implementing safe, reliable, inclusive and sustainable mobility solutions that accelerate their businesses.
- Website
Externer Link zu HOLON
- Branche
- Fahrzeugbau
- Größe
- 51–200 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Art
- Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
- Gegründet
- 2022
- Spezialgebiete
- People Mover, autonomous mover, electric vehicle, technology, engineering und industrialization
Elsener Straße 95
Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia 33102, DE
Beschäftigte von HOLON
This week, our CEO, Dr. Henning von Watzdorf and General Manager U.S. Gregory Crandell, joined fellow ACES Mobility Coalition members in Washington, D.C.! We're making noise with our persistent advocacy for the future of shared autonomous mobility. #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility #ACESMobility #WashingtonDC
This week, I had the opportunity to join fellow Automated. Connected. Electric. Shared. (ACES) Mobility Coalition members in Washington, D.C., to advocate for the future of shared autonomous mobility. During our meetings with USDOT, NHTSA, and Congressional offices, we highlighted the urgent need to address specific regulatory and financial barriers that are slowing innovation and deployment. By removing these obstacles, we can accelerate fit-for-purpose, people-centric, shared mobility solutions—ensuring the U.S. remains a global leader in technology-driven transportation while strengthening the U.S. economy by creating new jobs, and improving everyday mobility for people by making transportation safer, more reliable, and accessible. I’m grateful for the engagement from policymakers and the dedication of my fellow Coalition members in advancing this critical conversation. Looking forward to continuing this momentum and driving meaningful change! Scott Belcher Jeff Kupko, PE, PTOE Cemre Kavvasoglu Dinero' Washington Nicole DuPuis, PhD Jim Katsafanas, PE, PTOE Gregory Crandell Bernard Parker III Valerie Lefler Alex Poirot #ACESMobility #SharedMobility #AutonomousVehicles #PublicTransportation #AVPolicy Coalition for Reimagined Mobility
Premiere of our new prototype showcar! We are excited to announce the premiere of our new prototype showcar at Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV) MobilityMove 2025! From April 1st to 3rd, you'll have the chance to experience our updated vehicle featuring a new interior design — created specifically for public transport — at our booth in Hall A1. We look forward to inspiring discussions about the future of public transport and the latest innovations in autonomous and electric mobility. Visit us at our booth and discover our newest updates! #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility #mobilitymove2025
Autonome Mobilität der Zukunft – HOLON als Aussteller auf der mobility move 2025! Vom 1. bis 3. April begrüßen wir HOLON auf der mobility move in Berlin! Als Tochtergesellschaft der BENTELER Gruppe entwickelt HOLON mit seinem fundierten Know-how zukunftsweisende Mover für den öffentlichen Verkehr. Der HOLON mover im Fokus: Der HOLON mover ist ein vollelektrisches und autonomes Fahrzeug zum Einsatz im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr, das neue Maßstäbe setzt: autonom, sicher und komfortabel nach Automobilstandards. Mit Platz für bis zu 15 Passagiere, barrierefreier Ausstattung und einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 60 km/h - ob im Linienverkehr oder als On-Demand-Shuttle – HOLON gestaltet die Mobilität von morgen! Besuchen Sie HOLON auf der mobility move und erleben Sie die Zukunft des autonomen Fahrens live! 📍Ort: Estrel Hotel Berlin #mobilitymove2025 #autonomesFahren #HOLON
Meet our team! Today we want to introduce you to Madina, one of our Product Managers. Read more and get to know the face behind our passenger experience solutions! #WeAreHolon #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility
Today, we bid a fond farewell to our esteemed CTO Dr. Lothar Hein as he enters into his well-deserved retirement. His expertise and experience have significantly advanced the technical development of the mover, and his leadership has been a cornerstone of our success. We are deeply grateful for his dedication and the invaluable contributions he has made to our journey. Thank you, Lothar! #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility
We are delighted to share the results of our collaborative work on the whitepaper 'Automatisiertes Fahren in Bayern etablieren und skalieren.' The workshop organized by Bayern Innovativ GmbH brought us together with over 30 experts from various fields to discuss the future of autonomous mobility in Bavaria. With insights from the automotive industry, science, public administration, and startups, we explore key recommendations and challenges for implementing automated driving in the region. #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility
🚐 AUTOMATISIERTES FAHREN IN BAYERN etablieren und skalieren 🚀 Das automatisierte Fahren ist eine Schlüsseltechnologie und hat das Potenzial, Sicherheit, Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit im Verkehr zu revolutionieren sowie neue Innovations- und Wertschöpfungschancen zu schaffen. Bayern ist mit seinem starken Innovationsökosystem aus führenden Automobilherstellern, Zulieferern, Start-ups und Forschungseinrichtungen bereits gut aufgestellt. 💪 Umso wichtiger ist es nun, strategische Maßnahmen zu treffen und die Zukunftschancen bestmöglich zu nutzen. Dazu initiierte und moderierte Bayern Innovativ Ende November den Workshop „Automatisiertes Fahren in Bayern etablieren und skalieren“, bei dem über 30 Expertinnen und Experten aus Fahrzeugindustrie, Wissenschaft, öffentlicher Verwaltung, Verkehrsplanung, Verkehrsunternehmen und Start-ups Hemmnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen bei der Einführung von autonomen Mobilitätsangeboten in Bayern erarbeiteten. 💡 Laden Sie sich über den nachfolgenden Link unser brandneues, kostenfreies Whitepaper herunter, um mehr über die Ergebnisse zu erfahren ➡️ 📥 #BayernInnovativ #InnovationLeben #VernetzteMobilität #Mobilität #Mobility #NewMobility #AutonomesFahren
Thank you for sharing this exciting update! We're thrilled to have Cognizant Mobility as a key partner in bringing our Level 4 autonomous mover to life and look forward to continuing this journey together! #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility
HOLON has found its technical home with us! 🚀 Behind the scenes – A sneak peek into the HOLON Lab in Unterschleißheim. Recently, our colleague Stefanie Dern had the chance to visit the test center near Munich and get an exclusive look at the development of the fully electric, Level 4 autonomous #PeopleMover from HOLON, a subsidiary of automotive supplier BENTELER Group. Designed to transport up to 15 passengers safely and comfortably in public transport. What makes this even more exciting? Our team at Cognizant Mobility has been involved from the very beginning, contributing to the design and architecture development, with a focus on E/E and #ConnectedCar. Stay tuned for more insights into the development process and where we currently stand!
From warm roads of Italy to snowy ground in Sweden, our vehicles are tested in various conditions! Our partner Continental Engineering Services is putting our vehicles through their paces to ensure peak performance even in the most challenging winter environments. Follow us and stay up to date as we continue to test and refine our product! #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility #VehicleTesting
HOLON hat dies direkt geteilt
Had an amazing time at the Jacksonville International Auto Show! Great collaborating with the JTA team and engaging with the community on the future of autonomous driving. Exciting times ahead for mobility! #WeAreHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #FutureOfMobility #JTA #Jacksonville
We are on the lookout for R&D professionals with a passion for innovation and a drive to make an impact. Start today! 🚀 #HOLONCareers #DriveHOLON #EstablishedTomorrow #Hiring #TechLeaders