Titelbild von EUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoff Fabrik GmbHEUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoff Fabrik GmbH
EUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoff Fabrik GmbH

EUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoff Fabrik GmbH

Chemische Produktion

Eschweiler, Nordrhein-Westfalen 1.521 Follower:innen

EUKALIN – Your Adhesive Partner


Wir stellen seit mehr als 100 Jahren Spezialklebstoffe überwiegend für die papier- und kartonverarbeitende Industrie her. Darüber hinaus produzieren wir Klebstoffe speziell auf die Anforderungen der einzelnen Kunden abgestimmt. So konnten wir in der Vergangenheit Klebstoffe gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden für spezielle Anwendungen entwickeln. Profitieren Sie von diesem Vorsprung. Das Familien-unternehmen wurde 1904 in Aachen als Gebr. Wachler KG gegründet und 1988 in EUKALIN umbenannt. Heute vertreiben wir die EUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoffe in dritter Generation in 117 Länder weltweit. Unsere Produkte werden in fast allen Bereichen der Papier verarbeitenden Industrie und zur Herstellung flexibler Verpackungen erfolgreich eingesetzt. Der Name EUKALIN steht für höchste Qualität „Made in Germany“. Dank moderner Analyse- und Testmethoden können wir gleichbleibend hohe Qualität unserer Erzeugnisse garantieren

Chemische Produktion
51–200 Beschäftigte
Eschweiler, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Briefhüllen und Versandtaschen, Mailing, Faltschachteln, Bücher, Flexible Verpackungen, Spezialanwendungen, Falzklebungen, Verpackungsarbeiten, Etikettierungen, Formularsätze, Tapes, Labels, Adhesives, Special-Adhesives, Haftschmelzklebstoffe, Hotmelt, Pressure Sensitive, PSA, rubber-based Hotmelt PSA, UVC-curable Acrylic Hotmelt PSA und Special Adhesives


  • Primär

    Ernst-Abbe-Straße 10

    Eschweiler, Nordrhein-Westfalen 52249, DE


Beschäftigte von EUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoff Fabrik GmbH


  • 🚫 Very lightweight plastic carrier bags are now to be completely banned in the EU from 2030 as part of the upcoming PPWR. But what exactly are very lightweight plastic carrier bags? These are plastic carrier bags with a wall thickness of less than 15 micrometers. The PPWR stipulates that all EU member states must record consumption per inhabitant and initially limit it to 40 bags. The market has been on a downward trend since 2022, with a further decline in consumption expected from 2025: The EU average was only 66.6 lightweight plastic carrier bags per person - a decrease of 14% compared to 2021. EUKALIN actively supports this development.💪. We offer sustainable adhesive solutions, e.g. adhesives with a bio content of up to 85%, ideal for the production of paper bags and meet the strictest food and environmental standards in the world. 🌱 With innovative technologies and a clear focus on sustainability, EUKALIN's adhesive products help to achieve the packaging industry's ambitious sustainability goals - ecologically, reliably and efficiently.

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  • Looking for reliable and efficient adhesive solutions for your end-of-line packaging needs? At EUKALIN, we offer high-performance hotmelt adhesives designed for maximum reliability, sustainability, and process efficiency. From high-speed production to bonding challenging surfaces, our adhesives deliver excellence every time. Explore how we can elevate your packaging today! Visit www.eukalin.com or contact us at highlight@eukalin.de

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  • International presence – fast support worldwide 🌎 📍 At EUKALIN, we offer our technical support worldwide. As our sales representative also live locally, they can reach you personally and quickly. 📞 Furthermore, our technical team not only provides support by telephone, but also accompanies qualified tests on site at the customer's premises. 🧪 We also have a high-performance laboratory with its own development department and material analysis department, so that we can recommend adhesives individually. This enables us to respond precisely to customer requirements.

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  • Even though our crazy carnival season starts today here in Eschweiler, we are of course still avalaible for you until next Monday. 🎉 But there's one thing we can't do without for carnival: Our "Berliners". Or as they are also called: Pfannkuchen, Krapfen or Kreppel. Each region in Germany has its own name for this delicious pastry. 🤭 Have you been able to try one yet?

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  • Tailor-made UV-acrylic hotmelt pressure-sensitive adhesives for your application. If you have any questions or want to learn more about this technology, feel free to reach out. #uvhotmelt #youradhesivepartner #adhesivesolutions #eukalin

  • EUKALIN has been successfully serving the e-commerce market for many years with several products for a diverse range of customers. Our differentiated technology and product portfolio offers a range of products that meet today's market demand at different performance and cost levels. EUKALIN sells various hotmelt adhesives for adhesion sealing with and without return shipping as well as cold glues for side seam applications with different viscosity ranges and UV markers for state-of-the-art detection devices. We would be happy to present our customized solutions in a personal meeting.

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  • ❄️ Ordering adhesive in winter? You have nothing to worry about with our hotmelt adhesives anyway, as they do not contain any water that could freeze. However, we have been shipping our water-based adhesives throughout Europe in winter for years. 📦 That's why we have been working very intensively on the behavior of dispersion adhesives at sub-zero temperatures. In the frosty seasons, we always make every effort to handle transport routes as quickly as possible, to reduce downtimes and not to ship goods over the weekend. Of course, it can happen that dispersion adhesives freeze in transit. Extensive tests have shown that most of our dispersion adhesives are chemically formulated and adjusted in such a way that they can continue to be used after thawing. 💪 We would be happy to advise you on this. Please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail address: highlight@eukalin.de.

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  • The markets are changing due to the growing environmental awareness of consumers. 🌱 EUKALIN has risen to these challenges: We have developed solutions that can be part of a sustainable and efficient circular economy. ♻️ High-performance adhesives with a very high biological content are part of the result of this development work. The biological content is always free of animal products and does not compete with the food industry.

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