

Plattformen für Internethandel

Munich, Deutschland 23.041 Follower:innen

Leading careers


Experteer bietet Spitzenkräften die Möglichkeit, ihre Karrieren aktiv weiterzuentwickeln. Der Premium-Karrierepartner erlaubt es Recruitern, den vertraulichen Kontakt zu wechselbereiten Führungskräften in Deutschland und neun weiteren Ländern herzustellen. Kandidaten haben überdies die Möglichkeit, auf 250.000 ausgewählte Spitzenpositionen im gehobenen Stellenmarkt zuzugreifen und können sich umfassend zu relevanten Karrierethemen und Insights informieren. Die Experteer GmbH mit Sitz in München ging 2006 mit der Website live und vernetzt über 6 Millionen Kandidaten weltweit mit relevanten Positionen und Headhuntern. Impressum: Datenschutz:

Plattformen für Internethandel
51–200 Beschäftigte
Munich, Deutschland
executive search, jobs, headhunters, career service, recruitment solutions, companies, high-caliber candidates, career network, senior management positions, headhunter und recruiter


Beschäftigte von Experteer


  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

    23.041 Follower:innen

    Are we focusing too much on resumes? In a fast-paced talent landscape, a holistic approach to candidate evaluation can transform recruitment, to go beyond just technical qualifications. Skills, culture fit, and potential often speak louder than bullet points on a CV. Let’s dive into the future of hiring – where people are more than just their paper qualifications. Read more about this in the link in the comments. #Recruitment #TalentAcquisition #Hiring #ExecutiveJobs

  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

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    Soft skills can be the foundation of a strong, high-performing team. They shape how we collaborate, innovate, adapt and lead in dynamic environments. What do you think is the most crucial soft skill in today’s workplace? Share your thoughts in the comments and vote in the poll below! #Poll #Work #SoftSkills #ExecutiveJob #SeniorLevelProfessionals

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  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

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    Ever felt overwhelmed and had the first thought that popped into your head be “I can’t do it today, I’ll just do it tomorrow”? Then you’re right there with about 20% of the world’s population according to psychologist and procrastination expert Dr. Joseph Ferrari. Discover how to break this procrastination cycle and dive into the insights that could redefine your approach to work and success. Click the link in the comments below to find out more! #Sucess #Career #CareerAdvice #SeniorLevelCandidates #ExecutiveJobs

  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

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    Feeling overwhelmed by endless meetings? You're not alone. Meeting overload is more than just a drain on time — it's a drain on productivity and creativity. In a fast-paced work environment, it's crucial to diagnose the root causes and implement strategic changes. Curious about how to strike the perfect balance between collaboration and efficiency? Dive into these insights that could boost your team's performance and share your experiences with meeting overload or what you’ve done to tackle this in the comments below! #Productivity #Leadership #Workplace #WorkplaceEfficiency #ExecutiveJobs

  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

    23.041 Follower:innen

    You’re at an interview, networking at an event or notice the CEO of your dream company right behind you in line for coffee. Do you panic? Spill your coffee? Or seize the moment with a flawless elevator pitch?   The last option, of course. In those two minutes, your ability to engage, be concise, and convey your value is crucial. With the right preparation, you can turn a chance encounter into a career-changing opportunity. Master your pitch, and you’ll be ready to make a lasting impression when it matters most. Here’s how: #CareerAdvice #Opportunity #PersonalDevelopment #Careers #ElevatorPitch Find out more in the comments below →

  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

    23.041 Follower:innen

    Diversity in leadership is often hailed as a game-changer, but how deeply does it impact innovation and success at the top? Think about the leadership teams you've been part of or have observed - did diverse perspectives lead to breakthrough ideas, stronger strategies, or a more resilient company culture? Share your insight in the comments below on whether diversity at the highest level truly drives organizational excellence and how your company prioritizes it! #Poll #Diversity #Leadership #ExecutiveJobs #Success

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  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

    23.041 Follower:innen

    Imagine this: you've invested years in your career, honing your skills, and now you're ready for the next big step. But there's one problem — your resume is holding you back. Headhunters, recruiters and companies read countless resumes every day and many professionals unknowingly include elements that make them hesitate from picking you. Therefore, understanding what can make or break your candidacy is crucial. Don’t let simple mistakes hold you back from your next big opportunity — upload your CV for a free, confidential review today, and take your next step. #Resume #Careeradvice #ResumeTips #JobSearch #Hiring #Headhunter #Recruiter Want to find out more ways to advance yourself and your career? Follow the link in the comments →

  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

    23.041 Follower:innen

    Understanding how AVIs should be adapted can lead to more successful interviews. New research from HEC Lausanne, Saint Mary's University, and the University of Calgary based on 27,809 job applicants in 11 countries, highlights that while flexible asynchronous video interviews (AVIs) can streamline hiring, integrating applicants’ age, gender and reactions into the design of the interview can improve the candidate’s experience and their perception of your organization. How have your experiences with AVIs been? (source in the comments ↓) #Hiring #Interviews #TalentAquisition #AVI #ExecutiveJobs #JobSearch

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  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

    23.041 Follower:innen

    What truly drives success and resilience in your career? Reach your full potential through these research-backed strategies. If you're ready to transform your approach to work and leadership, this is a must-read. Discover groundbreaking insights that challenge conventional wisdom about happiness, motivation, and personal growth. Don't miss out on these key lessons → #CareerAdvice #PersonalDevelopment #CareerSuccess #SeniorLevelCandidates #GrowthMindset #Leadership

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  • Unternehmensseite von Experteer anzeigen, Grafik

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    Great tips from time management coach Elizabeth Grace Saunders! To save time and money while securing access to the best selection of job opportunities, you need Experteer. Don't miss out on our personalized job matches based on your profile and by simply uploading your existing CV, you will receive a free, confidential review from resume experts.

    Unternehmensseite von Harvard Business Review anzeigen, Grafik

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    You want to leave your job, but once you’ve wrapped up work, attended to household responsibilities, and finally decompressed, it’s already the end of the day. So, how do you find the time to get a new job when you’re already working full time? Time management coach Elizabeth Grace Saunders recommends taking a step back, looking at your calendar, and proactively planning when you can commit 2 to 3 hours a week to the process. (Hint: It’s not during the busiest period at work or when you have a plethora of personal commitments.) Once you’ve decided on the right time to get started, you must learn how to navigate the exploration, preparation, application, and interview stage while managing your full-time job. Read more from Saunders about how to strike this balance at HBR.

    Making Time to Job Hunt While Working Full Time

    Making Time to Job Hunt While Working Full Time

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