Titelbild von facts and fiction GmbHfacts and fiction GmbH
facts and fiction GmbH

facts and fiction GmbH


Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen 3.037 Follower:innen

Those who do not dream of flying will never grow wings.


We are a creative agency staging themes and brands in experiential spaces. Since 1992, we believe in the power of stories, design, participation, media, interaction, and: the physical realm. We design and produce exhibitions, museums, EXPO pavilions, trade fairs and roadshows around the globe. We call it: spaces with impact. To sum it up: being a facts and fictioner means to tell coherent and fascinating stories. Stories that come right from the heart and touch the heart. Because people believe in their brains, but make decisions with their hearts. Imprint: www.factsfiction.de/impressum

51–200 Beschäftigte
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
EXPO, Museum, Stories, Design, Video, Exhibition, Trade fair und Roadshow


Beschäftigte von facts and fiction GmbH


  • Beim Deutschen Fachkräftepreis 2025 des BMAS wurden letzte Woche herausragende Unternehmen und Netzwerke ausgezeichnet, die sich besonders für die Förderung und Sicherung von Fachkräften einsetzen. 🙌 Ein tolles Event mit spannenden Einblicken, innovativen Konzepten und wertvollen Begegnungen! ✨ ENG: Fachkräfte Award 2025, hosted by the BMAS, celebrated best practices in workforce development last week and honored outstanding companies and networks for their commitment to fostering and securing skilled professionals. 🙌 It truly was an amazing event filled with insightful discussions, innovative concepts, and valuable connections! ✨

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  • Have you ever wondered how the sketches of our designs get made? Look no further, in this timelapse you can see how they are created. ✍️ This time for the German Pavilion at EXPO 2025. Sketches are incredibly helpful when visualizing concepts and ideas for a design. Helping to quickly see concepts, which can then be adjusted, improved, and further worked on. And, they just look incredible. 

  • Let’s indulge in memories to Expo 2020 Dubai! ✨ Germany’s pavilion, Campus Germany, invited visitors into a dynamic world of knowledge, research, and sustainability. Designed by LAVA Architects, this innovative structure brought the concept of a campus to life - blending interactive learning with immersive experiences. From the moment visitors "matriculated" upon entry, they became part of a global community working towards a sustainable future. The Welcome Hall surprised guests with a giant ball pit - where each of the 100,000 balls held a fact or story about Germany’s commitment to sustainability. 🌱 Through the Energy Lab, Future City Lab, and Biodiversity Lab, visitors explored groundbreaking innovations in energy, urban planning, and environmental protection. And who could forget the emotional grand finale? The Graduation Hallbrought people together in a show on swings - proving that collaboration can achieve the impossible! 🎓 A perfect mix of interactivity, sustainability, and cutting-edge technology.

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  • Wir leben und arbeiten in einer Welt, die international, vielfältig, bunt und voller unterschiedlicher Einflüsse ist – und genau so soll sie bleiben! facts and fiction steht für Offenheit und eine demokratische Gesellschaft.  Wir zeigen Solidarität mit allen, die sich für eine offene Gesellschaft einsetzen – mit Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte, mit Minderheiten, mit denen, die dieses Land divers und lebenswert machen. Wir stehen hinter der @charta_der_vielfalt, die sich für eine demokratische, chancengerechte und respektvolle Gesellschaft einsetzt. 🗳 Demokratie lebt vom Mitmachen. Deine Stimme zählt – für eine bunte, freie und vielfältige Zukunft! We operate in a globally connected, diverse, and dynamic environment shaped by a multitude of influences – and we are committed to preserving this openness.  As facts and fiction, we stand for inclusivity, diversity, and a democratic society and express our solidarity with all those advocating for an open and pluralistic community – individuals with migrant backgrounds, minorities, and everyone who contributes to making our society more vibrant and livable. We support @charta_der_vielfalt, an initiative committed to a democratic, fair, and respectful society. 🗳 Democracy thrives through engagement. Your vote makes a difference – for a free, diverse, and inclusive future!

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  • Unternehmensseite für facts and fiction GmbH anzeigen

    3.037 Follower:innen

    Unser Apell zu den bevorstehenden Wahlen: Geht wählen. Geht wählen für Demokratie, Vielfalt und Europa. Als facts and fiction stehen wir für eine demokratische und pluralistische Gesellschaft. Wir sind solidarisch mit all denen, die sich für eine offene und integrative Welt einsetzen und unsere Gesellschaft lebendiger und bunter machen. Es liegt an uns allen, diese Gesellschaft zu schützen: Also geht wählen. Bitte! ❤️ Our message for the upcoming elections: Go and vote. Vote for democracy, diversity and Europe. As facts and fiction, we stand for a democratic and pluralistic society and express our solidarity with all those advocating for an open and inclusive community and contributing to making our society more vibrant and livable. It is now up to all of us to protect this society: So go and vote. Please.

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  • We are beyond excited to announce that we’ve won Gold for the FEdA Exhibition “Planet A*” and Silver for the BMUV's “Demokratiefest” at the BrandEx Awards! 🏆 Both projects reflect our passion for creating interactive, engaging, and sustainable experiences. Thanks to everyone who contributed to these amazing projects – your dedication and creativity made this possible. ✨

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  • Our latest beauty: ME FECIT SOLINGEN at the German Blade Museum in Solingen. Everything about the city's blade history: Auratic, interactive, informative, to touch and try out. Definitely worth a visit! www.klingenmuseum.de

    Profil von Andreas Horbelt anzeigen

    Creative Director

    Freshly opened: Our new permanent exhibition ME FECIT SOLINGEN for the German Blade Museum in Stadt Solingen! ⚔️ How did Solingen become the city of blades? ⚔️ How was a sword made? ⚔️ How did one fight with different swords? ⚔️ What were Solingen blades used for? ⚔️ And what kind of blades are still produced in Solingen today? The new permanent exhibition by facts and fiction GmbH answers all these questions. With impressive artefacts, surprising use of media and many stations to touch and try out. Go and have a look. Together with the idyllic little town of Gräfrath, the German Blade Museum is a perfect weekend excursion for the whole family. Thanks to everybody involved - especially to the museum team! It was a pleasure! www.klingenmuseum.de #exhibitiondesign #museum #solingen #blades #swords

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