Titelbild von Fogra Research Institute for Media TechnologiesFogra Research Institute for Media Technologies
Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies

Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies


Dornach, Bayern 4.499 Follower:innen

Fogra conducts research, testing & certification for the printing and media industry. Independent and committed.


Fogra works for the good of the industry and not in competition with print and media companies. Worldwide members of Fogra are small, medium and large companies across the entire spectrum of the industry, from equipment manufacturers to the producers of printed and electronic media. Located in Aschheim near Munich Fogra conducts application-focused research and has been involved in the development of many forward-looking and globally acknowledged process and quality inspection standards. Research with impact: In research Fogra tackles the themes that are key to the future of media technology. Fogra is in constant dialogue with companies to identify subjects for investigation that are geared to their requirements. Practical solutions: Fogra combines high quality technical research with practical application, developing, for example, objective measurement methods and process standards. As a modern service provider Fogra carries out inspections tailored to the industry’s needs, advises companies on questions of quality and mediates in technical disputes. Passing on learnings and in constant dialogue: Fogra makes its technological expertise and detailed understanding of current developments available through numerous publications, one-to-one consultancy, symposia and other specialist events. The Institute offers media companies an expert network, supports the discussions of themes that are key for the future and ensures that the industry is properly configured for the future.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Dornach, Bayern


Beschäftigte von Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies


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