ForChiefs Alliance | Leadership Sidekicks

ForChiefs Alliance | Leadership Sidekicks

Weiterbildung und Coaching

Europe's most recommended alliance of sidekicks, coaches, and facilitators. Are you a front-running leader? Say hi!


We are sidekicks who work hand in hand with front-running leaders and leadership teams – we call them ‘chiefs’ – to empower and support ambitious growth. At ForChiefs Alliance, we create coaching and facilitation experiences to support every chief to lead from purpose. We use our first-hand experience from working in international companies and organizations. We invest time to understand your needs, design a customized journey, and make you fall in love with your potential. Reach out if you need a sidekick to help drive your growth. Find your local Chief in Germany, The Netherlands, and Austria.

Weiterbildung und Coaching
11–50 Beschäftigte
Purpose , Culture, HR, Facilitation, Moderation , Training, Organizational Development , Employer Branding, Change management, Digital Transformations, High performing teams, Teambuilding, Vision, Stategy, Executive Coaching, Transformation und Team dynamics


Beschäftigte von ForChiefs Alliance | Leadership Sidekicks


  • Why having a sidekick is an unfair advantage Being a founder is hard. You are held accountable. You are in the fire zone. Constantly. In the best case, you get hard feedback often. In the worst case, you are surrounded by yes-man. No one gets you. It's lonely on the top. This is where sidekicks come in. What is a sidekick? Sidekick = A trusted partner helping you to scale impact through coaching, consulting, and facilitation. ForChiefer Hugo Suidman pioneered the sidekick principle and now is on the rise as a new standard for leadership. If you find a "sidekick," hold on to them. They are difficult to find. Why? It's because a sidekick excels in three roles: 1. Consultant Knows how to scale a successful organization. -Helps you to understand your strategy and design your organization for impact. 2. Coach Knows how to develop your potential and your organization's DNA. - Helps you to understand yourself and your mission in the world 3. Facilitator Stands in the room with you to facilitate lasting transformation - Unleashes the most out of the collective intelligence of your team. Sidekicks give you a competitive advantage: They help you - Design an organization for impact - Understand yourself and your mission - Get the best out of the collective intelligence of your team Who are the sidekicks who helped you in your life? Here is a selection of Sidekicks you can rely on:   Hugo SuidmanDavid NoëlSofieke Suidman-SchuilFelix SteinkampMatthias EnnenElsabeth van OverbeekeVera Termühlen-EngerVera BurggrafIngeborg Diebold-MolsterPia SchröderFritz RabelerLukas EntezamiAnnett FibianGabi HelfensteinDirk SchrijverHeidy TorrelliFrank ArdeschPeter van Woerkum 🧊Stefan Limberger, Nikolas Konstantin 🌱, Louisa Scheel, Marcel Pirlich

  • Most organizations don’t get values right. The 5 benefits of defining your values properly: We know the value of “values.” Each year, we facilitate over a hundred “re-evaluating organizational values” workshops with leadership teams of scale-ups and corporations. We have seen one thing above everything else: Most companies don't get values right. They see values as - a collection of obvious nice-to-haves - principles to betray if you can get money for it - a list you can add on indefinitely The truth: Values done wrong = gimmicky, pretentious posters in your office. Values done right = Clear Guiding principles and clarity of what you stand for. We prefer you to do it right. Having your values straight helps with many things: 1. Foundation for Decision-Making: Values provide a consistent framework for making decisions. They ensure that every choice aligns with the organization’s core principles, maintaining integrity and consistency across all levels. → Values create clarity for decision-making. 2. Attracting and Retaining Talent: Clear and authentic values attract talents who resonate with the organization’s culture and mission. Employees who align with these values are likelier to be engaged, committed, and satisfied with their work. →Values help you to see who fits and who would distract your organization. 3. Differentiating the Organization: Strong, unique values can distinguish an organization from its competitors. A distinct identity and reputation based on core values can serve as a powerful competitive advantage. → Values help you in setting the right strategy for you. 4. Guiding Behavior and Culture: Values influence how employees interact with each other, customers, and stakeholders. They shape the organizational culture by defining acceptable behaviors and practices and promoting a positive and ethical work environment. →Values help navigate “the right” behaviors and practices 5. Building Trust and Integrity: Consistently adhering to values builds trust with employees, customers, and partners. Trust is essential for fostering long-term relationships and achieving sustainable success. →Values create trust if they are what we truly live and stand for. If you get it right, values help you → create clarity for decision-making → create trust in what we truly live and stand for → navigate “the right” behaviors and practices → to see who fits and who would distract your organization. This is why we take values serious at ForChiefs Alliance. We revisit our values this year to ensure they guide our organization’s actions and decisions. Where have you seen values done right?

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  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (and how to solve them): Most teams don't live up to their potential. Dysfunctional behaviors them back. As a result, each team member: → lacks ownership → doesn't show up fully → and loses motivation. Tackle and transform these dysfunctions to become a high-trust/high-performance team. Here are the 5 dysfunctions of teams (compiled by management thinker Patrick Lencioni) we look at when analyzing the potential of leadership teams. 1. ABSENCE OF TRUST Team members don't trust each other. A lack of psychological safety makes it impossible to show your whole self. → Needs: Ability to be vulnerable without losing safety. 2. FEAR OF CONFLICT Because of a lack of trust, dysfunctional teams don't dare to go into courageous conflict. Veiled comments and back-channel gossip become the norm. Artificial harmony hides the elephants in the room. → Needs: Engaging in unfiltered, passionate debate about critical issues 3. LACK OF COMMITMENT Team members can't commit and buy into decisions without going into conflict. Ambiguity over many things hinders progress. → Needs: Clarity and clear roles 4. AVOIDANCE OF ACCOUNTABILITY When teams don't commit, they stop holding each other accountable. Without accountability, team members naturally look out for their interests above all. → Needs: clear standards of performance and accountability 5. INATTENTION TO RESULTS Missing accountability, team members don't prioritize the team's success over departmental needs. Their focus lies on personal success rather than team achievement. → Needs: Focusing on the best result for the team as a whole. Do you notice the pattern? Each failure builds on the previous dysfunction. To build a healthy functioning team, you need to address each level. I have seen it over and over: showing up and looking at your dysfunctions with a coach drastically improves the effectiveness of every team. In summary, these 5 dysfunctions hold you back from becoming a high-performing team: 1. Absence of Trust 2. Fear of Conflict 3. Lack of Commitment 4. Avoidance of Accountability 5. Inattention to Results Which dysfunction has slowed you down? --- P.S. Repost this to help others in your network ♻️. P.P.S. Follow ForChiefs Alliance | Leadership Sidekicks, for more actionable advice from Europe's most recommended alliance of sidekicks, coaches, and facilitators.

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  • "The more my company grows, the lonelier I feel." 4 ways to overcome founders loneliness: Being a founder is a solitary game. All founders I know share a similar experience: "The more my company grows, the lonelier I feel." Why are you feeling increasingly alone? a) UNIQUE CHALLENGES: Your issues are specific and complex, making it hard for others to relate. b) HIGH EXPECTATIONS: Carrying the weight of your team and investors' expectations is isolating. c) LIMITED SHARING: Sensitive information can rarely be discussed openly, narrowing your circle of confidantes. Loneliness is a symptom of stepping into responsibility. Your job is to absorb all problems and solve them. But where do you go with your problems? Here is how you can reduce loneliness heads-on: 1. Find a Good Coach → Find an executive coach to navigate the challenges you are facing. Share the burden of your sensitive challenges. Together, you can brainstorm solutions for organizational and personal growth. 2. Engage in Peer Networks: → Engage with fellow founders or business leaders. Organizations like Entrepreneurs Organization or YPO are great for companionship. Connect with fellow founders on your journey. 3. Focus on your Self-care → Prioritize time for personal life and hobbies. Schedule what nourishes you in your calendar ahead of everything else. Remember you want to run the marathon and enjoy the race. 4. Role model for a High Trust Company Culture → Share more than you are comfortable with. Most founders keep too many challenges from their colleagues. Be more vulnerable. Ask questions instead of giving answers. Don't try to be the smartest guy in the room. Remember: Feeling lonely with increasing growth is more common than not. How to overcome the loneliness of being a founder: 1. Find a Good Coach 2. Engage in Peer Networks 3. Focus on your Self-care 4. Role model for a High Trust Company Culture Reflect: What has helped you to deal with your loneliness as a leader?

  • The secret to high-performance teams: How to measure trust. Charles H. Green's trust formula simplifies the abstract notion of trust into something measurable (taken from the business classic "The Trusted Advisor"). Role-model this formula to build high-trust environments. Here it is: Trustworthiness = Self-Orientation (Credibility+Reliability+Intimacy) Let’s unpack each part: 1. Credibility 📚: "Credibility comes from the Latin, 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘴, which means 'worthy to be believed.'" -> Be genuine, knowledgeable, and an expert in your field. 2. Reliability 🕒: "Reliability has to do with actions. It's the track record you establish by either following through on the things you say you're going to do – or not." -> Keep promises and be consistent in your actions. 3. Intimacy 💬: "Intimacy refers to the safety or security that we feel when entrusting someone with something." -> Foster safe environments where openness is encouraged. 4. Self-Orientation ↔️: "If your focus is on the other person, then paradoxically, your trustworthiness increases." -> Prioritize the collective benefit over personal gains. Trust must be earned: "You must do something to give the other people the evidence on which they can base their decision on whether to trust you. " - David Maister/Charles Green Let's sum it up. When your words, actions, emotions, and motives match, you are more likely to be trusted: 1. Credibility (Words) I can trust what he says about... 2. Reliability (Actions) I can trust her to... 3. Intimacy (Emotions) I feel comfortable discussing this... 4. Self-orientation (Motives) I can trust that he cares about... Reflect: What helps you to trust someone? ----- P.S. Repost this to help others in your network ♻️. P.P.S. Follow ForChiefs Alliance | Leadership Sidekicks for advice from Europe's most recommended alliance of sidekicks, coaches, and facilitators.

  • Why is having a sidekick an unfair advantage? Being a CEO means pressure. You are held accountable. You are in the fire zone. Constantly. In the best case, you get hard feedback often. In the worst case, you are surrounded by yes-man. No one gets the complexity you are juggling. Why? Because It feels lonely on the top. This is where sidekicks come in. What is a sidekick? Sidekick = A trusted partner helping you to scale impact through coaching, consulting, and facilitation. Hugo Suidman pioneered the sidekick principle and founded an organization dedicated to the craft of being a sidekick = The ForChiefs Alliance | Leadership Sidekicks. The "sidekick" principle is now on the rise as a new standard for leadership. If you find a "sidekick," hold on to them. Because sidekicks are difficult to find. Why? It's because a sidekick excels in three roles: 1. Consultant Knows how to scale a successful organization. - Helps you to understand your strategy and design your organization for impact. 2. Coach Knows how to develop your potential and your organization's DNA. - Leads you to understand yourself and your mission in the world 3. Facilitator Stands in the room with you to facilitate lasting transformation - Unleashes the most out of the collective intelligence of your team. Sidekicks give you a competitive advantage: They help you a) Design an organization for impact b) Understand yourself and your mission c) Get the best out of the collective intelligence of your team Who are the sidekicks who helped you in your life? ------- Origin story: Hugo Suidman pioneered the sidekick principle and founded an organization dedicated to the craft of being a sidekick = ForChiefs Alliance | Leadership Sidekicks. Today ForChiefs is the home to over 20 sidekicks across Europe.

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  • Loneliness destroys your leadership. Here are 4 ways to overcome founders loneliness: Being a founder is a solitary game. All founders I know share a similar experience: "The more my company grows, the lonelier I feel." Why are you feeling increasingly alone? a) UNIQUE CHALLENGES: Your issues are specific and complex, making it hard for others to relate. b) HIGH EXPECTATIONS: Carrying the weight of your team and investors' expectations is isolating. c) LIMITED SHARING: Sensitive information can rarely be discussed openly, narrowing your circle of confidantes. Loneliness is a symptom of stepping into responsibility. Your job is to absorb all problems and solve them. But where do you go with your problems? Here is how you can reduce loneliness heads-on: 1. Find a Good Coach → Find an executive coach to navigate the challenges you are facing. Share the burden of your sensitive challenges. Together, you can brainstorm solutions for organizational and personal growth. 2. Engage in Peer Networks: → Engage with fellow founders or business leaders. Organizations like Entrepreneurs Organization or YPO are great for companionship. Connect with fellow founders on your journey. 3. Focus on your Self-care → Prioritize time for personal life and hobbies. Schedule what nourishes you in your calendar ahead of everything else. Remember you want to run the marathon and enjoy the race. 4. Role model for a High Trust Company Culture → Share more than you are comfortable with. Most founders keep too many challenges from their colleagues. Be more vulnerable. Ask questions instead of giving answers. Don't try to be the smartest guy in the room. Remember: Feeling lonely with increasing growth is more common than not. How to overcome the loneliness of being a founder: 1. Find a Good Coach 2. Engage in Peer Networks 3. Focus on your Self-care 4. Role model for a High Trust Company Culture Reflect: What has helped you to deal with your loneliness as a leader?

  • How to scale successfully: The Three Transitions of Growing Organizations. All growing organizations face these three transitions in their leadership as they scale. If you are a founder and CEO of a scale-up organization, you must get these three transitions right to succeed. The 3 Transitions: 1. Moving from Founder-led to Leadership Team-led → Collective Intelligence beats individual leadership: As you grow, you want to get the best people in the room. With a growing leadership team, you are moving to becoming a conductor of intelligence. Your Task: Learn to Coach and set your leadership team up for success. 2. Moving from Expert CEO to Generalist CEO → You want your employees to know more than you. With increasing experts in your organization, you are doing something wrong if you are still the most intelligent guy in the room. Don't beat yourself up if your CTO knows more than you. Your Task: Hire Experts and learn to become savvy in understanding all parts of the organization. 3. Moving from working on the Product to working on the Organization → The transition from captain to shipbuilder. With a leadership team and experts in place, you are now primarily focused on creating a high-performance/high-trust organization. Your Task: Learn the best of organizational design & design your organization for success. Founders and CEOs of scale-up organizations have to get these 3 transitions right if they want to be successful: 1. Moving from Founder-led to Leadership Team-led 2. Moving from Expert CEO to Generalist CEO 3. Moving from working on the Product to working on the organization Reflect: How did you manage those transitions? Where are you stuck? ---- ♲ Repost this guide to help other leaders. Author: ForChieferNikolas Konstantin 🌱

  • Hello from Davos: How can we support our leaders to step into responsibility? ForChiefs is in town during the week of the World Economic Forum for conversations on wise leadership. If you are here reach out to ForChiefer Nikolas Konstantin 🌱 for conversations on some of our favorite subjects: → Building big trust / high performance teams → Curated Reflection spaces for leaders → Mental training and mental models for stepping into responsibility → Scaling and designing organisations that matter We can’t wait to geek out with you.

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  • Your secret weapon to scaling your leadership in 2024: The uncomfortable truth about leadership is... We don’t learn from our actions.  We learn from reflecting on our actions. But reflecting can be  a) time-consuming b) vague  c) misdirected This is why we send a yearly reflection booklet to the leaders we coach. We take those reflections as a starting point to co-develop a yearly plan that is  a) ambitious b) meaningful and  c) holistic (going far beyond great work). Our reflection booklet has helped hundreds of leaders in Europe‘s most impactful scale-ups and big players focus on what matters. And we want to share the booklet with you. Our reflection booklet helps to  → notice patterns that kept you stuck → celebrate your proudest moments → craft your purpose for the next year. Find it in our comments below. We wish you a wonderful time to reflect, recharge, and refocus. Nikolas & the ForChiefs Sidekicks —— PS. If you enjoy it, thank our Sidekicks Vera Termühlen-Enger, who assembled the book, and Annett Fibian, who designed our 2024 version.

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