Titelbild von greentechgreentech


Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien

Focusing on development, construction, O&M, asset management and engineering services for PV Power Plants.


greentech is an integrated photovoltaic specialist: The range of services includes project development and design, construction, operation and management of photovoltaic power plants in Europe. With an interdisciplinary team of more than 200 people at several locations in Germany, the UK, Ireland and Italy, the company is active in ten countries and have experience from over 400 PV projects. This makes greentech one of the largest independent PV specialists in Europe. In addition to developing a substantial PV portfolio, greentech offers services in the areas of operational management, engineering / EPC, quality assurance and yield maximisation. greentech's growing customer base includes private plant owners as well as municipal utilities, regional and international energy providers, insurance companies and investment funds. Privacy: https://greentech.energy/en/privacy/

Dienstleistungen für erneuerbare Energien
201–500 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von greentech


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    Profil von Roland Hass anzeigen

    Teamlead Business Development O&M und DOSB Hockeytrainer B

    Exciting day at the Solarplaza Summit in Warsaw with my colleague Krystian Prochowicz. Great people, meetings and impressions to drive forward the energy transition. #Solarplaza #greentech #SolarplazaSummit #SPPoland25 #EnergyConference #Solar #Renewables #SolarPoland #EnergyStoragePoland #SolarEnergy #OZE #EnergiaSłoneczna #Fotowoltaika #ZielonaEnergia #ZrównoważonyRozwój

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    🧹 🪣 As part of the city-wide ‘Hamburg räumt auf" (Hamburg cleans up) campaign, organised by Stadtreinigung Hamburg, greentechies collected rubbish in our neighbourhood, by the Alster, last week. Although there wasn't much large, conspicuous rubbish to be found, 5 full bin bags were still filled in 2.5 hours. Even small pieces of rubbish were carefully collected thus the pollutants they contain can no longer contaminate the soil and waterways. Also in particular these small pieces of rubbish are mistaken for food by animals, which can lead to poisonings or injuries. The campaign was organised for the 26th time this year and we are already looking forward to taking part again next year!

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    Profil von Andrea Voigt anzeigen

    Energy Transition | RES | BESS | Green Innovations

    Sunny perspectives at KeyEnergy in Rimini! ☀️ The sun is shining on us—both literally and figuratively. My colleagues and I from GREENTECH, experienced firsthand how solar energy continues to push forward despite all challenges, just like the sun breaking through the clouds. The renewable energy market is advancing rapidly, with packed halls, a great atmosphere, and a shared conviction that we are on the right path. At Greentech, we are proud to contribute to this progress. Additionally, ITALIA SOLARE, where I serve on the board, supports all participants with their concerns and needs. Exciting times for the energy transition!

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    Power outages caused by a destroyed energy infrastructure and the lack of alternative energy sources severely impact daily life in Ukraine—including school operations, which are often significantly restricted. Since 2022, greentech has been supporting the organization Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation, which is dedicated to securing the energy supply in war-torn areas of Ukraine. Their mission focuses on the long-term reconstruction of destroyed energy infrastructure, relying exclusively on renewable energy solutions. In 2023, #greentech contributed to the foundation’s 100 Schools initiative with a donation. The goal of the initiative is to equip schools with rooftop PV systems and battery storage to ensure a more independent and reliable power supply. Additionally, students benefit from education on sustainability and the application of renewable energy solutions. Our donation supported the project in Bobryk, which has now been completed. The school and its sports hall were severely damaged during the occupation of the town in March 2022. Thanks to the newly installed system, the school can now bridge power outages of up to 4 hours. Additionally, it saves nearly €6,000 in electricity costs per year, freeing up resources for other needs. Over a 25-year period, the solar power system on the school’s sports hall roof is expected to reduce CO₂ emissions by 635 tons.

    Unternehmensseite für Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation anzeigen

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    Bobrytska Gymnasium is an educational institution that inspires recovery and development. In March 2022, the village of Bobryk was under occupation, and the school became a base for the Russian military. Today, Bobrytska Gymnasium has become a center of innovation and sustainability. Thanks to a 30 kW hybrid solar power plant, education here continues uninterrupted.  Scroll through the carousel and see more photos from the opening of the solar station 👉 __________________________ The project to install a solar station at Bobrytska Gymnasium was implemented in partnership with the Ukrainian World Congress as part of their Energize Ukraine initiative.  And also thanks to the support of our partners: TM Loko Moko and TM Lactel from Lactalis Ukraine, Menlo Electric, Energy3000 solar GmbH, Install Empowers, Greentech.  Octopus Energy is also a partner of our foundation, supporting projects to install renewable energy systems and energy storage systems in schools and hospitals throughout Ukraine.  The equipment for the solar station was provided by the We Voltalia association and GoodWe. The technical partner is Rodina.

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    An diesem Sonntag heißt es: Zusammen für die Demokratie aufstehen und ins Wahllokal gehen! Das ist die Gelegenheit, die Zukunft Deutschlands aktiv mitzugestalten - jede Stimme zählt! Gemeinsam mit vielen anderen Unternehmen unterstützen wir daher den Wahlaufruf der Initative #Zusammenland von DIE ZEIT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Tagesspiegel & WirtschaftsWoche - denn: Wer die Wahl hat, hat es gut! EN: This Sunday, it's time to stand up together for democracy and go to the polling station! This is the opportunity to actively help shape the future of Germany - every vote counts! Together with many other companies, we are therefore supporting the #Zusammenland initiative's call to vote - because: Those who have the choice are in a good position!

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    Solar contracting provider RE.source has recently commissioned one of Germany’s largest rooftop photovoltaic systems in Leipzig. Spanning two rooftop areas totalling approximately 110,000 m², the installation consists of 26,868 modules and delivers a capacity of 11 MWp. As an integrated PV specialist #greentech supported RE.source throughout the entire planning, construction and commissioning phases, providing various services in the field of Engineering & Technical Advisory, with a particular focus on electrical design and system communication. Moving forward, greentech will also take over the technical operations management of the plant. Read more here: https://lnkd.in/dV5YdbMT #rooftopPV #SolarEnergy #FutureEnergySolutions Tilo Nahrath, Jörn Carstensen picture: Re.source Projects GmbH

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    Wir glauben, dass Weltoffenheit, Respekt und Gemeinschaft Werte sind, die Deutschland nicht nur zu einem lebenswerten, sondern auch zu einem wirtschaftlich starken Land machen. Daher unterstützen wir die Initiative #Zusammenland von DIE ZEIT, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, WirtschaftsWoche und Ströer. EN: greentech supports the initative #Zusammenland ("Together country") We believe that cosmopolitanism, respect and community are values that make Germany not only a country worth living in, but also an economically strong one. That is why we support the #Zusammenland initiative by DIE ZEIT, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, WirtschaftsWoche and Ströer.

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    Good news from our project developement Team: We were able to obtain the first planning decisions (Aufstellungsbeschlüsse) for two 20 MW battery storage systems thanks to broad approval from local councils in the west of Schleswig-Holstein. Preparations are underway for further projects, primarily in northern and eastern Germany. Find more information here: https://lnkd.in/e8PVZgE4 #BESS

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    This year, greentech is exhibiting for the first time at FIERAGRICOLA Tech in Verona. Today and tomorrow at booth F3 you can find out about the possibilities and opportunities of Agri-Photovoltaic and discuss with our colleagues whether your area is suitable for the construction of a PV park. We look forward to your visit!

    Profil von Andrea Voigt anzeigen

    Energy Transition | RES | BESS | Green Innovations

    We are thrilled to be exhibiting at Fieragricola Tech in Verona! If you’re attending and would like to connect, visit us at Stand F3. Let’s exchange ideas about the future of Agrivoltaico and technology. Looking forward to meeting you there!

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    Profil von Jörn Carstensen anzeigen

    Managing Director bei greentech

    It has been cold, wet and windy - but very beneficial and important. Site induction with a special focus on HSE for a 12MWp site in Ireland where greentech is the designated O&M contractor. The whole team including our MD for greentech Ireland Matthew Keane and our HSE manager James Pearson can’t wait to get started! Even more important: good luck for all Irish people with the big storm hitting the country tonight. Stay safe! #greentech #OandM #HSE #quality #PV

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