Titelbild von HEKO Ketten GmbHHEKO Ketten GmbH
HEKO Ketten GmbH

HEKO Ketten GmbH

Herstellung von Industriemaschinen


Specilized in the production of highly wear resistant round link chains for different applications. Leading in the heat treatment technology - vacuum heat treatment. Special equipment for high output installations.

Herstellung von Industriemaschinen
51–200 Beschäftigte
Wickede ( Ruhr )


Beschäftigte von HEKO Ketten GmbH


  • Profil von Gerhard Weber anzeigen

    Technical Sales Manager at HEKO Ketten GmbH Germany / Wickede ( Ruhr )

    Submerged idler rollers for ash conveyors. HEKO supply to a big power plant in the USA. High reliable items ensure a good and trouble free operation. Supplied as package with sprockets, chains and connectors in size 30 x 120. Submerged scraper conveyors have to run 24 hours for the full year without problems. The submerged idler rollers are here a critical items as you can not see them in the tank. High quality products from HEKO do here a good job. Versions with motion control, groove cleaner, exchangeable segments etc are available.

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