


Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg 6.792 Follower:innen

Passion. Transformation. Results.


io bietet Beratungs- und Planungsleistungen für die Supply Chain mit allen erforderlichen Kompetenzen aus einem Haus. Seit der Gründung 1958 begleitet io seine Kunden als Berater und Planer von der ersten strategischen Überlegung bis hin zur Realisierung komplexer Industrieprojekte für die Supply und Value Chain. Durch Expertise aus Produktion, Logistik, SAP/IT, Architektur und Projektmanagement werden ganzheitliche Lösungen entlang der kompletten Liefer- und Wertschöpfungskette entwickelt, die eine am Markt einzigartige Leistungskombination bieten. Neben dem Hauptsitz in Heidelberg sind die Experten von io an weiteren Standorten in Europa (Berlin, Dortmund, Kaiserslautern, Leonberg, München, Polen: Łódź), den USA (Bethlehem, PA) und Asien (Dubai, Singapur) vor Ort präsent. DATENSCHUTZ: IMPRESSUM:

201–500 Beschäftigte
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
Supply Chain and Logistics Planning, Factory Design, IT/SAP Consulting, Architecture, Lead Consulting, Project Management, Pharma/biotech planning, Commercial kitchen planning, Process Design, SAP software development und SAP add-on solutions


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    6.792 Follower:innen

    In today's competitive manufacturing environment, achieving operational excellence requires transparency, efficiency, and agility. 🏭 SAP #DigitalManufacturing provides a robust Manufacturing Execution System (#MES) that enables businesses to gain a competitive edge. 💡 Why Implement SAP Digital Manufacturing? 🔹 Transparency on the Shop Floor: Real-time visibility across production operations enables faster and data-driven decision-making. 🔹 Reduction of Cycle Times: Streamlining processes reduces production cycle times, leading to improved throughput and faster delivery speeds. 🔹 Improved Communication: Enhanced communication among operators and teams improves coordination and operational efficiency. 🔹Real-Time Information & Faster Response Times: Leveraging real-time data analytics allows for quicker responses to issues or changes in production requirements. 🔹Higher System Utilization and Availability: Maximizing equipment and resource utilization reduces downtime and enhances overall system reliability. 🔹Greater Flexibility in Production: Adjustments to changing customer demands or product variations become easier and more flexible. 🔹Higher Product Quality & Error Reduction: Continuous monitoring, nonconformance management, and machine learning-based visual inspection maintain higher product quality and minimize errors. 🔹Higher Process & Personnel Efficiency: Workflow optimization improves both process and personnel efficiency across production lines and plants. Interested in learning more about SAP DM? Discover how SAP DM can benefit your business: Sign up for our webinar on SAP Digital Manufacturing on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 2:30 pm:

  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

    6.792 Follower:innen

    🚀 SAP Digital Manufacturing: The key to smart manufacturing Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing operations with SAP Digital Manufacturing, a cutting-edge, cloud-based MES that brings smart manufacturing capabilities into your processes. Digital manufacturing is built on three powerful pillars: 🏭 Execution: Enjoy seamless performance and monitoring of your production processes. 📊 Insights: Leverage real-time data to make smarter, data-driven decisions and to react to unexpected events. 📆 Resource Orchestration: Optimize your production planning for greater efficiency and agility. Would you like to learn more about SAP DM and gain insights and experience of SAP DM in real use? Please join us for our webinar on SAP Digital Manufacturing on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 2:30 PM CET

  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

    6.792 Follower:innen

    🔍 Are you ready to see how SAP PEO is transforming manufacturing processes? It extends beyond traditional methods with advanced features and functionalities. Here are some of its standout capabilities for smart manufacturing: 🔹 Engineering Change Management: Evaluating the effects of engineering changes on both planned and running production lines and the entire supply chain. 🔹 Clear Worker Guidance: Providing workers with precise work instructions and dynamic 3D visuals that depict spatial configurations, enhancing clarity and efficiency. 🔹 Detailed Tracking & Tracing: Implementing comprehensive tracking and tracing mechanisms for product genealogy and action logging, even for individual products or lot size one. Stay tuned for more insights on how SAP PEO is revolutionizing manufacturing, and visit our website to learn more: #SAP #Manufacturing #PEO #Engineering #Operations #Innovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔔 We cordially invite you to our online-webinar "How to Implement SAP Digital Manufacturing - Business Value, Implementation Approach, and Best Practices." 💡 In this webinar, you will gain comprehensive insights into how to enhance your production processes and advance digitalization in your company with SAP Digital Manufacturing. 🎫 REGISTER NOW: #SAPDM #SAPDigitalManufacturing #ManufacturingExecution #ioWebinar

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  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

    6.792 Follower:innen

    📈 🏭 How can shopfloor systems be seamlessly integrated with SAP Plant Connectivity (PCo) in SAP Manufacturing Execution (ME)? We analyzed this for our customer Siemens Healthineers. In doing so, we identified concrete measures for improvement and created a comprehensive concept paper. The resulting concept now serves as a blueprint for the connection and integration of machines. 🔎 Visit our website to learn more about this project and the results achieved: Pictures: ©Siemens Healthineers

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  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

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    Your Guide to Manufacturing Excellence: Get to Know SAP PEO 🚀 🔹 WHAT? SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for Production Engineering and Operations (PEO) is a powerful end-to-end solution within SAP’s manufacturing portfolio. Embedded in SAP S/4HANA, PEO easily interacts with other SAP S/4HANA modules on a common database. 🔹 WHY? PEO handles highly engineered, complex products, bridging engineering and manufacturing down to the shop floor. Engineering changes can be easily incorporated into production orders, even mid-production, ensuring operators always receive up-to-date information. 🔹 WHO? PEO perfectly fits for manufacturers of complex products, like in Aerospace & Defense and Industrial Machinery. Stay tuned for more insights on SAP PEO: #Manufacturing #PEO #DigitalTransformation

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  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

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    Fit for the future with a next-day delivery success rate of over 99.9%? 👀 This is what io has planned and implemented with its innovative solution concept for the new CERATIZIT logistics center in Kempten, Germany. Around 4,500 parcels are shipped from here every day to almost all regions of Europe. 👉 Find out which future-proof solution was created for the growing demands on logistics:

  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

    6.792 Follower:innen

    Together with REWE Group, we celebrated the opening of its new central warehouse for the storage of dry goods in Magdeburg Rothensee 👏 Over the past three years, REWE Group, together with io as lead consultant, has implemented the logistics network with a second central warehouse location in Magdeburg. In the future, the North and East regions will be supplied with around 20,000 items from the dry goods assortment on an area of around 50,000 square meters. Automation will play a key role here – more than 50% of the warehouse processes in retail logistics will be fully automated. 💡 In addition to automation, sustainability is also at the forefront when it comes to implementing retail logistics. The creation of the second location will significantly reduce the number of supply routes in REWE Group's logistics network. 🌱 👉 Read more under:

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  • Unternehmensseite von io anzeigen, Grafik

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    🙌 Thank you to everyone who joined us at the ASUG Philadelphia Chapter Event at SAP Headquarters. We at io enjoyed connecting with all attendees to discuss EWM and the digital supply chain. Tyler Maffie and Rupert Hoecherl appreciated meeting you at our booth and value the opportunity to connect with industry leaders. We look forward to collaborating in the future and assisting with your EWM projects. 🚀

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    Unternehmensseite von REWE Group anzeigen, Grafik

    117.965 Follower:innen

    Unser neues Logistikzentrum geht an den Start – ein Leuchtturm für moderne Handelslogistik. 🚚 Drei Jahre nach Baustart feiern wir heute bei REWE die Eröffnung des RE D 39 in Magdeburg. Das neue Logistikzentrum fürs Trockensortiment ist state-of-the-art für Vollautomatisierung und nachhaltiges Bauen.   Mit einer Fläche von 49.500 Quadratmetern bietet das neue Logistikzentrum in der ersten Ausbaustufe Platz für 20.000 Artikel und verfügt über 53 Warenausgangstore.  ➡️ Ganze 50 Prozent der Lagerprozesse im RE D 39 werden vollautomatisiert abgewickelt. Peter Maly, REWE Group Vorstand, unter anderem für Logistik und Supply Chain Management verantwortlich, betont: „Mit diesem Hightech-Lager in Magdeburg sichern wir nicht nur die Warenversorgung unserer Märkte im Norden und Osten, wir stoßen hinsichtlich des Automatisierungsgrads und Leistung dieses zweiten Zentrallagers auch in neue Dimensionen vor.  2014 haben wir in Neu-Isenburg unser erstes teilautomatisiertes Zentrallager eröffnet, in Henstedt-Ulzburg folgte 2022 das zweite Lager mit Teilautomatisierung. Seitdem konnten wir viel Erfahrung mit der Automatisierung von Lagerprozessen sammeln. Das RE D 39 ist mit 50 Prozent Vollautomatisierung jetzt der nächste Evolutionsschritt in der Zentrallogistik und macht Magdeburg zu einem der modernsten Logistikstandorte – nicht nur für uns in der REWE Group, sondern in ganz Europa.”      #logistik #automatisierung #nachhaltigkeit

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