Titelbild von Klöckner & Co SEKlöckner & Co SE
Klöckner & Co SE

Klöckner & Co SE


Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia 7.615 Follower:innen

Your partner for a sustainable tomorrow


Klöckner & Co SE is one of the largest producer-independent distributors of steel and metal products and one of the world’s leading steel service center companies. With its distribution and service network of around 120 sites, primarily in North America and the “DACH” region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), Klöckner & Co supplies more than 60,000 customers. Currently, the Group has more than 6,000 employees. Klöckner & Co generated sales of some €7.0 billion in fiscal year 2023. With the expansion of its portfolio of CO2-reduced materials, services and logistics options under the Nexigen®umbrella brand, the Company is underscoring its role as a pioneer of a sustainable steel industry. At the same time, Klöckner & Co leads the way in the steel industry’s digital transformation and has set itself the target of digitalizing and largely automating its supply and service chain. In this way, the Company aims to develop into the leading one-stop shop for steel, other materials, equipment and processing services in Europe and the Americas.

5.001–10.000 Beschäftigte
Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Distribution, Processing, Warehousing, Logistics, Materials management, Quality management, Prefabrication, Digitalization und Steel


  • Primär

    Peter-Müller-Straße 24

    Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia 40468, DE


Beschäftigte von Klöckner & Co SE


  • Klöckner & Co SE hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Sebastian Naumann anzeigen

    Deputy Head of Group HR bei Klöckner & Co SE

    Heading Back Home After an Inspiring Event! 🚄 I'm currently on the train from Berlin to Cologne, reflecting on the incredible experience at the HR Strategy Summit "Strategiegipfel Personal:digital". A huge thank you to project networks GmbH for inviting me as a Key Note Speaker for Klöckner & Co SE to discuss the Kloeckner Academy. The two-day event was filled with engaging discussions and valuable connections with fellow HR professionals. Some Key Learnings: - Practical applications of AI in other companies – many inspirations for us. - Don't forget the operational staff when introducing new offerings. - In all technological advancements, place people at the center, actively involve them in the change process, and always prioritize psychological safety. A special shoutout to my colleague Amanda Michalik, who accompanied me and contributed significantly to the discussions. Looking forward to implementing these insights and continuing the conversation with all the amazing people I met. Stay tuned for more updates! #HR #Networking #Leadership #AI #StrategiegipfelPersonalDigital #ProjectNetworks #HRStrategySummit #Kloeckner

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  • We are no longer the steel distributor you know A pivotal component of our strategy is the focus on higher value-added business in order to further reduce earnings volatility and increase profitability. In fiscal year 2024, we focused on expanding the higher-value processing and metalworking business in our core markets of North America and the lucrative DACH region in Europe (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). Through targeted investments at selected sites in the USA and Germany, distribution centers were transformed into production and processing hubs for higher-value metal solutions. This move ensures considerably more independence from volatile steel price trends and opens up new opportunities for further growth. In 2024, we already generated most of our sales outside of the traditional steel distribution, with more than 80% of it coming from the steel service center and the higher value-added business. This enables us to continue our successful transformation into a metal processor. 

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  • We achieved a robust operating result (EBITDA) in the fiscal year 2024 We continued to systematically implement our Group strategy in the fiscal year 2024 and made important progress. A key component of the strategy is to focus on higher value-added business in order to further reduce earnings volatility and increase profitability. In 2024, we already generated over 80% of sales with the steel service center business and higher value-added business. Overall, Klöckner & Co achieved a robust operating result (EBITDA) before material special effects of €136 million in FY 2024 despite the persistently challenging economic environment. At Group level, shipments increased slightly year-on-year to 4.5 million tons (FY 2023: 4.2 million tons). Sales were slightly down on the previous year, totaling €6.6 billion (FY 2023: €7.0 billion), which was caused by the falling steel prices in the USA and Europe. In addition, we were able to achieve a clearly positive cash flow from operating activities of €160 million (FY 2023: €287 million) for the third time in a row. Considering this, and the fact that the Group’s results for previous years were only partially distributed, a dividend of €0.20 per share will be proposed to the Annual General Meeting. Additionally, we were able to increase our equity ratio to an even more solid 48.6% (FY 2023: 45.4%). For the current fiscal year 2025, we expect demand to increase in the relevant markets in Europe and North America. Accordingly, we are forecasting a considerable increase in sales and turnover compared to the previous year. Based on this trend and our improved operational positioning, as well as the assumption that the significant negative price effects that occurred in 2024 will not be repeated, we expect a considerable year-on-year increase in EBITDA before material special effects. Also, we expect a positive operating cash flow for FY 2025, considerably above previous year’s level. For the current Q1 2025, we expect a considerable increase of shipments and sales compared to the previous quarter as well as EBITDA before material special effects around the level of previous year’s quarter (Q1 2024: €42m). You can find facts, figures and statistics in our 2024 Annual Report, which we have linked for you below in the comments.

  • A Gladiator, a Captain, and a Bee walk into a party… We celebrated the fifth season of the year with our own carnival party. Helau, Kloeckner! Carnival holds a special place in our home region in western Germany. It’s the perfect occasion to get creative, dress up, and celebrate together. Yesterday, we brought the festive spirit straight to the office - with a conga line snaking through the halls, a costume contest, and photo booths capturing the best carnival moments with our colleagues. The evening’s kickoff? None other than Felix Schmitz (CEO of Kloeckner Metals Germany), who came as a Gladiator to get the party started. A fantastic event and a well-deserved winner of the costume contest - or what do you think? 😉

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  • He nails IT: Meet Kilian Pohl Kilian Pohl works as a Senior Strategic Program Manager at kloeckner.i GmbH, the IT subsidiary of our Klöckner Group. In this role, he spearheads crucial strategic IT initiatives, particularly within the specialized portfolios of HR, IT Infrastructure, M&A, and Corporate Communication. Kilians mission? Ensuring the corresponding IT projects align with our company’s strategic goals, driving technological innovation and operational efficiency through strategic IT planning and execution. One highlight in his journey at Kloeckner so far has been participating in the Emerging Leadership Program (ELP). This program brings together colleagues from various subsidiaries and national companies to jointly develop leadership skills and teach learning content relating to digital transformation. "In addition to the professional learning content, the ELP also led to friendships in various areas of Kloeckner, from which I still benefit today“, explains Kilian. What does he appreciate most about working at Kloeckner? Kilian: "Kloeckner embraces change, thrives on diversity and has succesfully embedded sustainability into its DNA. The strong team spirit and the friendly atmosphere among colleagues complement my positive experiences". We are happy to have you on board, Kilian!

  • Unternehmensseite für Klöckner & Co SE anzeigen

    7.615 Follower:innen

    This was the official opening ceremony of our Group headquarters in Düsseldorf   We celebrated with selected guests from our new neighbourhood the official inauguration of our new Group headquarters. After speeches by our CEO Guido Kerkhoff, Dr. Stephan Keller (Mayor of Düsseldorf) and Pradeep Alex Pinakatt (CEO & Labour Director of Düsseldorf Airport), our Management Board members Guido Kerkhoff and Dr. Oliver Falk guided our guests from the worlds of business, politics and the media on an office tour of the new premises. The feedback? Outstanding! The result was a great evening and a worthy opening!

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  • Klöckner & Co SE hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Guido Kerkhoff anzeigen

    CEO bei Klöckner & Co SE

    Wir starteten mit dem Klöckner Afterwork ein neues monatliches Event für unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter Mehr Begegnungen, mehr spontane Gespräche und noch mehr Leben in der Bude. Das ist mir nach den ersten Wochen im neuen Büro unserer Klöckner-Konzernzentrale in Düsseldorf besonders aufgefallen. Doch wie der Mensch so ist, bleibt der Austausch im Berufsalltag häufig auf die eigenen Teams begrenzt. Mit unserem Klöckner Afterwork starten wir nun ein monatliches Format, was genau das aufbricht und den abteilungsübergreifenden Austausch weiter fördert. Ohne Meetings oder lange Reden, sondern mit guten Gesprächen in entspannter Atmosphäre mit Pizzablechen, Bier, Aperol Spritz und Musik. Gestern war der Auftakt, und genau so, wie wir ihn uns erhofft haben. Statt Zahlen und Strategien, ging es um die besten Musiktipps und Konzert-Locations (Ushuaia und Savaya waren beispielsweise für DJ-Sets unter den Favoriten), Wunsch-Reiseziele und darum, die Kolleginnen und Kollegen außerhalb der täglichen Zusammenarbeit besser kennenzulernen. Das hat Spaß gemacht! Wir sehen uns im März zum nächsten Afterwork.

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