KnowledgeAgent GmbH

KnowledgeAgent GmbH


We analyze your competition.


Knowledge tailor-made As a leading specialist for market intelligence, KnowledgeAgent has been supplying companies and organizations with tailor-made intelligence solutions for over 15 years. Our analysts and sector experts are educated at renowned universities and draw upon international industry experience. We use state-of-the-art software and rely on a broad selection of primary and secondary sources in order to support our customers in answering strategic questions. KnowledgeAgent is a trusted partner of global strategy and management consultants, multinational corporations and mid-market companies. The combination of cross-sector expertise, the use of state-of-the-art web technology, as well as access to a broad range of sources enables us to deliver precise and high level results. Our service portfolio embraces classic business research, strategic analysis & studies, data analytics and integrated market intelligence solutions. Get in touch with us and find out which strategic questions we can answer for you! Contact: Marcel Eberle ( Imprint: Data Privacy:

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Market Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, Business Research, Market Intelligence Solutions, Strategic Analyses, Data Analytics, Strategic Planning, Business Development, Market Research, Single Client Studies, Market Potential Analysis, Data Management, Supplier Profiles & Analysis und Management Newsletters


Beschäftigte von KnowledgeAgent GmbH


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    🙌Noch keine Idee was du nach dem Studium machen willst oder Lust auf einen Jobwechsel? Starte deine Karriere in #competitiveintelligence und #marketresearch bei uns als Research Analyst (m/w/d)! Genauere Infos findest Du hier: Oder melde dich gerne direkt bei unserer Personalreferentin Stéphanie Weber! 📞📧 #hiring #startyourcareer #newjob #research #marketintelligence

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  • Unternehmensseite von KnowledgeAgent GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔋 Elektromobilität: Was ist der nächste Schritt? 🔍 Entdecken Sie, wie die neuen digitalen Werkzeuge der Nationalen Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur den Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur in Deutschland vorantreiben. Unser Mitarbeiter Songa Bahner bietet Einblicke, wie diese Tools die Planung und Genehmigung von Ladepunkten vereinfachen und beschleunigen. #Elektromobilität #Ladeinfrastruktur #Digitalisierung #Nachhaltigkeit #Deutschlandnetz

    Profil von Songa Bahner anzeigen, Grafik

    Research Analyst

    🚀 Launch der digitalen Ladeinfrastruktur: Der nächste Schritt zur Elektromobilität! 🌐 Das Deutschlandnetz ist eine Initiative des Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr, die im Oktober 2021 gestartet wurde. Sie zielt darauf ab rund 9.000 Schnellladepunkte an mehr als 1.000 Standorten in ganz Deutschland zu errichten. Der Ausbau soll bis 2026 abgeschlossen sein, wobei der erste Standort im Januar 2024 in Düren eröffnet wurde. 🔧 Die Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur hat nun neue digitale Werkzeuge vorgestellt, die den Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur in Deutschland entscheidend unterstützen. Dazu gehören das StandortTOOL und das LadeLernTOOL, die die Planung und Genehmigung von Ladepunkten optimieren. 📚 Das LadeLernTOOL richtet sich an Verwaltungsmitarbeitende und vermittelt Wissen für die Planung und den Aufbau von Ladeinfrastruktur vor Ort. 📍 Mit dem StandortTOOL können Länder, Kommunen und Netzbetreiber die Ausbauplanung vor Ort auf Basis realer Mobilitätsdaten durchführen. Es bietet Einblicke in den Bedarf, den Ist-Zustand und die Ausbauaktivitäten der Ladeinfrastruktur. 🏢 Das FlächenTOOL unterstützt die Identifizierung geeigneter Liegenschaften für den Aufbau von Ladeinfrastruktur und ermöglicht die Zusammenführung von Angebot und Nachfrage. 🌟 Mit diesen digitalen Werkzeugen wird die Planung und Genehmigung von Ladeinfrastruktur deutlich effizienter und transparenter. Das Deutschlandnetz wird dadurch schneller und flächendeckender aufgebaut, was die Reichweitenangst reduziert und die Nutzung von Elektrofahrzeugen attraktiver macht. 🔍 Welche Herausforderungen sehen Sie noch bei der flächendeckenden Einführung von Schnellladepunkten in Deutschland? #Elektromobilität #Ladeinfrastruktur #Digitalisierung #Nachhaltigkeit #Deutschlandnetz Sources: Nationale Leitstelle, 20/06/2024, Wissing kicks off Deutschlandnetz campaign,, accessed 12/09/2024 Nationale Leitstelle, Toolbox,, accessed 12/09/2024 Enercity, Ein flächendeckendes Schnellladenetz für Deutschland,, accessed 12/09/2024

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    From Insights to Impact: Research as a Requirement for Foresight and Strategy Kicking off our series on strategic foresight, we begin with business research, one of our four process modules. We will continue to provide detailed overviews of analysis, prospection, and monitoring in subsequent posts. The first step in any strategic foresight project is business research. At KnowledgeAgent GmbH, we collect the foundational insights necessary for strategic foresight, supporting you in navigating market complexities. 🔍 Value Chain Analysis: We identify your position in the value chain of your industry and uncover opportunities for growth. 📊 Trend Scouting: Our research experts provide insights on technology, regulations, and market trends. 🏆 Competitor Analysis: We analyze your competitors to help you strategize effectively. Get in touch with our Strategic Foresight Lead Maximilian Brucker to get more insights on our strategic foresight process. Also check out our latest blogpost and presentation: 📝 Let us know, what tools or methods do you use for trend scouting in your industry? Part 1: Unlock Future Success with Strategic Foresight: #StrategicForesight #FromInsightsToImpact #MarketIntelligence #FutureReadyWithKnowledgeAgent #BusinessResearch

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    🚆 All Aboard the Future of Rail! 🚄 The rail sector is poised for transformative growth driven by sustainability and technological advances. 📊 Discover the latest insights from our colleague Britta Schoch on current and future trends that could accelerate the industry’s development. 💬 Our Travel, Transport & Logistics Team KnowledgeAgent GmbH is dedicated to providing expert analysis and strategic insight to support you in navigating these changes. Connect with us to explore how we can support your journey in the evolving rail industry.

    Profil von Britta Schoch anzeigen, Grafik

    Market & Competitive Intelligence | Research Manager @ KnowledgeAgent GmbH

    🚄 The Future Of Rail: Are You On Board? 🚆The rail industry is poised for unprecedented growth, fueled by advances in technology and a drive toward sustainability. 📈 According to recent findings by consultancy Arthur D Little (ADL), passenger-kilometers (pkm) and ton-kilometers (tkm) are projected to grow by 200% from 2019 to 2050, reflecting the sector’s immense potential. 🌍 Strong demographic growth, increasing urbanization, and heightened environmental awareness are key drivers supporting this upward trajectory, along with evolving consumer behavior. 🚀 Emerging digital tools such as the Internet of Trains, digital twins, and high-speed rail lines are transforming rail operations, enabling real-time monitoring, advanced simulations, and faster travel. These technologies are critical to creating a more efficient and resilient rail network. 📊 Trends such as mass customization, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), and multimodal mobility are redefining the rail passenger experience. By integrating different modes of transport and offering personalized travel experiences, rail operators will improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. 🔍ADL has identified 45 trends that will reshape the industry over the next 20 years. These trends fall into three main areas: (1) technology and infrastructure, (2) consumer behavior and value proposition, and (3) regulation and organization setup. 📢 Have you experienced any changes in rail services yet? What do you think which emerging digital tool will have the biggest impact on rail operations? #FutureOfRail #SustainableTransport #TechInRail #MobilityAsAService #RailwayTrends Sources: Arthur D Little, 08/2023, Rail 2040,, accessed 10/09/2024 DB Systel, 12/2023, DB Digital.Trend.Radar 2023,, accessed 10/09/2024

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    Unlock Future Success with Strategic Foresight While market intelligence keeps us competitive now, strategic foresight prepares us for the disruptions and opportunities of tomorrow. Did you know companies using strategic foresight can boost long-term profitability by up to 33%? 🚀 At KnowledgeAgent GmbH, we support you through the entire strategic foresight process: 🔍 Comprehensive Business Research: Our Sector experts provide tailor-made research of markets, value chain, trends, and competitors. 🔮 Quantify Future Scenarios: We develop market models to forecast growth, supporting you in preparing different market trajectories with solid data foundations. 🛤️ Strategic Options for Success: We provide recommendations to respond effectively to market changes, ensuring your long-term competitiveness. 📈 Efficiency Gains: Outsource your strategic foresight to leverage our expertise and focus on strategy and decision-making. Want to know more? Get in touch with our Strategic Foresight Lead Maximilian Brucker Also check out our latest blogpost and download our presentation including all the details on the strategic foresight process: 📝 Let us know in the comments how you ensure your business stays ahead of potential disruptions? #StrategicForesight #FromInsightsToImpact #MarketIntelligence #FutureReadyWithKnowledgeAgent Sources: René Rohrbeck, Menes Etingue Kum, Corporate foresight and its impact on firm performance: A longitudinal analysis, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 129, 2018, Pages 105-116, World Economic Forum, Alex Fergnani, Olivier Woeffray, 19/09/2023, Why corporate foresight matters according to research,, accessed 04/07/2024

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    🧫 From Lab to Table: The Promises and Challenges of Cultivated Meat 🏭 Cultivated meat is a product of cellular agriculture, which uses animal cells or microbial fermentation to create molecules and food. It is produced by sampling animal cells, growing them in vitro, and forming tissue that replicates traditional meat in feel, taste, and nutritional value. 🌱Cultivated meat may reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 92% and land use by up to 90% compared to conventional beef, when produced using renewable energy. This is however highly dependent on the energy source and ingredients used in production. 📈 Profitability of cultivated meat requires larger production volumes and lower prices. Studies suggest that cell-cultured meat could eventually be competitive as a niche product, potentially providing 0.5% of the world's meat supply by 2030. 💬 What are your thoughts on the future of cultivated meat? Do you believe it will overcome its current challenges and become a staple in our diets? 🔍 At KnowledgeAgent GmbH, we closely monitor emerging markets in a range of industries. To support you in informed decision-making, we use ad-hoc research to identify growth opportunities and potential investment targets, deliver in-depth analysis of industries and regulations and provide you with a detailed view of latest industry trends. #CultivatedMeat #AlternativeProtein #CellularAgriculture Sources: EPRS, 17/04/2024, Alternative Protein Sources for Food and Feed,, accessed 03/09/2024 GFI, 22/04/2024, State of the Industry Report Cultivated Meat and Seafood,, accessed 03/09/2024 GFI, The Science of Cultivated Meat,, accessed 03/09/2024 Sentient Media, 29/06/2023, What the Media Keeps Getting Wrong About That Cultivated Meat Study,, accessed 03/09/2024 Food Safety News, 14/05/2024, Little to be Found, But Tthe Lab-Grown Meat Products Are Subject to Bans,, accessed 03/09/2024

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    🌟 Join Us At The Forefront Of Innovation In Personalised Medicine! 🔬 This year, KnowledgeAgent GmbH joins the BioRN Life Science Cluster Rhine-Neckar Annual Conference 2024 (BAC) as an exhibitor! 🌐 BAC 2024 offers insightful presentations and extensive networking opportunities on New Therapeutic Modalities in Personalised Medicine. 📅 WHEN: October 9th, 9am-6pm 📍 WHERE: BOOTH 14, Heidelberg Congress Center (HCC), Goeppert-Mayer-Straße, 69115 Heidelberg 📈 Gain insight into the latest research in radiotherapeutics, ADCs, epigenetics, RNA biology, and molecular glues. Visit us on the expo floor for the latest insights into our technologies! For more details, join our event: #BioRNConference #PersonalisedMedicine #KnoweldgeAgent #LifeSciences #BAC2024

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    📅 Join Us At The BioRN Annual Conference!

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    🌟 Join Us At The Forefront Of Innovation In Personalised Medicine! 🔬 This year, KnowledgeAgent GmbH joins the BioRN Life Science Cluster Rhine-Neckar Annual Conference 2024 (BAC) as an exhibitor! 🌐 BAC 2024 offers insightful presentations and extensive networking opportunities on New Therapeutic Modalities in Personalised Medicine. 📅 WHEN: October 9th, 9am-6pm 📍 WHERE: BOOTH 14, Heidelberg Congress Center (HCC), Goeppert-Mayer-Straße, 69115 Heidelberg 📈 Gain insight into the latest research in radiotherapeutics, ADCs, epigenetics, RNA biology, and molecular glues. Visit us on the expo floor for the latest insights into our technologies! For more details, join our event: #BioRNConference #PersonalisedMedicine #KnoweldgeAgent #LifeSciences #BAC2024

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    📅 Join Us At The BioRN Annual Conference!

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    🌟 Is Nvidia Dominating the AI Chips Market? 📈 Nvidia's artificial intelligence (AI) chips, initially created for video gaming, now dominate over 80% of the global AI chip market. In the first quarter of 2024, the company's sales tripled, with forecasts indicating another doubling in Q2. Since January 2023, Nvidia's share price has increased by nearly 450%, positioning it as the third-most valuable company in the United States, with a market valuation nearing USD 2 trillion, following Microsoft and Apple. 🚀 Worldwide, the AI chip market is set for rapid expansion, driven by advancements in AI technology and increasing demand. In 2023, the data-center AI chip market reached USD 17.7 billion, with Nvidia leading the way due to its advanced GPU technology, robust partnerships, and continuous innovation. 💡 Companies like Amazon, Google, Meta Platforms, and Microsoft are challenging Nvidia by designing own chips and outsourcing production. Intel and AMD are investing heavily in R&D and strategic alliances. AMD's MI300X chip, which boasts increased memory capacity, is a notable example of this effort. 🌱 Additionally, startups such as Foundry Technologies and SambaNova Systems are making significant progress in the AI chip market by focusing on niche segments and developing innovative technologies. Despite the challenges of creating viable business models for hardware investments, their agility and innovation position them well to adapt to technological advancements and changing market demands. 🔄 To maintain its leadership, Nvidia must continue advancing its chip technology, with the next generation, Blackwell, set to release later this year. Nvidia is also expanding in data centers, offering a range of networking chips and infrastructure necessary for large AI computation systems. However, maintaining dominance requires more than better hardware; Nvidia must continue to excel in chip quality, networking equipment, and software to stay ahead of competitors. 🔍 Our experts at KnowledgeAgent GmbH deliver in-depth analysis on the chip industry, including insights on technology advancements and competitive positioning, supporting you in making informed decisions. #AIchips #Nvidia #TechInnovation Sources: Visual Capitalist, 25/08/2023, Nvidia vs. AMD vs. Intel: Comparing AI Chip Sales,, accessed 27/08/2024 TechInsights, Q1/2024, Data-Center AI Chip Market – Q1 2024 Update,, accessed 27/08/2024 WSJ, 23/05/2024, Nvidia ' s Business Is Booming . Here ' s What Could Slow It Down.,, accessed 27/08/2024 The Economist, 27/02/2024, Why do Nvidia’s chips dominate the AI market?,, accessed 27/08/2024

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    🏆🚶♂️ Schritte-Challenge 3.0: Teamgeist und Bewegung als Schlüssel zum Erfolg! 🚶♀️🏆 💪 Bereits zum dritten Mal fand im vergangenen Juli bei der KnowledgeAgent GmbH die jährliche Team Challenge statt – und das mit großem Erfolg! 👟 Gemeinsam legten die Teams rund 4.560 km zurück, das entspricht einem Fußmarsch quer durch die USA von Seattle bis nach Miami! Die durchschnittliche Schrittzahl lag dabei bei beeindruckenden 12.335 Schritten pro Tag. ♻️ Doch nicht nur die Schritte zählten: In spannenden Themenwochen zu den Bereichen Gesunde Ernährung, Teamgeist, und Nachhaltigkeit konnten die Teams durch kreative Beiträge Extrapunkte sammeln. Von köstlichen Rezepten über nachhaltige Tipps für den Büroalltag bis hin zu kleinen Teambuilding-Aktivitäten wurden allerlei interessante Beiträge geleistet. 🎉 Ein großes Dankeschön an alle Teilnehmenden für den engagierten Einsatz! Mehr Infos zur Challenge gibt es in unserem aktuellen Blogartikel. Schaut vorbei 👉 #Teamgeist #CorporateCulture #ErfolgeFeiern #GemeinsamAktiv

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