Titelbild von Koelnmesse GmbHKoelnmesse GmbH
Koelnmesse GmbH

Koelnmesse GmbH


Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen 19.114 Follower:innen

We energize your business - since 1924.


Die Koelnmesse ist Messeplatz Nr. 1 für rund 25 Branchen, für die das Unternehmen die Weltleitmessen veranstaltet. Wesentliche Kompetenzfelder der Koelnmesse sind die „Global Competence in Food and FoodTec“ mit Messen wie Anuga und ISM im Ernährungsbereich, die „Global Competence in Furniture, Interiors and Design“ der Einrichtungsmessen beispielsweise mit imm cologne und ORGATEC sowie „Digital Media, Entertainment und Mobility“, das mit Veranstaltungen wie gamescom und DMEXCO wichtige Zukunftsthemen aufgreift. Die Koelnmesse organisiert und betreut jedes Jahr rund 80 Messen, Ausstellungen, Gastveranstaltungen und Special Events in Köln und in den wichtigsten Märkten weltweit. Rund 3 Millionen Besucher aus 224 Staaten und mehr als 54.500 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 122 Ländern nehmen regelmäßig an den Veranstaltungen teil. Das Kölner Messegelände – mit 284.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche das drittgrößte in Deutschland und unter den Top Ten der Welt – liegt nur einen Steinwurf von der Kölner Innenstadt entfernt und ist bestens an das nationale und internationale Verkehrsnetz angebunden. Die Internationalität der Messen ist eine der höchsten der Welt: Im Durchschnitt kommen 70 Prozent der Aussteller und mehr als 40 Prozent der Besucher aus dem Ausland.

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Trade Fairs, Events, Food, Interior, Furniture, Digital Media, FoodTec, Exhibitions, Entertainment, Design, Event location, Global, FoodTec, Mobility, Conferences, Business Matchmaking und Service


Beschäftigte von Koelnmesse GmbH


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    Forests are true climate heroes and they deserve the spotlight 🌳 That’s why 21 March, the International Day of Forests, is a great opportunity to highlight one of Cologne’s most valuable environmental initiatives: "Ein Wald für Köln" (A Forest for Cologne). 🌲 This reforestation project turns fallow and former farmland into new woodland, improving air quality, strengthening biodiversity and making Cologne an even more livable city. 🤗 Koelnmesse has supported "Ein Wald für Köln" on several occasions. We planted our first 90 trees ten years ago. Most recently, we joined in again for our 100th anniversary in 2024 by planting 100 trees in Cologne. And to mark the occasion, our subsidiaries around the world also planted trees in their regions. 💯 In total, over 88,000 trees have already been planted as part of the project – a huge boost for Cologne’s urban climate. We’re proud that our saplings are part of it. 🤝 What role do forests play in your life? #koelnmesse #koelnmesse100 #forest #tradefairer #MesseMonatMärz

  • Happy First Day of Spring! 🌷🐤🌼 Spring means fresh blooms, BBQs and more time outdoors. At Koelnmesse, we’re making sure this feeling lasts all year with one special trade fair: As temperatures rise, spoga+gafa comes at just the right time! ☀️ Held every June, spoga+gafa is the world’s biggest garden and BBQ trade fair, bringing together innovation, inspiration and practical ideas. 💡 This year's focus on "Design Gardens" is all about creating green spaces that thrive in every season! 🌱 Let’s grow something amazing this spring and get ready for spoga+gafa 2025 this June! 🌿 📷: Koelnmesse GmbH / Harald Fleissner, Bernd Lauter, Hanne Engwald, Alita Holzhauer #koelnmesse #tradefairer #spogagafa #MesseMonatMärz #work

  • Bollywood buzz in the office: colourful festivals and team spirit at Koelnmesse India 🤗 Today, in our series "Meet our global Koelnmesse team", we’ll be taking you to our subsidiary in India! Our office in Mumbai is located in the modern Solitaire Corporate Park, a dynamic business campus that offers a perfect work environment with green garden spaces. The park hosts numerous trade fair companies and serves as the perfect place to network and connect with colleagues. 🌿 The office was opened just a year ago and provides a fantastic working environment: a game room, well-equipped meeting rooms, and access to the clubhouse within the park. The office seamlessly blends work with a healthy work-life balance! 🏢 The proximity to train and metro stations ensures a relatively smooth commute, even though it can get quite crowded during peak hours. Quick access to the highway also makes commuting more efficient. 🚆🚗 What makes the workday special is the great diversity within the team. While there are no expats, the team is a vibrant mix of people from across India, each bringing their own cultural traditions, languages, and regional specialties. Potluck lunches are especially popular, where each employee brings a dish, creating a delicious buffet that celebrates the variety of Indian cuisine. 🍛🍴 The "Fun Committee" also organizes activities throughout the year, from learning workshops to games and celebrations of major Indian festivals. Diwali, Holi, and Christmas are true highlights, celebrated with great enthusiasm. Additionally, during the nine-day Navratri festival, employees dress in colourful attire. 🎉 Fun Fact: Bollywood beats Hollywood! 🎬 India’s passion for movies knows no bounds, making its film industry the most prolific in the world. With vibrant storytelling and dazzling productions, Bollywood captivates around three billion viewers every year. #koelnmesse #koelnmesseconnects #MesseMonatMärz #India

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    Different countries, one shared mission ⚙️⛓️ This week, six international directors from the hardware trade fair sector came together in Cologne to take part in a new Koelnmesse program: the "Koelnmesse Campus for Outbound Directors". This initiative, led by the International division, aims to foster professional exchange and strengthen the sense of unity beyond the boundaries of Koelnmesse's subsidiaries. The participants included Alice Brambilla (Koelnmesse Italia), Ana María Jiménez C (Koelnmesse SAS - LAC), Shailendra Malik (Koelnmesse Pte Ltd), Denny Jin (Koelnmesse Co. Ltd., China.), Trista Ming (Koelnmesse Co. Ltd., China), and Stephanie Sim, DES, CES (Koelnmesse Pte Ltd). The program kicked off on Monday with an interactive rally through Koelnmesse's headquarters – an exciting opportunity to explore the company’s different areas of work. 🕵️♀️ The rest of the week was packed with an intensive workshop program, offering insights into various teams, including Global Brand Management, Sales and International. Additionally, the participants took the opportunity to visit our trade fair Asia-Pacific Sourcing and attend individual meetings with customers and partners. 🚀 Beyond the professional exchange, networking and shared experiences were central to the program. Joint excursions into Cologne’s city center and convivial evenings as an international team provided the perfect finishing touch. We extend our thanks to our international colleagues for their visit and look forward to seeing them again soon! 🤗 📷: Koelnmesse GmbH / Ludolf Dahmen #koelnmesse #directors #cologne #work #MesseMonatMärz

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    Politik gefordert: „Unternehmen brauchen klare Signale“ ❗ Während die aktuellen Streiks deutschlandweit für Diskussionen sorgen, spricht Koelnmesse-CEO Gerald Böse in der Print-Ausgabe von FOCUS MONEY über die grundsätzlichen Herausforderungen der deutschen Wirtschaft: „Viele Unternehmen investieren nicht mehr in Deutschland, sondern in Osteuropa, Asien oder in den USA. Das ist ein klares Signal, dass die Standortbedingungen hier nicht mehr attraktiv genug sind.“ Im Interview betont Gerald Böse, wie wichtig stabile Rahmenbedingungen und Planungssicherheit sind – nicht nur für Industrie und Handel, sondern auch für Messen als zentrale Plattformen des wirtschaftlichen Austauschs. Gerade in Zeiten des Wandels zeigt sich, wie essenziell verlässliche Strukturen für den internationalen Wettbewerb sind. „Sonst erodiert der industrielle Kern Deutschlands“, so Böse. Die aktuelle Ausgabe von FOCUS MONEY ist im Zeitschriftenhandel erhältlich. Das ganze Interview ist auch bei FOCUS online nachzulesen: https://lnkd.in/eCxt8knX Streik, Infrastruktur, Deindustrialisierung: Was erleben Sie und was wünschen Sie sich, um Deutschlands Unternehmen zu stärken? 📣 📷: Koelnmesse GmbH / Thomas Schäkel #koelnmesse #print #wirtschaft #wandel #MesseMonatMärz

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    Female Leadership 2.0: Sticker Campaign for International Women’s Day 💚 In celebration of International Women’s Day, which took place last Saturday, our women’s network Female Leadership 2.0 kicked off this week with a special initiative: handing out creative stickers filled with inspiring messages to raise awareness for equality and female empowerment. 💡 Did you know that besides the word "hero", there’s also the female form "shero"? Small words, big impact! We love our network’s dedication and say: Keep it up! 🦸♂️🦸♀️ International Women’s Day reminds us every year that equality is still not a given. Whether at work or in everyday life – creating equal opportunities requires continuous effort. 💪 #Koelnmesse #MesseMonatMärz #InternationalWomensDay Lisa K. Sonja Hennig Miriam de Montigny Katharina Gründig Figueiroa

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    Ihr Event. Ihr Raum. Ihre Möglichkeiten: Ein Rundgang durch unser Confex! Willkommen im Confex, dem neuen Maßstab für Kongresse, Events und Ausstellungen. Der Name vereint das Beste aus „Conference and Exhibitions“ und schafft einen Raum, der Veranstaltungen auf ein neues Level hebt. Hier entstehen visionäre Veranstaltungsformate in einer inspirierenden Atmosphäre. Ob internationale Konferenzen, hybride Events oder exklusive Networking-Treffen – das Confex schafft den perfekten Rahmen für echte Erlebnisse. 🤝 🙌 Raum für Inspiration: Lichtdurchflutete Räume, begrünte Außenflächen und ein beeindruckender Blick auf die Kölner Skyline schaffen die perfekte Umgebung für kreatives Arbeiten und intensiven Austausch. 🚀 Perfekt eingebunden, grenzenlose Möglichkeiten: Das Confex ist nahtlos in das drittgrößte Messegelände Deutschlands integriert, eines der weltweit führenden unter den Top Ten. Die direkte Anbindung an die Messehallen und Konferenzräume ermöglicht fließende Übergänge zwischen globalen Leitmessen, Kongressen und hochkarätigen Business-Events. 🌿 Nachhaltig gebaut, klimafreundlich betrieben: Platin-zertifiziert, mit eigener Solarstromversorgung und energieeffizienter Infrastruktur – ein Vorreiter in Sachen nachhaltiges Veranstalten. 💡 Technologie, die Maßstäbe setzt: Modernste Medientechnik, ein europaweit einzigartiges Medien-Mesh und digitale Infrastruktur für innovative, hybride Eventformate. Machen Sie sich selbst ein Bild. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen des Videos! 🎬 Sie haben Fragen? Unser Sales-Team berät Sie gerne unter sales@koelncongress.de, damit Ihre Veranstaltung die richtige Bühne bekommt.   #Koelnmesse Koelncongress GmbH #confex #events #messe #kongresse make/c - video content marketing GmbH

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    How Our Trade Fairs Help Companies Thrive: Real Stories Inside! 🚀 For 100 years, Koelnmesse has been a driving force especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (#SMEs). But why do trade fairs remain so important today? Our new video series explores how our trade fairs empower companies to grow, connect and innovate. 🙌 We asked exhibitors about their experiences: ✅ What defines their company and products? ✅ How has their presence developed through our trade fairs? ✅ What success stories have they experienced with Koelnmesse? We've heard exciting stories and gained valuable perspectives. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks! 🔜 🎥: Koelnmesse GmbH / Thomas Volkmar #koelnmesse #koelnmesse100 #koelnmesseconnects #MesseMonatMärz #WeEnergizeYourBusiness #MittelstandsMotorMesse

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    Sew ready for the future at h+h cologne 2025! 🧵 This past weekend, Koelnmesse brought together thousands of crafting enthusiasts, exhibitors, retailers and industry experts at the world’s leading trade fair for handicrafts and hobbies h+h cologne. 🙌 Around 300 exhibitors from 39 countries and trade visitors from 79 nations highlighted the global diversity of both the industry and the event. 🌍 Attendees explored the latest trends and products while engaging in inspiring lectures, panel discussions and masterclasses. 🤗 With a strong commitment to creating the future of local retail, h+h cologne focused on how to continue innovating in an era of digital competition. This included enhancing the Trend Zone and the Green Zone, which showcased innovative and sustainable products. We'll be sharing more about it this week! 💡 Koelnmesse's support for the crafting industry doesn’t stop in Cologne or greater Europe – it continues across the Atlantic with h+h americas in Chicago later this spring, further strengthening the knitting, sewing, textile and craft communities worldwide. Let’s keep the creativity flowing! ✂️🧶 📷: Koelnmesse GmbH / Hanne Engwald, Thomas Klerx, Oliver Wachenfeld #Koelnmesse #hhcologne #messe #tradefair #MesseMonatMärz

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    International Women’s Day 2025 – We are in! ♀️ Equality isn’t just a word – it’s a commitment. This International Women’s Day, we proudly joined the global #AccelerateAction pose, standing strong for equal opportunities and diversity. And we weren’t alone: Koelnmesse colleagues from all over the world, across all our international subsidiaries, took part. 🌍 But true equality goes beyond visibility. Women continue to carry a dual workload, balancing careers while shouldering the majority of unpaid care responsibilities – from childcare to supporting relatives and managing households. This invisible labour keeps societies running, yet it often goes unrecognised. At Koelnmesse, we strive to make a difference. With hybrid work options and flexible full-time and part-time models, we enable mums (and dads) to maintain a fulfilling work-life balance. We firmly believe that the best ideas are borne from collaboration. Because real change isn’t just about policies – it’s about fostering a culture that respects and supports individual realities. 🤝 We are committed to a collective agreement, so we pay all our employees the appropriate salaries in line with the relevant pay scales along with any applicable additional benefits. Our employees are assigned to the appropriate pay scale group based on their professional activities and areas of responsibility. This ensures equal pay for everyone in line with the market. We support initiatives that empower women in their careers. That’s why we take part in the Cross Mentoring Program, a joint initiative of several Cologne-based companies that has been running since 2014. The program pairs female employees (mentees) with experienced leaders (mentors) from other participating companies to support their professional and personal development. Through mentoring sessions, company visits, workshops and networking events, the program helps women grow into leadership and expert roles. 🙌 We don’t just talk about change, we accelerate action. Today and every day. 💚 PS: Next week, our women’s network "Female Leadership 2.0" has something exciting planned for IWD. Stay tuned! 💡 #Koelnmesse #MesseMonatMärz #IWD #InternationalWomensDay Koelnmesse Pte Ltd Koelnmesse Italia Koelnmesse (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch Koelnmesse Co. Ltd., China Koelnmesse Co., Ltd. (Japan) Koelnmesse India Koelnmesse SAS - LAC

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