👉Legal Insights on Unauthorized Perfume Refillings 🎙️Our partner, Dr. Rani Mallick joined Andreas Fuhlisch CEO of VKE Cosmetics Association VKE-Kosmetikverband in a new episode of VKE’s Legal Talks discussing the phenomenon of unauthorized perfume refilling.🧴 This practice involves transferring original perfumes into smaller bottles and selling them at a higher price per ml, violating brand rights and breaching cosmetic regulations. 🚫 Rani provided key legal insights on this issue during the talk. For VKE members, the full session is available here: https://lnkd.in/dKPku_gm LL-Partners are frequent guests at the Legal Talks, covering topics such as Dupes and Claims on Product Efficacy. #LegalTalks #PerfumeIndustry #BrandRights #CosmeticRegulations #LLPartners #VKE #CosmeticsLaw
Lubberger Lehment Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB is a law firm specialised in intellectual property with offices in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. We focus on IP litigation, advisory work, transactions and the management of trademark and design portfolios. Among our clients are world brands, national champions and start-ups. We represent rights holders only and no counterfeiters or freeriders. If you would like to know more, please visit our website.
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Beschäftigte von Lubberger Lehment
Two days full of #networking and legal insights in Zuffenhausen at Porsche. Our colleagues Philip Schmitz (Hamburg) and Dr. Julian Erfurth (Berlin) attended the 7th Expert Forum #Automotive Law. The main topics were: 🚘Learning, not only from our daily practice for automotive clients, what recent enforcement trends are when it comes to #advertising for cars (e.g. indication of energy consumption pursuant to the new PKW-EnVKV). 🚘Practical (or rather theoretical?) risks of class actions pursuant to the new VDuG, in particular the risk of claims, e.g. for damages in the form of „#Abhilfeklagen“. 🚘Cases tackled by consumer associations regarding #influencer marketing and using customer ratings in the advertising of products (new provisions established by the Omnibus Directive). 🚘Trends in automation, autonomous driving, distribution law, data privacy law and data law issues. A big thank you to Porsche AG for having us and to Dr. Andreas Ottofülling of Wettbewerbszentrale for organizing this great event. #PKWEnVKV #ClassActions #CustomerRatings #LubbergerLehment
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📆I‘m on my way to the 7th Expert Forum #Automotive Law that will be held in Stuttgart on 20 February 2025. 🚗I look forward to discussing legal developments, hot topics in the industry, and recent case law with other legal experts in the automotive sector. These will be, among others, class actions („#Abhilfeklage“), the relatively new rules on the indication of energy consumption for car advertising („PKW-EnVKV“) as well as influencer marketing and customer ratings. 👊It‘s great to attend the #event together with my colleague Dr. Julian Erfurth Erfurth. #ClassActions #PKWEnVKV #CustomerRatings #LubbergerLehment
Lubberger Lehment once more listed in GOLD BAND by WTR 1000: "Lubberger Lehment is a top-notch German #IP boutique distinguished by its exceptional representation of rights holders. The team is not only highly reliable and cost-effective but also enjoys a stellar reputation both domestically and internationally." – That is what World Trademark Review states in its 2025 #ranking. The ranking does not only highlight the team efforts, but it also emphasizes the work of several attorneys that are listed as "Recommended Individuals": Dr. Andreas Lubberger, Dr. Cornelis Lehment, Dr. Benjamin Koch, Dr. Rani Mallick, Eva Maierski, Dr. Kai Schmidt-Hern and Martin Fiebig. The full ranking is available here (log-in needed): https://lnkd.in/eSgyjZ73. #LubbergerLehment #IntellectualProperty
The company Monster Energy keeps on delivering interesting #trademark decisions. Recently, the EU's General Court confirmed that the trademark application "Insomnia Energy" takes unfair advantage of the trademark "Monster Energy" (Art. 8 V EU Trademark Regulation). ▶️The decision shows how strong the legal protection of well-known marks can be. ▶️It opens up perspectives in the fight against look-a-likes which typically only adopt the look and feel of the well-known original. The full text of the decision can be found here: https://lnkd.in/d4QF4KhA. #IP #TrademarkLaw #Lookalikes
📣Good #news: Since January 1, 2025, Isabelle Brune and Naomi Stark are Senior Associates and Dr. Julian Erfurth Associated Partner at Lubberger Lehment. Isabelle has been with LL since 2021. She works with clients from, among others, the cosmetics and automotive industries in trademark, #design and competition law. Naomi joined LL in 2024 after working at BomhardIP in Alicante. She deals with trademark prosecution and litigates in trademark and competition law. Julian has been with LL since 2018. He advises and represents clients from various industries in #trademark and competition law. One of his focus areas is defending the owners of well-known brands against internet platforms. We look forward to continuing our journey together! #TeamNews #Promotions #LubbergerLehment #IP
Wer Lust auf große Namen, Fälle mit Alltagsbezug und Internationalität hat, ist im Marken- und #Wettbewerbsrecht richtig. 📰In diesem Artikel der azur Karriere berichtet unser Partner Dr. Andreas Lubberger unter anderem: "Dass einem hier Produkte aus dem Alltag begegnen, das gibt es in keinem anderen Rechtsgebiet so stark. Und dennoch steckt dahinter eine andere Sicht: Da hat ein Unternehmer etwas aufgebaut. Da tut sich ein Vorhang auf, und ich blicke dahinter. Es ist spannend, die Menschen kennenzulernen, die so etwas aufgebaut haben.“ ❓Neugierig? Weitere Einblicke von Andreas Lubberger und Kollegen anderer Kanzleien finden Sie in dem Artikel der azur Karriere. #IP #Markenrecht #LubbergerLehment
Jeder kennt das Magenta-Logo der Telekom, die rote Sohle von Pumps der Edelmarke Christian Louboutin oder den Coco-Cola-Schriftzug. Und wer es einmal geschafft hat, eine #Marke so aufzubauen, dass sie jedem bekannt ist, setzt vieles daran, dass sie nicht verwässert wird – meist mit anwaltlicher Hilfe. 💼 Für Marken- und #Wettbewerbsrechtler gibt es also immer etwas zu tun. Wer hier tätig ist, schwärmt von der großen Alltagstauglichkeit dieses Rechtsgebiets. Und von spannenden Detektiveinsätzen im Morgengrauen. 🕵 Dr. Andreas Lubberger, Dr. Heike Blank, Morten Petersenn und Dr. Magda Papede berichten, wie sie zu Fans ihres Rechtsgebiets wurden. Im Artikel von Eva Lienemann erfahrt ihr außerdem, warum es im ,Soft IP‘ auch auf technisches und naturwissenschaftliches Verständnis ankommt: https://lnkd.in/e3__JhUD Lubberger Lehment CMS Deutschland Schultz-Süchting Rechtsanwälte PartmbB Hogan Lovells #Recht #Jura #Karriere #azur Foto: Nick Fox/AdobeStock
At our annual „Markenherbst“ #event, clients and colleagues gathered at “Gebrüder Fritz” in Charlottenburg to discuss intellectual property topics over a glass of wine and a buffet. Some of many takeaways: - It will be interesting to see what #extraterritorial effects the #AI Act will have, considering the very different approaches to regulating AI around the globe. - The “#Monster” decision by the Federal Patent Court raises the (old) question of what a word mark actually is. - The Green Claims Directive in its current state won’t be much fun to apply. We look forward to the next time (in our new office space)! #AIAct #Trademarks #GreenClaims #IP #LubbergerLehment
Exciting Times Ahead! 🚀 After 20 incredible years in our current office Meinekestraße 4, it’s time for a new chapter. We’re thrilled to share that we’re moving to a new space in early 2025! Our new office in Berlin is taking shape, and we couldn’t be more excited about this step forward for our team, our clients, and our vision for the future. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come—some impressions from the construction site. It’s a work in progress, but it already feels like the start of something great! Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the big move. We can’t wait to welcome you to our new home soon!
🇪🇺 Yesterday, the EU #Design Legislative Reform Package (which includes the new EU Design Regulation and the new EU Design Directive) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, ushering in a new era for design protection in the EU. Details are outlined below by our partner Eva Maierski. The full texts can be found here: ➡️new EU Design Regulation: https://lnkd.in/ermKiDm2 ➡️new EU Design Directive: https://lnkd.in/em-tf5xA #DesignLaw #IP #Legislation #LubbergerLehment
Today, the EU Design Legislative Reform Package was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, ushering in a new era for design protection in the EU. The new legislation modernises EU design protection rules and makes it easier, cheaper, and faster for designers to protect their creations in a digital world. Here are some of the main changes that the new legislation will introduce: 🔸 The Community design becomes the European Union design. 🔸 Design protection will not only apply to physical objects, but also to virtual goods, such as animations or maps. 🔸 A ‘repair clause’ excludes from design protection the replacement parts for a complex product that are used to restore its original appearance, but only for repair purposes, and if the replacement part looks exactly like the original piece. 🔸 Cultural heritage elements of national interest (e.g. the traditional costume of a region) cannot be protected as private designs. Learn more on our dedicated page: https://lnkd.in/d944MXen #designprotection #designrights #EUdesign #intellectualproperty