☕ No Data Without… FAIRness Are you passionate about research data management? Join us for this week's Coffee Lecture on why FAIR principles are essential for research excellence. 💡 Learn how Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability (FAIR) boost transparency, integrity, and impact in science. 📅 When? Tuesday, March 18 ⏰ Time: 14:00 (2 PM CET) 💻 Where? Online via Zoom 📌 No registration needed – free participation! 📌 10-minute talk + Q&A (in English). 🔍 Every Tuesday at 2 PM, we explore key research data topics, from persistent identifiers to electronic lab notebooks. 📲 More details & access info: 👉 https://shorturl.at/9FcIx 🔹 Organized by MATH+, NeuroCure – Cluster of Excellence, Matters of Activity. Image Space Material of Activity, and UniSysCat - Cluster of Excellence, bringing together expertise from Berlin’s top Clusters of Excellence. Let’s brew better research together—one coffee lecture at a time! ☕✨ Technische Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Mathematical School, Zuse Institute Berlin
The Berlin Mathematics Research Center – Transforming the World Through Mathematics
MATH+ The Berlin Mathematics Research Center is a cross-institutional and interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence. It sets out to explore and further develop new approaches in application-oriented mathematics. Emphasis is placed on mathematical principles for using ever-larger amounts of data in life and material sciences, in energy and network research, and in the humanities and social sciences. MATH+ sets out to advance mathematics itself and its interdisciplinary power with the aim of achieving progress on grand challenges in a wide variety of application fields – from sustainable energy supply to individualized medicine to analyzing and understanding social processes.
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Join us for the Coffee Lecture Series, where we explore key aspects of Research Data Management and its impact on scientific excellence! This week's session, "Fellowship", will provide insights into funding opportunities, application tips, and how fellowships can shape your research career. 📅 When? Tuesday, 11 March ⏰ Time: 14:00 (CET) 📍 Where? Online via Zoom 🔹 No registration needed – just drop in on Zoom! Each session includes a 10-minute presentation + Q&A (in English)—perfect for a quick yet valuable coffee break! More details, Zoom link & upcoming topics: https://lnkd.in/eqnAVAFh 👉 Or visit the EVENTS section on our website Brought to you by MATH+, NeuroCure – Cluster of Excellence , Matters of Activity. Image Space Material, and UniSysCat - Cluster of Excellence , uniting expertise from Berlin’s leading Clusters of Excellence. Let’s brew better research together! #CoffeeLectureSeries #ResearchDataManagement #Fellowship #AcademicFunding #MATHplus #NeuroCure #MattersOfActivity #UniSysCat
🔬✨ Zum Internationalen Frauentag heben wir die Bedeutung von Vielfalt in MINT hervor und würdigen inspirierende Frauen, die die Zukunft der Mathematik gestalten. Andrea Walther, MATH+ Chair, spricht über ihre Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und die Förderung von Frauen in der Wissenschaft. Lest das ganze Interview hier: https://lnkd.in/eD5guV7U #InternationalerFrauentag #WomenInSTEM #DiversityInScience #HUberlin #MathPlus
MATH+ member Jens Eisert (Freie Universität Berlin) shares his passion for quantum technology in an interview, discusses groundbreaking research in quantum machine learning within MATH+ projects, and reflects on the future of quantum computing. 🔹 From collaborations with Google to inspiring young minds, he emphasizes the importance of rigorous science, public outreach to motivate young students in science & mathematics, and talked about long-term research commitment from funding bodies. 📍 Learn more about the potential of quantum computers and the quantum advantage in AI—read the full interview on the MATH+ website: 👉 https://lnkd.in/eCWNhCyr #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology #machinelearning #quantumtheory Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Technische Universität Berlin Zuse Institute Berlin Weierstraß-Institut
🔢 MATHINSIDE Vorträge 2025 – Feiere mit uns den "Pi Day" am 14. März! 🎉 und erlebe Mathematik mal anders! 🙂 Es erwartet euch ein Vormittag voller faszinierender und spannender Vorträge zu angewandter Mathematik! 🚀 Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich besonders an Schüler*innen ab der 10. Klasse, aber alle Mathematik-Fans sind ebenso herzlich willkommen! 🎓✨ Vortragsthemen: 🔹 Spieltheorie – Eine kurze Einführung in die Spieltheorie 🔹 Die spannende Welt der Pseudogeradenarrangements – Eine überraschende Verbindung zu Sortiermethoden & Mustern 🔹 Quantencomputing – Die Mathematik von Quantenrechnern in einer spannenden Zeit 📅 Datum: 14. März 2025 | ⏰ 10 – 13 Uhr 📍 Ort: TU Berlin, Mathematikgebäude, Hörsaal MA 001 🎟️ Kostenlose Teilnahme! Mehr Info: https://lnkd.in/e5U9wnBy Anmeldung per E-Mail an schools@mathplus.de. Sei Teil des weltweiten Internationalen Tag der Mathematik! 🎉📐 #MathInside #PiDay #InternationalerTagDerMathematik #MatheLiebhaber #STEM #TUberlin
☕ Coffee + Research💡? Yes, please! Join us for this week’s Coffee Lecture Series as we explore 🔍 Research Software—a key part of modern research, from data analysis to reproducibility! 🖥️✨ 📅 Date: Tuesday, 4th March ⏰ Time: 14:00 (CET) 💻 Where: Online via Zoom 📌 No registration needed – just drop in! 📌 10-minute talk + Q&A (in English). 🌍 Every Tuesday at 2 PM, we discuss essential research data topics, from FAIR principles to persistent identifiers and electronic lab notebooks. 📲 More info & Zoom-link: 👉 https://lnkd.in/eJ8EJtiw Brought to you by MATH+, NeuroCure – Cluster of Excellence, Matters of Activity. Image Space Material of Activity, and UniSysCat - Cluster of Excellence—Berlin’s leading Clusters of Excellence! Let’s brew better research together! ☕✨ Technische Universität Berlin Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Freie Universität Berlin Berlin University Alliance Berlin Mathematical School #CoffeeLectureSeries #ResearchSoftware #ResearchDataManagement #AcademicLife #OpenScience #ScienceTalks #MATHplus
🎥 Jetzt online: Zwei besondere Highlights! Die Videos zur Preisverleihung der Mathe-Adventskalender 2024 🏆 und zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum 🎂 sind jetzt auf YouTube verfügbar! Erlebt die feierliche Ehrung von fast 700 Gewinner*innen und blickt mit uns zurück auf zwei Jahrzehnte voller mathematischer Rätsel und Inspiration. 📺 Preisverleihung ansehen: https://shorturl.at/uUZ9O 📺 20 Jahre Mathe-Adventskalender: https://shorturl.at/nBbld Schaut rein und feiert mit uns! 🎊 Berlin Mathematical School, Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin, Weierstraß-Institut
Erstes Pub-Quiz von 7 – sei dabei! Teste dein Wissen rund um 🧠 Neurowissenschaften und die Berliner 🌟 Exzellenzcluster bei der ersten Ausgabe unserer 7-teiligen Pubquiz-Serie. Wann? 📅 10. März 2025, 19:00–21:00 Uhr Wo? 📍 Fahimi, Skalitzer Str. 133, Berlin Gastgeber: 🎙 NeuroCure – Cluster of Excellence 🔗 Mehr Infos: https://shorturl.at/y658B Wir freuen uns auf dich! 🎉 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin, Weierstraß-Institut
🎓 Sorelle’s PhD Journey with BMS Sorelle’s path to a PhD in Mathematics started in Egypt, continued through Ghana, and led her to the Berlin Mathematical School(BMS). A chance encounter at AIMS Ghana, where a BMS student introduced the program, sparked her interest—offering not only world-class research opportunities but also the vibrant academic and cultural life of Berlin. At BMS, Sorelle found: ✅ A flexible and interdisciplinary study structure 🎓 ✅ Dedicated advisors matching her research interests 📚 ✅ Funding for international conferences & German courses ✈️🇩🇪 ✅ A strong support system—BMS One-Stop Office & Buddy Program 🤝 ✅ A welcoming community and great social events 🎉 Now a Phase II student, she continues her research under the same advisor who supervised her MSc thesis at Technische Universität Berlin—an opportunity that BMS helped make possible. Thinking about a PhD in Mathematics? Consider BMS—just like Sorelle did. 📖 Read Sorelle’s full story here: https://shorturl.at/eft2l #phdjourney #mathematics #berlinmathematicalschool #academiclife #research #PhDinBerlin #internationalstudents #gradschool Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin, Weierstraß-Institut, Berlin University Alliance
The BMS Days & Student Conference 2025 brought together 27 talented applicants from 17 countries, giving them a unique opportunity to explore the Berlin mathematical community! 🌍📊 Through engaging lectures, insightful discussions, and inspiring student research presentations, this event provided a fantastic platform for academic exchange and networking. 🚀 Exciting to see these bright minds take their next steps in the world of mathematics!
BMS Days & Student Conference 2025 – A Week of Mathematics, Networking & New Opportunities! 🎓 From 17–21 February 2025, we were thrilled to welcome 27 outstanding applicants from 17 different countries to Berlin for the BMS Days! 🌍💡 Throughout the week, applicants had the opportunity to: ✅ Gain exclusive insights into the BMS graduate program ✅ Meet potential supervisors & faculty members ✅ Explore life as a graduate student in Berlin ✅ Participate in engaging mathematical lectures & discussions Following the BMS Days, the BMS Student Conference took place at TU Berlin, featuring inspiring talks from both invited speakers and BMS students, who presented their research and showcased the breadth of Berlin’s mathematical landscape. 🎤 🎉 The highlight? The legendary "Wine & Cheese Party", bringing everyone together in a relaxed atmosphere to celebrate a week full of learning and networking! We are excited to see many of our guests return in the fall as they begin their BMS journey! 🚀 🔗 More about the event: https://lnkd.in/eM4He6GT #BMSDays2025 #Mathematics #GradSchool #BMSBerlin #AcademicNetworking #MathematicalResearch #StudentConference #FutureMathematicians Technische Universität Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin, Weierstraß-Institut, MATH+