MedTech Pulse

MedTech Pulse

Online Audio- und Videomedien

A biweekly newsletter publication exploring the intersection of medicine and technology.


MedTech Pulse is a biweekly newsletter publication exploring the intersection of medicine and technology. We share unique perspectives on major news, insights from the startup ecosystem, evocative infographics and inspiring conversations with the people behind the innovation. We are a team of curious minds at CeramTec and hy that believe in the power of technology to accelerate human progress and improve our lives. We strive to monitor the pulse of the MedTech ecosystem. We screen hundreds of news stories every week to give unique perspectives on the stories we find most exciting. We decode startup activities and venture capital flows to understand which companies are working on the future of medicine and which futures investors are betting on. We aim to give the people in MedTech a stage and enable the world to learn from them.

Online Audio- und Videomedien
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    What if you could slowly replace your brain with younger tissue? 🧠 Is this a sci-fi retelling of the Ship of Theseus or a serious approach to longevity? It’s the latter—at least according to radical brain researcher Jean Hébert. Hébert was recently hired by the Biden Administration for the U.S. Advanced Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). There, he’s expected to work on furthering research on “functional brain tissue replacement” for longevity. Check out the article to see what we know about this project 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    Which recent investments have been made in the MedTech ecosystem? 💰 To let you know about the latest activities, here's our roundup of this week's deals. 👉 Human Longevity, Inc. – $39.8 million 👉 Slingshot AI – $30 million 👉 PreciseDx – $20.7 million 👉 Solace –  $14 million  👉 CairnSurgical, Inc. – $4.5 million Visit the slideshow for more details about the deals. Also, make sure to get the next newsletter straight to your inbox. Subscribe here: #medtech #startup #venturecapital

  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    Cancer is a leading killer. And a driver of employer health costs 📈 The top three drivers of employer health costs are: 1️⃣ Cancer 2️⃣ Musculoskeletal conditions 3️⃣ Cardiovascular disease As they grapple with lowering these costs, we anticipate seeing more large employers turning to preventive health interventions. Corporate preventive health programs, often administered by healthtech startups, stand to benefit. 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    The treatment of lung diseases has been long overdue for innovation. For this week’s MedTech Pulse, we were lucky to speak with someone leading that charge. Eva van Rikxoort is the CEO & Founder of Thirona, a global company using AI to analyze CT images of the lungs. Eva’s journey in the industry started when she was a scientist working for a contract research organization in image analysis. However, she was consistently frustrated that the work she was doing was not being translated into direct benefits for patients. After building expertise in AI-powered medical image analysis as a scientist for a decade, Eva started Thirona to bridge the gap between scientific accomplishments and the clinical applicability of technology. In our interview, we discussed the true global impact of clinical AI, innovation in rare diseases, and how to seek help as an innovator. Check out the interview below, and make sure to follow Eva van Rikxoort, PhD here on LinkedIn. 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    Among generative AI applications in clinical medicine, there’s one that’s garnering attention more than others. Soon, across the U.S., human scribes may meet their match. AI scribes are taking off. And healthcare systems want to make sure they have the best one. The resulting head-to-head pilots of top products are being called “healthcare’s Pepsi challenge.” Today, we’re looking at the landscape of AI scribes: → the biggest players, including Nuance Communications and Abridge → the way healthcare systems are testing these products → where we stand on accuracy Read the article to learn more 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    Could AI improve end-of-life care? There is perhaps nothing harder in the world than watching a loved one pass away. End-of-life decisions can be a special kind of torture for those faced with the responsibility—the medical surrogates. It’s hard to imagine how technology could possibly improve this situation. Of course, nothing will take away the devastation of loss. But what if innovation could provide a bit more structure or guidance to the end-of-life decision-making process? Enter: The P4, a new AI tool being developed to make end-of-life decisions easier for family members. Read the article to learn more 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    Which recent investments have been made in the MedTech ecosystem? 💰 To let you know about the latest activities, here's our roundup of the latest deals. 👉 Spring Health – $100 million 👉 MD Ally | 911 Network Navigation – $14 million 👉 Amulet – $5.8 million 👉 BAIBYS™ Fertility –  $4.5 million  👉 clare&me – €3.7 million Visit the slideshow for more details about the deals. Also, make sure to get the next newsletter straight to your inbox. Subscribe here: #medtech #startup #venturecapital 

  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    🤷 How will AI impact healthcare? The UK public is still torn. → A majority of survey respondents think AI will either improve care or not change it. → But a significant minority still fears the impact will be negative. This is an important reminder we need to engage the public in discussions of clinical AI. To build trust and help patients better understand what this technology does and doesn’t do. 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von MedTech Pulse anzeigen, Grafik

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    Medical AI scribes are some of the most exciting, and oft-discussed applications of generative AI in healthcare. To get a look behind the scenes of what it’s like to be working in this new GenAI frontier, we were lucky to speak with Christopher Tan. Christopher is a machine learning scientist and CTO at TORTUS, the London-based healthtech behind the O.S.L.E.R. AI co-pilot for clinical documentation. In our interview, we discussed what it’s been like to work on pilot projects across the world, what other clinical AI applications the TORTUS team is excited about, and the initiatives bolstering healthtech innovation in the U.K. Check out the interview below, and make sure to follow Christopher Tan here on LinkedIn. 👉

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    Profil von Dr. Hadi Saleh anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Executive Officer at CeramTec – The Ceramic Experts

    Gewinnspiel: Sei dabei beim Healing House Festival in Hamburg! Ich freue mich sehr, am 28. September als Speaker beim Healing House Festival teilnehmen. Mein Vortrag wird sich um praktische Longevity-Maßnahmen für den Alltag drehen – erprobte, einfach umsetzbare Schritte für ein gesundes und langes Leben. Darüber hinaus bietet das Event spannende Keynotes, Panels, Masterclasses rund um Health, Well-Being & Longevity. Neben mir erwartet euch ein beeindruckendes Line Up mit Expertinnen wie Nina Ruge, Dr. Andrea Gartenbach, MD, Dr. Kati Ernst, Kristine Zeller und vielen mehr. ➡️Gewinnspiel: Ihr habt die Möglichkeit, bei dem Festival dabei zu sein! Ich verlose 2 Educate-Tickets, mit denen ihr sowohl die Main-Stage als auch alle Masterclasses besuchen könnt. Kommentiert unter diesem Post, mit wem ihr gerne an dem Festival teilnehmen möchtet, um an der Verlosung teilzunehmen! Mehr Informationen zu dem Event findet ihr hier: Ich freue mich auf einen spannenden Austausch und möchte mich herzlich bei Julia von Loessl für die Organisation dieser großartigen Plattform bedanken. #HealingHouseFestival #Longevity #Health #WellBeing #Gewinnspiel #Speaker

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