Munich Security Conference

Munich Security Conference

Internationale Angelegenheiten

München, Bayern 30.639 Follower:innen

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world's leading forum for debate on international security policy.


The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world's leading forum for debating international security policy. It’s a venue for diplomatic initiatives to address the world's most pressing security concerns, bringing together heads of state and government, ministers, leading figures of international and non-governmental organizations, as well as high-profile representatives of industry, media, academia, and civil society. Since 2022, Ambassador Christoph Heusgen has been chairman of the MSC, a senior German diplomat, and former Foreign Policy and Security Adviser to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. In addition to its annual flagship conference in Munich, the MSC regularly convenes distinguished events on particular topics and regions. It also publishes the Munich Security Report as well as a number of thematic briefs that provide analysis and recommendations on current and future risks. All its activities aim at offering the best possible platforms for a frank and open exchange of ideas and opinions. Join the debate by following us on Social Media and via our website.

Internationale Angelegenheiten
51–200 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern


Beschäftigte von Munich Security Conference


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    An der Grenze zu Polen: Was denken die Menschen in Frankfurt (Oder) über die #Zeitenwende?   "Frieden" war in aller Munde, als die Zeitenwende on tour letzte Woche Halt in Brandenburg machte. Von der Sorge um die geplante Stationierung von US-Mittelstreckenraketen in Deutschland bis hin zur Frage der Verantwortung bei Waffenlieferungen – kein Thema war tabu. „Hier ist ordentlich Temperatur im Raum,“ kommentierte unsere Moderatorin Karina Moessbauer die regen und auch hitzigen Wortbeiträge aus dem Publikum.    Der Wunsch nach Frieden werde im Wahlkampf zu einer Parole, die zwar viele Wünsche bündle, aber nur eine emotionale Lösung und keinen eigentlichen Plan anbiete, warnte Gwendolyn Sasse. Auch Chantal Kopf brachte deutlich zum Ausdruck: „#Wehrhaftigkeit kann die Politik nicht alleine leisten. Das ist eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe.“   Die Townhall Diskussion zeigte mal wieder: Es gibt weiterhin Redebedarf zur Zeitenwende. Um so viele Meinungen wie möglich zu hören und Argumente auszutauschen, ziehen wir weiter. Nächster Halt: Gelsenkirchen!

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    AI-pocalypse Now?   The 'super election year' 2024 has coincided with a massive hype around artificial intelligence. Contrary to predictions that #AI #disinformation would disrupt the elections this year, AI was used in mostly harmless ways.   Ahead of the upcoming MSC #Cyber Security Roundtable, our Policy Advisors Randolf Carr and Paula Köhler looked at the reasons for the negligible impact of AI disinformation in the 2024 elections. Yet, this should be no reason for complacency, as technological and societal trends indicate that AI risks to democratic processes will intensify rather than subside, they argue in the latest edition of the Munich Security Analysis.   Read more here:  

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    📣 Do you want to be part of #MSC2025? Host your own side event! Each year, our official side events cover a range of topics including Defense, Global Order, Human Security, Sustainability, and Technology. Contribute your own ideas to the security policy debates and organize an event! ⏰ Apply with your organization until October 27! Find more information here:

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    🔷 Official Announcement: Jens Stoltenberg to be the next Chairman of the Munich Security Conference Following a decision by the MSC Foundation Council, Jens Stoltenberg will succeed our current Chairman, Ambassador Christoph Heusgen, after the conference's 61st edition in February. #MSC2025 Jens Stoltenberg has served as Secretary General of #NATO for 10 years, from 2014-2024, he was UN Special Envoy on Climate Change and for more than two decades has held prominent positions in the Norwegian government, including ten years as Prime Minister as well as stints as State Secretary for the Environment and as Minister of Energy, Economy and Finance. Stoltenberg is a globally respected diplomat, a thought-leader on many key security issues, and one of the few European recipients of the American Medal of Freedom.   “I have dedicated my entire political life to maintaining peace. It is a great honor for me to serve as Chairman of the Munich Security Conference and make a contribution to its mission “peace through dialogue”. Few international platforms are as important as the MSC to promote conflict prevention, dialogue, and international cooperation.” More information:

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    Almost four months to go until #MSC2025! Can we count on you?   As part of the MSC team, you can gain first-hand insights into organizing our annual conference in February. Take a look at our open positions and find the offer in Berlin or Munich that suits you best.   👨🎓 Are you still enrolled in university? Then, join us as a Working Student in the IT department, the Policy Team, or the Chairman's Office.   ⏳ Are you looking for short-term employment? Project Assistant in the IT department or for the main program could be a suitable job for you.   📽️ Do you already have experience in social media? The position of Communications Manager with a focus on visuals could be just right for you.   Apply here (in German):   #Jobs #JobAlert #Communications #Stellen #Stellenausschreibungen

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    🇺🇦 954 days of war in #Ukraine: Last month, we hosted our annual European Defense Roundtable in #Kyiv, bringing together key decision-makers to address Ukraine's urgent need for more systematic and consistent support. Discussions centered on strengthening air defense capabilities and fostering deeper industrial cooperation. On the sidelines of the Roundtable, which was organized in cooperation with the subsequent Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting, Wolfgang Ischinger met with Ukrainian leaders, including President Volodymyr Zelensky. Together they discussed the implementation of the Peace Formula. In light of the constantly developing war, our European Defense Roundtable highlighted the importance of direct exchange between Ukrainian decision-makers and their counterparts in other European countries. Read the full event summary:

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    Do you think the West doesn't live up to its standards? Well, you're not alone. Today, we launch our new Munich Security Brief "Standard Deviation," which explores views on Western double standards in nine countries in the so-called Global South and how these perceived double standards affect the value of international rules. Criticism of Western double standards has not only become more vocal in recent years. It has also become a proxy debate about the value of universal rules and principles as such. To see the latest survey data on the growing mistrust of international institutions, read "Standard Deviation" by Sophie Eisentraut on our website:

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    Wann geht der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine endlich zu Ende? Mehr als 100 Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer bei unserer „Zeitenwende on tour“-Veranstaltung in Hofheim am Taunus haben auf eine Antwort der Frage gehofft. Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in der kleinen hessischen Stadt sind über viele Themen besorgt: die Verbreitung von Desinformation, hybride Kriegsführung, aber auch wie wir als Gesellschaft unsere Demokratie schützen können. „Die sozialen Medien sind das moderne Schlachtfeld. Wir wissen, dass Russland viel Geld dafür ausgibt, die öffentliche Meinung in Deutschland zu beeinflussen. Wie können wir uns dagegen besser verteidigen?“, fragte eine Bürgerin unser Panel. Mit den Menschen vor Ort diskutierten der Vorsitzender der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz Christoph Heusgen, Hessens Innenminister Roman Poseck, Prof. Nicole Deitelhoff, Leiterin Leibniz-Instituts für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (PRIF Peace Research Institute Frankfurt), Sven Weidlich, Deskchef der Frankfurter Neuen Presse. Die Diskussion hat Karina Moessbauer moderiert. Von Flensburg bis Furth im Wald, von Neuss bis Cottbus — bei „Zeitenwende on tour“ lassen wir die Bürger:innen zu Wort kommen. Vertreter:innen aus Bundesregierung und Landesregierungen, Parlamentarier:innen und renommierte Expert:innen beantworten die drängenden Fragen der Menschen im Land. Die #Zeitenwende on tour wird bald in andere deutsche Städte weiterziehen. Hier erfahren Sie mehr Informationen:

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    A path to peace? 🇺🇦 #Ukraine stands at a pivotal moment in its defense against Russia's ongoing war of aggression. Over the last few days, we hosted a Roundtable on European Defense in #Kyiv to bring key European decision-makers to the region. What are Ukraine's short-term defense needs? How can industrial defense cooperation be deepened? Our discussion sessions aimed to enhance the bond between Ukraine and its allies to pave the way for a more effective and consistent strategy. On the sidelines of the annual Yalta European Strategy (YES) meeting, President of the MSC Foundation Council Wolfgang Ischinger also met with several representatives of the Ukrainian government, including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to talk about the implementation of the Peace Formula and how the MSC can remain a key platform for dialogue.

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