Munich Security Conference

Munich Security Conference

Internationale Angelegenheiten

München, Bayern 30.135 Follower:innen

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world's leading forum for debate on international security policy.


The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world's leading forum for debating international security policy. It’s a venue for diplomatic initiatives to address the world's most pressing security concerns, bringing together heads of state and government, ministers, leading figures of international and non-governmental organizations, as well as high-profile representatives of industry, media, academia, and civil society. Since 2022, Ambassador Christoph Heusgen has been chairman of the MSC, a senior German diplomat, and former Foreign Policy and Security Adviser to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. In addition to its annual flagship conference in Munich, the MSC regularly convenes distinguished events on particular topics and regions. It also publishes the Munich Security Report as well as a number of thematic briefs that provide analysis and recommendations on current and future risks. All its activities aim at offering the best possible platforms for a frank and open exchange of ideas and opinions. Join the debate by following us on Social Media and via our website.

Internationale Angelegenheiten
51–200 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern


Beschäftigte von Munich Security Conference


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    A path to peace? 🇺🇦 #Ukraine stands at a pivotal moment in its defense against Russia's ongoing war of aggression. Over the last few days, we hosted a Roundtable on European Defense in #Kyiv to bring key European decision-makers to the region. What are Ukraine's short-term defense needs? How can industrial defense cooperation be deepened? Our discussion sessions aimed to enhance the bond between Ukraine and its allies to pave the way for a more effective and consistent strategy. On the sidelines of the annual Yalta European Strategy (YES) meeting, President of the MSC Foundation Council Wolfgang Ischinger also met with several representatives of the Ukrainian government, including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to talk about the implementation of the Peace Formula and how the MSC can remain a key platform for dialogue.

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    Five months to go: The road to #MSC2025 is packed, and we need your help! The 61st edition of the Munich Security Conference will take place from February 14 to 16, 2025 — offering once again a unique opportunity for high-level debates on the world's most pressing security challenges. Preparations for the MSC 2025 are well underway. Aligning with our 2024 activities and publications, crucial topics addressed at the MSC 2025 will include Europe's role in #security and defense, new visions of the global order, the security implications of climate change, and much more. Leading up to February 2025, we will host and launch several #events and activities to prepare the ground for the main #conference. Find out more about our upcoming activities here: In turbulent times, we need your support in shaping our international security policy debates. Don't miss the chance to join one of our great teams. Some departments also offer senior and student positions. More information on all jobs (in German):

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    🇬🇧 The last few days, more than 90 Munich Young Leaders from 45 countries met in London to reflect on pressing regional and global foreign policy and security challenges. Over engaging discussions, they explored the UK's priorities on the global stage, exchanged visions for a more multipolar world, and examined the role of external actors towards a path of stability in the Middle East. Participants shared perspectives on the state of global democracy in a super-election year. Some reported worrying trends, and others showed promising signs from their home countries. While catching up with old and new friends, our young leaders also had the chance to talk to various representatives from the British government. They shared that reconnecting Britain with the world and strengthening relationships with partners across the globe are among the priorities of the new UK leadership. A visit to Tate Modern's remarkable art collections added an inspiring touch to the conversations. We look forward to the next opportunity of engaging with our Munich Young Leaders. See you soon! #MSC_MYL Körber-Stiftung 📸 Leo Simon

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    💡 From Soft Talk to Hard Power? European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has embarked on her second term with a bold mission: to forge a "real European #Defence Union." Once she has finalized her team of commissioners, the new #EU leadership must move quickly to agree on an actionable plan to enhance European defense and security. Our Head of Policy Dr Nicole Koenig has identified key priorities: 1️⃣ Start with an ambitious vision: Key strategic documents should be updated early on to pave the way for coherent delivery of future policy steps. 2️⃣ Set up the institutions for coherence: Coherent policy delivery will also depend on the institutional setup, which should leave no room for any bureaucratic infighting. 3️⃣ Deepen friendships with benefits: The EU should deepen ties with key partners, starting with Ukraine, the UK, and NATO, thus creating synergies and reducing dependencies on external actors. 4️⃣ Increase and pool defense spending: A temporary, debt-based fund could (co-)finance joint initiatives, acting as a bridge until the EU's next financial framework. Read the full analysis here:

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    📣 Apply for a Side Event at #MSC2025! Next to our main program, 150+ events occur on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference each year. Star Wars meets Zeitenwende, #ClimateAction for peace, & Feminist Foreign Policy — each year our official side events offer additional perspectives on security policy debates. You have other ideas? 📥 Apply with your organization until October 27 to become a part of #MSC2025. More information:

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    Imagining the Geopolitics of a Net Zero World On the eve of the ONS Conference in Stavanger, we brought together 50 high-level experts for the ONS Summit. The participants from governments, international organizations, think tanks, and the private sector discussed a variety of topics around #EnergySecurity and the #GreenTransition, trying to imagine the #Geopolitics of a #NetZeroWorld. Here are some insights that we take away from the discussions: 🤝 Agreement on the need to combat climate change is generally strong. Yet, differences on the pace and the design of the energy transition persist ⸺ and aligning energy security, affordability, and sustainability remains a major challenge. 🌍 The geopolitics of energy are still strongly influenced by the war in Ukraine, the crisis in the Middle East as well as deepening polarization around the world. Increasing fragmentation is also reflected in energy markets, making the objectives of the energy transition more difficult to achieve. 🌐 An agenda for a net zero world needs to be designed together, building on strong cooperation between countries of the Global North and South. ⚡ Decarbonization looks different for every country and access to financing clean technologies is highly unequal. Only 2% of current investments in renewables goes to Africa, despite its strong green energy potential. 💪 To gain support for the path to net zero, it must go hand in hand with a green development pathway, ensuring access to stable and affordable energy supplies and fostering economic growth. ☀ In many parts of the world, renewables are now cheaper than fossil fuels, but upfront costs are high. Investments in electrictiy grids have to be factored in and included in the global energy debate. 🛡 The securitization of energy extends to green markets and concerns about overdependence on China are strong. To diversify, mutually beneficial partnerships with countries of the Global South are crucial. (Read more in this year's Munich Security Report chapter by Julia Hammelehle: 💎 Supply chains for critical minerals will continue to be a major field of competition between geopolitical powers. In addition to diversifying options, investments in research in recycling and substitution need to be scaled up to reduce dependencies. 🌊 Deep-sea mining will be a topic to watch in the years to come. While the seabeds of the world's oceans offer nations huge potential to reduce critical mineral dependencies, open questions about the economics and environmental consequences remain. 🤵 👩💻 👩🎓 Representatives from governments, businesses, and civil society highlighted that collaboration across all sectors will be key to fostering the transition and green growth. We are looking forward to continuing the debate at future MSC events, especially at #COP29 in Baku and next February in Munich.

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    Die #Zeitenwende on Tour in Österreich? Zum ersten Mal außerhalb Deutschlands machen wir Halt in Salzburg. 🔸 Wie erleben die Menschen dort die epochalen Umbrüche? 🔸 Welchen Einfluss haben die globalen Krisen auf das Sicherheitsgefühl in unseren Nachbarländern? Diese und weitere Fragen diskutieren wir mit Wolfgang Schüssel und Martin Weiss in Kooperation mit dem Salzburg Global Seminar. Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung:

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    You haven't applied yet? We're looking for Project Assistants for #MSC2025.   In turbulent political times, we need your help to shape our debates on international security policy in Munich next February. Work with us, not only in Munich but also in Berlin:   🔷 IT 🔷 Communications 🔷 Conference Management 🔷 Protocol 🔷 Production 🔷 Partnerships & Development   Some departments also offer junior and student positions.   Don't miss the chance to join one of our great teams. More information on all jobs (in German):

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    After the #NATOSummit, one question still looms: How will the outcome of November 5 affect the military Alliance? This MSC Road to Election event, taking place on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention, aims to bring together decision-makers and experts from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss key geopolitical challenges faced by the transatlantic partners and what the upcoming U.S. election will mean for the future of transatlantic cooperation. 📺 Tune in via YouTube: #RoadToElection2024 #USpolitics #USelections #Milwaukee #RepublicanConvention

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    💡 How can you future-proof a 75-year-old alliance? While world leaders gathered in #WashingtonDC to celebrate #NATO's long history, we looked towards its future. At our Transatlantic Defense Roundtable, experts and decision-makers discussed concrete steps to ensure NATO's flourishing for the next 75 years. Some of the ideas: 🔹 Co-building defense industrial bases 🔹 Spending allocated money more effectively 🔹 Strengthening the political will to help #Ukraine win the war Opinions were divided on how much of the burden #Europe should share, especially regarding securing the Indo-Pacific. Whether you think NATO is "brain-dead" or alive and kicking — our Roundtable participants agreed that we should not take the Alliance for granted & keep improving it.

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