
Seit über 75 Jahren treibt die Schaeffler Gruppe zukunftsweisende Erfindungen und Entwicklungen im Bereich Motion Technology voran. Mit innovativen Technologien, Produkten und Services in den Feldern Elektromobilität, CO₂-effiziente Antriebe, Fahrwerkslösungen und erneuerbare Energien ist das Unternehmen ein verlässlicher Partner, um Bewegung effizienter, intelligenter und nachhaltiger zu machen – und das über den gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg. Anhand von acht Produktfamilien beschreibt Schaeffler sein ganzheitliches Produkt- und Serviceangebot im Mobilitäts-Ökosystem: von Lagerlösungen und Linearführungen aller Art bis hin zu Reparatur- und Monitoring-Services. Schaeffler ist mit rund 120.000 Mitarbeitenden an mehr als 250 Standorten in 55 Ländern eines der weltweit größten Familienunternehmen und gehört zu den innovationsstärksten Unternehmen Deutschlands. Impressum:

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Powertrain solutions, Hybrid solutions, Fuel cell, Hydrogen technology, Automation, Autonomous driving, Robotics, E-Mobility, Renewable energy, Wind energy, Solar power, Hydropower, Aftermarket Solutions & Services, IoT, Plug-and-Play repair solutions, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Sustainability, Data Science, Bearings & Linear Guides und Transmission & Engine Components


Beschäftigte von Schaeffler


  • Unternehmensseite von Schaeffler anzeigen, Grafik

    486.240 Follower:innen

    🚛 More efficient truck maintenance with Schaeffler's new FAG Repair Insert Unit! 🛠️ Schaeffler Vehicle Lifetime Solutions has introduced an innovative version of the FAG Repair Insert Unit (RIU) for truck, trailer, and bus axles. This pre-assembled wheel bearing unit enables quick repairs with original equipment manufacturer quality and extends maintenance intervals. A patented, non-contact sealing cap reduces friction, lowering the energy demand per wheel hub by up to 38 watts. The result: reduced diesel consumption and decreased CO₂e emissions. We deliver the RIU fully pre-assembled and lubricated for life, ensuring efficient and secure installation. The new sealing cap made from polyamide plastic significantly minimizes friction compared to traditional two-lip seals. You can find out more here: 👉 #GreenMakesTheDifference #EnergyEfficiency #Sustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schaeffler anzeigen, Grafik

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    🏆 Schaeffler Slovakia is the most attractive employer in the Slovak automotive industry! We are proud to announce that we have won the Best Employer 2024 award, organized by Alma Career Slovakia, in the automotive industry category! We sincerely appreciate every single vote. This recognition is not only a great achievement but also a confirmation that our efforts to create an inspiring and supportive work environment truly make a difference. “The greatest credit for this success goes to our colleagues, who embody Schaeffler’s values through their dedication and hard work every day. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our employees in Skalica, Kysucké Nové Mesto, and Žilina, as well as to all our supporters. Your encouragement is both a huge motivation and a commitment for us moving forward,” says Milan Jurky, Managing Director of Schaeffler Slovakia. 🤝 At the award ceremony, our company was proudly represented by Elena Kolinkova, Director of Human Resources, and Dipl. Ing. Milan Jurky PhD., Managing Director of Schaeffler Slovakia. Thank you for your trust and for standing by us through both good times and challenges! #WeAreSchaeffler

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schaeffler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Continuously growing digital expertise has always been a top priority at Schaeffler. But how did Schaeffler become more and more digital? In recent years, we have been able to establish digital solutions in all areas and offer our customers worldwide a decisive added value. Here are a few examples: 💻 The beginning of #digitalization: For Schaeffler, the digital journey began in the 1960s with its first electronic computer. Just eight years later, the next milestone followed: the opening of the newly built INA data center. The development “away from the file folder” began. 🏢 Modern office: With technologies such as 3D CAD data sets, technical product designers for machine and plant construction at Schaeffler are able to create and edit virtual design data. ✈️ Industrial Copilot: Analyzing production data in real time, detecting anomalies, and providing targeted recommendations for action – the “Industrial Copilot” can do all of this. The AI-supported assistant optimizes processes, reduces downtime, and increases efficiency. 🤖 Becoming more efficient through AI: The use of AI helps to save energy, increase our efficency, and ensure product quality, among other things. Other examples include AIs such as the Schaeffler chatbot or the “FriendZ” production assistant at the Bien Hoa plant in Vietnam. You can find more exciting insights into Schaeffler's digitalization story in this article: 📌 #UnlockingOurDigitalPotential #SchaefflerDigital #ArtificialIntelligence

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schaeffler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Während die Preisverleihung im Verlagshaus des Handelsblatts in Düsseldorf sich dem Ende neigt, dürfen wir stolz verkünden: Schaeffler ist Preisträger des Global Transition Awards 2024! 🏆🙌 🥳 Ebenfalls ausgezeichnet wurden die Deutsche Telekom, Beiersdorf und KIS Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Herzlichen Dank an die Jury, die Schaeffler für seine Klimastrategie gewürdigt hat und uns als Vorbild für 1,5 °C-konformes Wirtschaften sieht. 🌱 #GreenMakesTheDifference #GlobalTransitionAward #onepointfive | Handelsblatt, right°, Capgemini Fotocredit: GTA25/Foto Vogt links: Solveig Gode, rechts: Dr. med. Anja Rivera de la Cruz, MBA, MPH

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schaeffler anzeigen, Grafik

    486.240 Follower:innen

    Comunicado: Esclarecimentos sobre possíveis golpes envolvendo supostas vagas de emprego na Schaeffler A Schaeffler Brasil vem a público alertar sobre a ocorrência de possíveis golpes envolvendo anúncios de vagas inexistentes de emprego e possíveis processos seletivos fraudulentos atribuídos à nossa empresa. Tal situação também inclui abordagem por meio de supostas entrevistas telefônicas, mensagens via WhatsApp e convocações para supostas entrevistas presenciais, feitas por pessoas que se passam por representantes da Schaeffler. Reforçamos que todas as nossas oportunidades de trabalho são divulgadas exclusivamente por meio dos canais oficiais da empresa, a saber: Nosso site oficial:, página “Carreiras” Perfil oficial no LinkedIn: Perfil oficial no Facebook: Vale destacar, ainda, que a Schaeffler não solicita qualquer tipo de pagamento para que os candidatos participem de nossos processos seletivos ou o envio de documentos pessoais que não sejam estritamente necessários e fornecidos de forma se-gura por meio dos nossos canais oficiais. Saiba como se proteger: · Sempre verifique se a vaga foi divulgada nos canais mencionados acima. · Não realizar pagamentos a terceiros que se apresentem como representantes da Schaeffler. · Em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato diretamente conosco pelos canais oficiais disponíveis em nosso site. Estamos empenhados em garantir a segurança e o bem-estar de todos os profissionais que desejam fazer parte da nossa equipe. Contamos com o apoio de todos para denunciar qualquer situação suspeita e proteger a integridade de nossos processos. Agradecemos a atenção e compreensão Schaeffler Brasil

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