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SMA Solar

SMA Solar

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion

Niestetal, Kassel 144.575 Follower:innen


Innovative und nachhaltige Schlüsseltechnologien sind Voraussetzungen für die Versorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien. Mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeiter*innen aus 18 Ländern setzen sich dafür ein, dass SMA aktiv zur Förderung der Produktion und Entwicklung von PV-Systemtechnologien weltweit beiträgt. SMA ist der einzige Wechselrichterhersteller weltweit, der für jeden Modultyp und jede Systemgröße den richtigen Wechselrichter anbietet. Für kleine Wohnsysteme, mittelgroße gewerbliche Systeme und Großanlagen; netzgekoppelte Photovoltaikanlagen; sowie netzunabhängige und hybride Systeme. SMA entwickelt auch technologisch führende Systemlösungen und ist führend in der Energie der Zukunft, beispielsweise in der intelligenten Optimierung des Eigenverbrauchs, der Netzintegration von Solarenergie und der Integration von Batterien zur effektiveren Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien. Ziel dieses LinkedIn-Profils ist es, Expertenwissen über Wechselrichtertechnologie, interessante Referenzprojekte und neue Produkte im Bereich kommerzieller und großer Solarkraftwerke auszutauschen und die heutigen und zukünftigen Energieversorgungsstrukturen und -lösungen zu diskutieren. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kommentare, Fragen und Rückmeldungen.

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Niestetal, Kassel
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Solar inverter technology, Battery storage management, Commercial PV power systems und Large-Scale PV power solutions


Beschäftigte von SMA Solar


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    This year's PV-Symposium in Bad Staffelstein, Germany, highlighted the technologies and solutions crucial for ensuring grid stability and efficiency of future energy systems.    Here are our key takeaways:   🔋 Grid-forming battery inverters play a key role in stabilizing the grid. The targeted use of inertia, reactive power, islanding, and black-start capabilities increases the resilience of the grid and enables the stable integration of renewable energies.   ⚡ Intelligent control optimizes the efficiency of hybrid power plants. By using AI to create schedules, wind, solar and storage systems are managed according to demand, curtailments are avoided and profitability is increased.   🔐 Cyber security is becoming increasingly critical. As the energy system becomes more decentralized, the risk of cyberattacks rises. Early warning systems and multi-layered security concepts are essential for protecting critical infrastructures and maintaining grid stability.   Which trends do you see shaping the future of energy systems? Marek Seeger | Rickard Nemeth | Felix Jedamzik | Bernd Engel

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    If every step towards the energy transition sounds like music to your ears, then you're in the right place with the Sunny Buddies! Contact your local installer as your Sunny Buddy, plan your own solar system, and take the first step towards your sunny future today! Now it’s your turn: What’s a must-have song for every solar fan’s playlist? Drop your ideas in the comments – the best will be added to the official SMA Sunny Playlist! https://lnkd.in/gKgbpMd

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    Wirkungsgrade, schwankende Modulpreise oder die hitzige Debatte um String- vs. Zentral-Wechselrichter, das waren die Themen früherer PV-Symposien. Heute stehen Sektorenkopplung, Energiemanagement und Netzstabilisierung im Mittelpunkt. Seit 40 Jahren wird im historischen Kloster Banz intensiv über die Zukunft der Photovoltaik diskutiert. Auch dieses Jahr liefert die Jubiläumsausgabe des PV-Symposiums exklusive Einblicke in die Systemlösungen von morgen. Und genau hier setzen unsere diesjährigen Vorträge an: 🔋 Netzbildende Stromrichter für marktbasierte Systemdienstleistungen mit Rickard Nemeth 🔐 Cybersicherheit für kritische Infrastrukturen im europäischen Stromnetz mit Marek Seeger Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch vor Ort. Alles Gute! Bernd Engel | Conexio-PSE

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    Congrats to SMA Altenso 🥳 With a recent project in Namibia, Altenso has now surpassed 1 GW of delivered power conversion units to renewables-based hydrogen projects worldwide.   In partnership with Cleanergy Solutions Namibia and CMB.TECH, this project includes a 6.5-hectare solar farm (5 MWp) supplying energy for hydrogen electrolysis at a service filling station, with an option to convert trucks to dual-fuel operation. Project Scope: ✅ Supply & commissioning of PV inverter systems & #BESS by the end of 2024 ✅ Installation of the electrolysis rectifier system (#P2G) by mid-2025 ✅ SMA inverter technology and monitoring systems ensure efficient power conversion   With 80+ hydrogen projects worldwide, Altenso is already contributing to the production of up to 130,000 tonnes of green hydrogen annually, supporting the decarbonization of industrial processes. In addition a completely new energy management system developed by Altenso optimizes hydrogen production using PV forecasts and dynamic demand profiles. #power2gas #GreenHydrogen

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    Happy Birthday, SUNNY BOY! 🥳 Thirty years ago, in the spring of 1995, the name SUNNY BOY was registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office – and since then, it has become an integral part of solar history. By introducing string technology, our birthday star revolutionized the industry.   Millions of units sold and numerous product generations later, SUNNY BOY remains one of the world’s most popular inverters.   And it’s not just us, the proud “parents,” who think so – the industry has repeatedly recognized its performance with awards like the Intersolar Award.   Dear SUNNY BOY, thank you for 30 years of innovation, progress, and success! We look forward to many more years of you inspiring us with your energy.   Show us your SUNNY BOY in action and share your favorite photos in the comments ⬇️ We can't wait to see them!

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    “Men and women have equal rights.” What Elisabeth Selbert fought for in 1949 for the third article of the German Grundgesetz unfortunately still remains a theory even today. On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, her granddaughter Susanne Selbert gave an inspiring talk at SMA, introducing the audience to the life and work of her grandmother. Against all odds, Elisabeth Selbert studied and became one of the first female lawyers in Germany. She travelled the country campaigning for equality, lecturing and putting pressure on parliamentarians through their wives.   In her closing remarks, Susanne Selbert said that her grandmother would certainly still have criticized the situation today: ‼️ Most care work is still done by women, and women are employed in part-time or precarious or low-paid jobs. ‼️In Germany alone, women’s lifetime earnings are on average of 45% lower than men’s. ‼️To add an international perspective: almost half of all women and girls in the world are prevented from making their own decisions about their sexuality and reproduction. At SMA, we also use International Women's Day to draw more attention to the issue of equality. Not only are colleagues from the women's network coming together to discuss ways to improve the situation, but we are also encouraging our colleagues to take a closer look, intervene and actively promote equality with a poster exhibition on sexism.   What do you think? Is International Women's Day still relevant? Jessica Matis | Katharina Luise Eickelberg | #IWD2025

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    Europe’s largest battery storage system has successfully entered phase 1 of operation – equipped with SMA’s advanced grid-forming solution. Blackhillock, a 300 MW site, is projected to prevent approx. 2.6 million tons of CO2 emissions over 15 years, by facilitating greater integration of wind power into the transmission grid. We’re proud to contribute to this significant project by completing the first-of-its-kind compliance process for the new Great Britain grid connection requirements (Grid Code 0137) including grid-forming requirements. This solution, integrating hardware, software, and engineering services, has successfully demonstrated that it fulfills all the specifications of the British grid operator National Energy System Operator (NESO). Our contribution to the project in short: ✔️ 370 MWs of inertia ✔️ 116 MVA of short-circuit level ✔️ 62 Medium Voltage Power Stations, including our Sunny Central Storage UP-XT battery inverters. Zenobē developed, owns and operates this pioneering project, as part of the UK Stability Pathfinder program. We’re also excited to continue our partnership with Zenobē and Wärtsilä on another significant BESS project in South Kilmarnock, Scotland.   #thisisnextlevelenergy #bess #batterystorage

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    We announced our preliminary results for 2024 today.   On a year-over-year basis, the SMA Group’s sales fell by 19.7% to €1,530 million with an EBITDA reduced from €311 million to -€16 million.   Sales in the Large Scale & Project Solutions segment were up considerably at €1,175.8 billion and achieved an EBIT of €227 million. While due to the lower demand situation combined with high inventories at distributors, the sales in the segments Home Solutions and Commercial & Industrial Solutions were considerably lower than the previous year.   For 2025 we are anticipating sales of €1,500 million to €1,650 million and EBITDA between €70 million and €110 million.   SMA has been working on significantly reducing its cost base and simplifying the corporate structure and corporate management since September 2024. This includes the intention to merge the two segments Home Solutions and Commercial & Industrial Solutions to form the new division "Home & Business Solutions" and which complement the existing "Large Scale & Project Solutions" unit. In the future, there will be two divisions with strong vertical integration and complete responsibility for profit and loss.   Read more in our press release: https://lnkd.in/erDEHqqt

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    We are delighted to have been recognized at the Targi ENEX exhibition in Kielce, Poland, for our contribution to the Woodland Houses project. By integrating our Home Energy Solution with Samsung Electronics SmartThings, we have enabled the residents of the modern housing development near Warsaw to easily control their energy production, storage and consumption via an app. With this solution, we are taking an important step towards greater sustainability and energy efficiency. Not to be forgotten, the stand team were also delighted to receive the Top Design Award, presented by the trade show's organizers for exceptionally well-designed stands. SMA Solar Polska | Jarosław Cepa | Kamil Nawrocki | Michał Kotkowski | Andreas Gast | Katja Mueller

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    We are thrilled to announce another future-oriented achievement by SMA Altenso. In the project of Hy2B Wasserstoff GmbH in Pfeffenhausen, Bavaria, the 5 MW alkaline electrolyser is a central component for the production of hydrogen for the operation of public buses in Munich and the surrounding area. The neighbouring hydrogen test, application and certification centre WTAZ and companies in the mobility and energy sectors are also customers for the innovative fuel. The power conversion unit for the electrolysis is provided by SMA. This system solution is compatible with various electrolyser types such as PEM, SOEC and alkaline and is already being used in more than 80 projects worldwide.

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