Titelbild von SolyticSolytic


Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik

Berlin, BE 6.021 Follower:innen


Solytic gehört zu Europas führenden unabhängigen Energie-IoT-Datenplattformen, die Produktionsdaten von verschiedenen Energietechnologien und Herstellern verbindet und den digitalen Wandel hin zu einem erneuerbaren Stromnetz dezentraler Marktteilnehmer befähigt.

Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik
11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
renewables, solar energy, photovoltaic energy, incident detection, analytics, porfolio monitoring, photovoltaic, pv, qualitative monitoring, Photovoltaik, SaaS, pv monitoring, IoT, energy, data und platform



Beschäftigte von Solytic


  • Solytic hat dies direkt geteilt

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    ❓ How well do you know your solar PV portfolio? 🧑🔧 Many experienced technical operators know their portfolio by heart. They really don’t need a fancy AI to tell them about shadows, cleaning cycles, or inverter anomalies. 🎯 Most even know exactly what yield to expect month by month, based on weather conditions. Are you one of them? 🤔 If so, how do you keep track of everything when your portfolio grows fast organically and by acquisitions? 🤯 From one day to another, you are managing new assets, new manufacturers and might not even have managed to give the new site a visit. ⭐ Remote monitoring is key. High data quality ensures you can save time and money. Don’t be cheap with your data infrastructure. You’ll pay the price one way or the other. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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    6.021 Follower:innen

    ❓ How well do you know your solar PV portfolio? 🧑🔧 Many experienced technical operators know their portfolio by heart. They really don’t need a fancy AI to tell them about shadows, cleaning cycles, or inverter anomalies. 🎯 Most even know exactly what yield to expect month by month, based on weather conditions. Are you one of them? 🤔 If so, how do you keep track of everything when your portfolio grows fast organically and by acquisitions? 🤯 From one day to another, you are managing new assets, new manufacturers and might not even have managed to give the new site a visit. ⭐ Remote monitoring is key. High data quality ensures you can save time and money. Don’t be cheap with your data infrastructure. You’ll pay the price one way or the other. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Solytic hat dies direkt geteilt

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    ⏱️ Don’t waste your time! Doing the right things right is the most efficient way to get the job done. ⚠️ Counter example: “False Positives” from an alert system. (= alerts that proof to be false alerts after checking) 😍 Many technical operators dream of a perfect monitoring, with only perfect alerts. Those alerts would be correct, precise, explicit, fast… 🥳 The problem: Humans. 👉 A perfect system requires precision and durability, which require some initial investment to set up hardware and software correctly. False positives can be a weakness of the hardware, the software, OR - as in >99% of all cases - the operator. ⭐ To avoid alerts of (temporarily) inactive devices, we created this simple alert toggle feature, which allows our operators to deactivate alerts for every single registered device (temporarily). #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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    6.021 Follower:innen

    ⏱️ Don’t waste your time! Doing the right things right is the most efficient way to get the job done. ⚠️ Counter example: “False Positives” from an alert system. (= alerts that proof to be false alerts after checking) 😍 Many technical operators dream of a perfect monitoring, with only perfect alerts. Those alerts would be correct, precise, explicit, fast… 🥳 The problem: Humans. 👉 A perfect system requires precision and durability, which require some initial investment to set up hardware and software correctly. False positives can be a weakness of the hardware, the software, OR - as in >99% of all cases - the operator. ⭐ To avoid alerts of (temporarily) inactive devices, we created this simple alert toggle feature, which allows our operators to deactivate alerts for every single registered device (temporarily). #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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    📈 How well is your PV site performing and how can you measure it? 🏋 A very common KPI is the “performance ratio”. In its core this ratio tells you how much you did produce vs. how much you should have produced as percentage. 95% is very good, 80% really is not. 🔎 How do you know how much you should have produced? To answer this questions, you’ll need an independent benchmark, a technical device such as a sensor box or a pyranometer, or you leverage digital solutions such as an API integration. The more accurate it is, the more expensive it is. What’s your appetite for precision and what are you willing to invest? It’s up to you what is best for your use case. 😍 The easiest way is an API. Just 3 clicks and done 💪 No maintenance, ever. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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    6.021 Follower:innen

    😎 Virtual reality is real! 👉 Case study: One large 150 kWp photovoltaic site is owned by multiple investors. How do you make sure each investor can only access their own part of the total plant? ⚠️ Most monitoring solutions manage user-access and viewing rights based on sites. One site is based on the data interface, e.g. the data logger. Another option is, the site is based on the single grid connection. 🙅 NOT WITH US! Oh no, we aren’t building this cheap! 🥳 Check out our virtual “subsite” function. As administrator and technical operator, you can split the single asset into “subsites”, based on devices. 📞 Just reach out to learn more! #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

  • Unternehmensseite für Solytic anzeigen

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    💸 How to reach sustainable and profitable growth as a solar installer: 🏃 Selling and installing PV projects is a transactional business with fair margins but continuous hustle. 🏖️ Offering service contracts creates recurring revenue streams with smaller margins but without any hustle. 💻 The service is more profitable if you make use of digital tools. The daily business should be efficient and the initial set-up as well. 👏 Our onboarding is fast and easy: 1. Create a site. 2. Create a data source. 3. Select your data interface. ✅ Done. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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    6.021 Follower:innen

    🛡️ We are ready to secure the world. ;) 💪 It was a great #SolarSolutions conference in Leipzig last week and we were excited about all the customers, who visited our booth A1. Together with our peers from PV SECURE | S.E.E. Servicegesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien mbH we presented our customer centric products. 🧑🎓 Core learnings: 1️⃣ A growing number of installers are transforming their installation business into a service business model. 2️⃣ The market is growing and the inflow of innovation from around the world is not slowing down. 3️⃣ The customer experience is more relevant than ever, and suppliers and manufacturer adapt slowly. 🔎 We observed once again that our products solve real world bottlenecks. We enable installers to build a profitable service business. The market is diverse in all aspects. This allows investors, from small to large, to customize projects to their specific needs, but this also creates complexity. We handle this with great joy for our partners, solar installers and service operators. 🚀 Let’s keep up the great work and make our grid sustainable and future proof together! 👏 Big thanks to the organization at Solar Solutions International! #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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  • Unternehmensseite für Solytic anzeigen

    6.021 Follower:innen

    🥳 We passed 6 000 followers. This is very cool. Thank you! ❤️ 6 000, that’s even more than we have (paying) customers. ⚠️ ...but still a fraction of our active user base. So, we stay hungry and strive for more, because we see potential here! 👉 Join our weekly news feed, with company and product updates, best practices and other great solar market insights. #solarOS #energytransition #servicebetter

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