Viega Group

Viega Group


Viega. Höchster Qualität verbunden.


Viega ist der Experte für gesundes Trinkwasser in Gebäuden und zählt zu den wichtigsten Technologieführern der Installationsbranche. Als qualitätsorientiertes Familienunternehmen mit mehr als 5.000 Mitarbeitenden verfügen wir über 125 Jahre Erfahrung in der Gebäudetechnik. Und gestalten damit die Lebensräume der Menschen. An zehn Standorten weltweit entwickeln und produzieren wir über 17.000 verschiedene Produkte und Systeme in den Bereichen Rohrleitungstechnik, Armaturen, Flächentemperierung, Vorwand- und Entwässerungstechnik. Unsere Installationstechnik wird sowohl in Gebäuden, als auch bei industriellen Anlagen, dem Schiffbau oder der Versorgungstechnik eingesetzt. Zudem gehören zahlreiche Serviceangebote zu unserem Portfolio. Basierend auf unserem umfangreichen Produkt- und Technologiewissen sorgen wir als Systemanbieter dafür, dass Trinkwasserhygiene, Energieeffizienz, Sicherheit und Komfort in Gebäuden zum Standard werden. Besonders wichtig ist uns dabei Nachhaltigkeit in allen Bereichen. Unser Ziel, ist es Produkte und Technologien zu entwickeln, die Ressourcen schonen und unsere Lebensqualität verbessern. Deshalb arbeiten wir fortlaufend an Innovationen, die uns dies ermöglichen.

5.001–10.000 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von Viega Group


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    Wir sind zum zweiten Mal in Folge für den Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis nominiert! 💪 Der renommierte Award ehrt die 100 innovativsten und nachhaltigsten Unternehmen in Deutschland, die mit herausragenden Lösungen die aktuellen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit angehen. Unsere kontinuierlichen Bemühungen im Bereich #Nachhaltigkeit werden durch diese Anerkennung besonders gewürdigt: Seit 125 Jahren setzt Viega Maßstäbe in der Installationsbranche. Unsere innovativen Technologien und Produkte vereinen Trinkwasserhygiene, Energieeffizienz und Gesundheitsschutz im Gebäude und den gewünschten Komfort. Gleichzeitig reduzieren wir kontinuierlich unseren eigenen Energie- und Ressourcenverbrauch, um unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu minimieren 🌱 Als einer der Weltmarktführer der Installationsbranche ist uns dabei ein ressourcenschonender Umgang mit Trinkwasser ein wichtiges Anliegen. Das bedeutet nicht nur, Wasser zu sparen, wo es möglich ist, sondern auch effizient bei der Trinkwasseraufbereitung vorzugehen und Energie zu sparen, ohne den Gesundheitsschutz zu vernachlässigen. Mit unseren Produkten helfen wir unseren Kunden, ihren Beitrag zur Erreichung gesellschaftlicher Klimaziele zu leisten. Wir freuen uns sehr über die erneute Nominierung in der Branche "Sanitärtechnik" und sind gespannt auf die Entscheidung im Herbst 👏 #DeutscherNachhaltigkeitspreis #Viega

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    Clean potable water to fight global poverty 🌎 The G20 ministerial meeting is currently underway, focusing on global efforts to fight hunger, poverty, and inequality. G20 development ministers emphasise that clean water and basic sanitation are crucial for tackling poverty and promoting global health. Sustainable water and sanitation solutions are essential for improving quality of life worldwide and achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is a significant initiative by the G20 development ministers, and we await the solutions and measures they will develop. One thing is clear: the issue needs more attention. According to the UN, 2.2 billion people globally still lack access to clean potable water, and 3.5 billion lack basic sanitation. Sustainable solutions can only be achieved through international collaboration between businesses and governments, with shared responsibility. At Viega, we are committed to aligning our targets with the SDGs and prioritizing the protection of potable water. Our Efforts at Viega: 💧 Innovations for clean potable water: We develop solutions to ensure the hygiene of potable water. Clean water is essential for health and hygiene. 💧 Resource Protection: Protecting water is our priority. We invest in sustainable technologies and systems that help save water and use it efficiently. At Viega, we firmly believe that access to clean water is a fundamental human right. We work every day to realise this vision and make a positive contribution to our world. #viega #sustainability #climateaction #SDG

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    Electrifying progress: expanding the charging infrastructure at our Attendorn site🔌⚡ 5,000 employees, ten development and production locations and one goal: climate neutrality across all sites by 2035. An important step towards reducing our carbon footprint is the transition to electric vehicles in our fleet, which we are implementing in collaboration with eMobility by MENNEKES DE, a renowned and leading manufacturer of intelligent e-mobility solutions. “Working with MENNEKES to establish the charging infrastructure is helping to reduce our CO2 emissions and fulfil our ecological responsibility. To this end, we have installed around 100 - soon 130 - wallboxes at the Attendorn site”, explains Tobias Rauterkus, Project Manager Central Facility Management. We have around 860 parking spaces in Attendorn, some of which are now equipped with charging points and another 30 will be added this year. Viega has already implemented MENNEKES socket combinations at various German locations. The transition to electric vehicles takes our long-standing partnership to the next level. #viega #sustainability Credentials Images: Michael Bergmann

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    What is a typical day for a Project Manager? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the role is characterised by variety and diversity 🤝 "No two days are the same: subject areas, project teams and project approaches are diverse and always enriching. Individual development and career opportunities, as well as respectful interaction with each other, made it easy for me to choose Viega," says Sonja Arens, IT Project Manager at Viega Deutschland. Our project management team specialises in projects with a high IT relevance and supports our corporate strategy. One of our team's key skills is communication and interaction with other specialist departments, which is very different from what is sometimes said about IT specialists. #viega

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    Especially in times of rising construction costs, building efficiently is essential 🏗 This is where digital construction processes and the intelligent use of data come into play: It enables precise detailed planning even before construction begins, thus saving costs. But how? Building Information Modelling (BIM) brings together all the relevant data in a digital 3D model. This provides transparency and facilitates communication between all stakeholders. Potential errors can be identified and corrected at an early stage, avoiding them later in the construction process ✔. Furthermore, by simulating different scenarios on the digital twin, maintenance and operation can be optimised, ultimately saving time, costs, energy and resources in the long term. Digital construction also offers the opportunity to integrate data from different sources, leading to more resource-efficient buildings. Overall, digital pre-design lays the foundation for successful and cost-effective construction projects in times of rising construction costs. 💪 #viega #BuildingtheFuture

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    The Future of Construction: Digital Expertise for Everyone 💡  At Viega, we are laying the foundation for a sustainable and future-proof construction sector by not only contributing to the development of highly skilled professionals, but also strengthening the digital skills of the entire construction industry. That is why we have developed comprehensive training programmes. These are aimed at both apprentices and experienced professionals. We impart not only Building Information Modeling (BIM) software skills but also fundamental principles of digital construction. Through partnerships with educational institutions and research institutes, we promote education and continuous learning in the field of BIM. Here's how we turn our ambitions into action: 👨🔧 Viega World: The first knowledge centre built entirely using BIM was realised in Attendorn, and was soon followed by the construction of the Viega Seminar Centre Austria. Thanks to the lessons learnt, this construction process was completed much faster. 👨🔧 Global skills development: We offer specialist training in 23 locations around the world. We are committed to continually broadening and deepening skills and methodological knowledge to meet the needs of different areas of expertise. 👨🔧 RWTH Aachen University Talent Program: As a partner company of the RWTH Aachen Talent Program, we support young talents in expanding their practical knowledge in Digital Construction. #viega #BuildingtheFuture

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    Long-standing loyalty and invaluable experience at Viega 💛 We are a family company and we think of Viega as our home. This is reflected in the length of service - 15 per cent of our employees have been with us for us for more than 25 years. Some of them have been with Viega for over 40 years! 🎉 We are happy about the loyalty. It shows that our people feel comfortable and can rely on us. For us, the experience and dedication of our colleagues is irreplaceable. Their long-term commitment helps us to meet challenges efficiently and to train new employees quickly and competently. A big THANK YOU to those who have enriched the Viega family for decades and passed on their valuable expertise. Your loyalty and your knowledge are the cornerstones of our success! 🙌 #viega #125years #connectedinquality #FactsAndFigures

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    🌍 The building sector is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, with the construction and operation of buildings accounting for almost 40 per cent of global CO2 emissions. This enormous burden emphasises the need to plan, construct and operate buildings more sustainably. A key area for reducing emissions is the heating of domestic hot water. Here, attention must be paid not only to energy efficiency, but also to water quality. Even clean water always contains microorganisms such as legionella, which multiply particularly at temperatures between 20 and 45 degrees Celsius. Inhaling legionella as an aerosol can lead to legionnaires' disease, a severe form of pneumonia. To prevent this, water is currently kept at a temperature of at least 55 degrees Celsius, but this is very energy and emissions-intensive. Innovative research projects are working on finding solutions to safely heat water even at lower temperatures. Because every step towards reducing CO2 emissions in the building sector is a step towards a future worth living for everyone 🌱🏗️ Find out more about the role of the building sector in the fight against climate change on our blog: #Viega #Sustainability #BuildingtheFuture #Innovation #DrinkingWater 

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    Saving Energy and Resources with Digital Construction 💡 The construction industry around the world is facing the challenge of reducing resource consumption and increasing energy efficiency. The solution? Digitalisation and the integration of sustainability criteria at an early stage to balance ecological, economic and social aspects. The golden formula for economical and environmentally friendly buildings 🌳  Our collaborations with renowned institutions show just how great the potential of digitalisation really is. The results range from the seamless integration of digital systems in building technology and operation to methods for simplifying complex digital models: In the project for our seminar centre, "Viega World", we worked together with the Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE and the Chair for Energy-Efficient Building at RWTH Aachen University to lay the foundations for how digital building models - as digital twins of the real building - can successfully map energy-relevant characteristics. The combination of BIM models, technical building equipment and building automation makes it possible to sustainably exploit energy efficiency potential over the entire life cycle of the training centre - a technology that can and should also be used in other buildings. This is how we ensure that resources are used as efficiently as possible. As one of the leading providers in the installation industry, we believe we have a responsibility here, as well as to reduce the construction industry's high emissions. That's why we want to drive digital solutions forward with our partners 🤝🏽 #viega #BuildingtheFuture

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    🌍 SPD-Fraktion im Landtag NRW zu Besuch in der Viega World: Energieeffiziente Trinkwarmwasserbereitung im Fokus Gestern durften wir den Fraktionsvorsitzenden und Mitglieder der #SPD-Fraktion im Landtag NRW in unserer Viega World begrüßen! 🚀 Die Landespolitiker interessierte vor allem, welchen Beitrag die Gebäudetechnik zur Wärmewende leisten kann. Im Mittelpunkt der gemeinsamen Diskussion mit Béatrice Jungblut, Andreas Fiefhaus und Dieter Hellekes stand die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz bei der Trinkwarmwasserbereitung im Gebäude. Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse: ➡️ Die aktuelle Erwärmung des Trinkwarmwassers über die erforderliche Nutzungstemperatur ist energieintensiv und stellt eine enorme Emissionsbelastung dar. ➡️ Für eine nachhaltige Reduzierung von Emissionen im Gebäudesektor ist Technologieoffenheit für Systeme entscheidend, die Trinkwarmwasser energieeffizient erwärmen und verteilen. ➡️ In Bestandsbauten liegt ein erhebliches Potenzial für die energieeffiziente Optimierung von Warmwasserinstallationen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an unsere Gäste für die inspirierenden Gespräche: an den Fraktionsvorsitzenden Jochen Ott und an seine Fraktionskollegen Alexander Vogt, André Stinka, Ralf Stoltze, Christin-Marie Stamm sowie an den Referenten für Wirtschaft, Industrie, #Klimaschutz und Energie der SPD-Fraktion im Landtag NRW Leonard Wessel und an Greta Funke. Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Zukunft der #Gebäudetechnik und setzen neue Maßstäbe für #Nachhaltigkeit. 🌱 #ViegaWorld #Trinkwasser #Innovation Fotos: Christian Neuss

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