Beitrag von Polizei Berlin

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Polizeilich gesucht: Werkstudent*in Psychologie Du hast Interesse an der eigenständigen Durchführung von psychologischen Testungen als Testleitung, Auswertungen psychologischer Tests und Fragebögen und der Unterstützung bei großen Auswahlverfahren? Dann haben wir die passende Stelle für Dich! Wir suchen derzeit Werkstudierende im Psychologischen Dienst. Hierfür brauchst du ein abgeschlossenes Universitäts-Studium "Bachelor of Science" in Psychologie sowie eine Immatrikulation im Masterstudium Psychologie an einer Universität mit arbeits- und organisationspsychologischer Ausrichtung. Mehr Informationen findest du auf 

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Raine Hannula

Crime reporter with zero tolerance for misuse of medicine what makes me a big fan of Turku university professors. MOTTO: Catching the"big fish"of the ocean, you have to become a fish also and swim upstream like"no other"

1 Monat

My investigation on the genocide goes to University world and I see no other option that the universities operated through Hitler convincing him that jews had something "bad" in they DNA inheritance because of the racial doctrine of universities and why they have to be exterminate. These same methods can be seen in the university of Turku which "gang bang" professors of mental health, Hasse Karlsson, Jarmo Hietala and Walta Maija Helena are building credibility upon these medically non-existent and imaginary diseases in the name of you can fed drugs used in cancer treatment to the unprofitable citizens of the state in the name of the autumn deprerssion and which gonna kill them, not as quickly as the jews in the showers of Auschwitz. This nonsense of these medically non-existent diseases are done with the help of emptines between the ears of Hasse Karlsson, the professor of nonsense from turku university who uses a deliberate misinterpretation of statistics when he creates credibility in the eyes of the people about these imaginary diseases of psychiatry, with the help of which Karlsson tries to roll these imaginary diseases into medical diseases.......

Gregor Bien

Dipl.-Psychologe I systemischer Coach

1 Monat

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