December 14th, 2021

Embarrassing product names created: Windows CE

The project to develop Windows for handheld systems had been operating under its code name of Pegasus when one of the project managers was given the task of picking a public product name.

He took this job seriously, trying hard to avoid a name of the form Windows + two letter acronym since the sting of “Windows NT = Windows Nice Try” was still fresh. He asked the product team members for suggestions. He hired a marketing firm to come up with names. He ran focus groups with users to see which names resonated best with them. He exercised the due diligence you would expect to make sure the name carried the desired connotations, while being resistant to ridicule and avoiding being unintentionally salacious or offensive.

The field of candidates was narrowed down to ten options. He brought them for approval to executive leadership, who decided to pick none of them.

The executive in charge of approving the name insisted on the name Windows CE, for no reason other than “it sounded good.”

When asked what the letters CE stood for, the answer was that they didn’t stand for anything, although they hinted at Consumer Edition or Compact Edition.

The hardware partner companies on the project were not particularly happy with this name, since it sounded like it was favoring Compaq.

And then somebody abbreviated the product name to WinCE, or wince.

His lesson from this entire experience: Do everything you can to prevent upper management from naming your product.

Related reading: Embarrassing product names averted. Note that the name WinCE didn’t “slip through“; it was pushed through!



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Sam Bryan

    It could have been worse, remember the MS Critical Update Notification Tool?

  • nullsolaris

    As much as I like the name Windows CE, and as much as I like the two super cute CE devices I have (even if programming for the actual CE API instead just using .NET is, in a word, awful), I will never stop giggling when I see it spelled out as "WinCE".
    Also, I'm kinda surprised I never heard the "Windows Nice Try" moniker before. Not nearly as goofy as "wince", but given all...

    Read more
    • Dave Gzorple

      Having been around at the time when everyone was waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for NT to appear, I knew it as Windows Not Today and Not Tomorrow.

    • Daniel Sturm

      Ah good old CE with its surprising amount of NotImplemented exceptions (or was it not supported? been a while). Always felt like programming against a minefield where you had to look up every single function to figure out if it was supported by all your targets.

  • Simon

    So, what we all want to know. What were the 10 names presented?