Samsung Health Research Stack

Open-source tech stack providing end-to-end solutions for collecting and analyzing research and clinical data.

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What can be done with Samsung Health Research Stack?

Samsung Health Research Stack is an open-source toolset that provides end-to-end solutions for various medical research and clinician service use cases on Android and Wear OS devices. It includes the App SDK, Web Portal, and a System to support backend services through API endpoints.

Build, configure, and scale research studies

Samsung Health Research Stack caters to various application scenarios, including basic health-tracking apps and more intricate health and wellness solutions. Samsung Research Toolkit prioritizes the end-user experience, enabling developers to design intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing health and wellness applications. By utilizing the pre-built modules of the App SDK, developers can save time and resources while customizing user interfaces to align perfectly with their brand's visual identity.


The App SDK provides developers with highly customizable building blocks to create apps that collect participant data, such as onboarding, consent flow, surveys and tasks, and data visualization.
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Research Study Portal

The Research Study Web Portal provides a UI portal customized to researchers' needs. It includes features for managing team members, creating and deploying app content, tracking consenting participants' activity, and analyzing data.

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