

These pages list the resources that can be queried in the API using SearchAds360Service.SearchStream or SearchAds360Service.Search. The resource names are linked to to their own page. On each page, the following lists are shown:

  • Artifacts (resources, segments, or metrics) that can be used in the same SELECT clause with the resource
  • Attributed resources whose fields will not segment metrics, when included in the same SELECT and WHERE clauses of these resource fields

Presented after those lists are the tables consisting of names of resource fields, segments, and metrics that can be included in a search query, when this resource is specified in the FROM clause. Each name is linked to the table that contains its metadata:

  • category
  • data type
  • type URL
  • filterable
  • selectable
  • sortable
  • repeated
This row indicates whether the field can be used in the conditions of the WHERE clause of the query.
This row indicates whether the field can be specified in the SELECT clause of the query.
This row indicates whether the field can be sorted and used in the ORDER BY clause of the query.
This row indicates whether the field is repeated, which should be handled as a list.

List of all resources

Resource types
accessible_bidding_strategy Represents a view of BiddingStrategies owned by and shared with the customer. In contrast to BiddingStrategy, this resource includes strategies owned by managers of the customer and shared with this customer - in addition to strategies owned by this customer. This resource does not provide metrics and only exposes a limited subset of the BiddingStrategy attributes.
ad_group An ad group.
ad_group_ad An ad group ad.
ad_group_ad_label A relationship between an ad group ad and a label.
ad_group_asset A link between an ad group and an asset.
ad_group_asset_set AdGroupAssetSet is the linkage between an ad group and an asset set. Creating an AdGroupAssetSet links an asset set with an ad group.
ad_group_audience_view An ad group audience view. Includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for Display Network and YouTube Network ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated at the audience level.
ad_group_bid_modifier Represents an ad group bid modifier.
ad_group_criterion An ad group criterion. The ad_group_criterion report only returns criteria that were explicitly added to the ad group.
ad_group_criterion_label A relationship between an ad group criterion and a label.
ad_group_effective_label A relationship between an ad group and an effective label. An effective label is a label inherited or directly assigned to this ad group.
ad_group_label A relationship between an ad group and a label.
age_range_view An age range view.
asset Asset is a part of an ad which can be shared across multiple ads. It can be an image (ImageAsset), a video (YoutubeVideoAsset), etc. Assets are immutable and cannot be removed. To stop an asset from serving, remove the asset from the entity that is using it.
asset_group An asset group. AssetGroupAsset is used to link an asset to the asset group. AssetGroupSignal is used to associate a signal to an asset group.
asset_group_asset AssetGroupAsset is the link between an asset and an asset group. Adding an AssetGroupAsset links an asset with an asset group.
asset_group_listing_group_filter AssetGroupListingGroupFilter represents a listing group filter tree node in an asset group.
asset_group_signal AssetGroupSignal represents a signal in an asset group. The existence of a signal tells the performance max campaign who's most likely to convert. Performance Max uses the signal to look for new people with similar or stronger intent to find conversions across Search, Display, Video, and more.
asset_group_top_combination_view A view on the usage of ad group ad asset combination.
asset_set An asset set representing a collection of assets. Use AssetSetAsset to link an asset to the asset set.
asset_set_asset AssetSetAsset is the link between an asset and an asset set. Adding an AssetSetAsset links an asset with an asset set.
audience Audience is an effective targeting option that lets you intersect different segment attributes, such as detailed demographics and affinities, to create audiences that represent sections of your target segments.
bidding_strategy A bidding strategy.
campaign A campaign.
campaign_asset A link between a Campaign and an Asset.
campaign_asset_set CampaignAssetSet is the linkage between a campaign and an asset set. Adding a CampaignAssetSet links an asset set with a campaign.
campaign_audience_view A campaign audience view. Includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for Display Network and YouTube Network ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated by campaign and audience criterion. This view only includes audiences attached at the campaign level.
campaign_budget A campaign budget.
campaign_criterion A campaign criterion.
campaign_effective_label Represents a relationship between a campaign and an effective label. An effective label is a label inherited or directly assigned to this campaign.
campaign_label Represents a relationship between a campaign and a label.
cart_data_sales_view Cart data sales view.
conversion A conversion.
conversion_action A conversion action.
conversion_custom_variable A conversion custom variable. See "About custom Floodlight metrics and dimensions in the new Search Ads 360" at
customer A customer.
customer_asset A link between a customer and an asset.
customer_asset_set CustomerAssetSet is the linkage between a customer and an asset set. Adding a CustomerAssetSet links an asset set with a customer.
customer_client A link between the given customer and a client customer. CustomerClients only exist for manager customers. All direct and indirect client customers are included, as well as the manager itself.
customer_manager_link Represents customer-manager link relationship.
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view A dynamic search ads search term view.
gender_view A gender view. The gender_view resource reflects the effective serving state, rather than what criteria were added. An ad group without gender criteria by default shows to all genders, so all genders appear in gender_view with stats.
geo_target_constant A geo target constant.
keyword_view A keyword view.
label A label.
language_constant A language.
location_view A location view summarizes the performance of campaigns by a Location criterion.
product_bidding_category_constant A Product Bidding Category.
product_group_view A product group view.
shopping_performance_view Shopping performance view. Provides Shopping campaign statistics aggregated at several product dimension levels. Product dimension values from Merchant Center such as brand, category, custom attributes, product condition and product type will reflect the state of each dimension as of the date and time when the corresponding event was recorded.
user_list A user list. This is a list of users a customer may target.
visit A visit.
webpage_view A webpage view.