💥 GLÆD DIG 💥 Vi gør det igen den 8. maj, og du er inviteret. Food, Trends & Sustainability 2025 er ved at tage form. Vi har lagt os i selen for at kunne præsentere et knivskarpt program med topaktuel viden om bæredygtig udvikling af landbrugs- og fødevareerhvervet. På dagen får du mulighed for at deltage i debatter, lytte til dedikerede forskere, møde dygtige iværksættere og fremtidens talenter. Det hele bundet sammen af et lækkert madmarked. Nedenfor kan du se et sammenklip fra sidste års arrangement, som taler for sig selv. Vi håber, at kunne gøre dagen efter i år. Lige nu finpudser vi de sidste detaljer i dette års program, du følge med og allerede nu tilmelde dig på vores hjemmeside. Det er gratis at deltage. 👉 Følg med og tilmeld dig her: https://lnkd.in/dH3gsvf9 Arrangementet afholdes den 8. maj i Agro Food Park 15, 8200 Aarhus N. Compass Group Danmark, SEGES Innovation, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark og Agro Food Park står bag Food, Trends & Sustainability. #foodtrendssustainability2025 #foodtrends #fødevarer #trends2025 #bæredygtighed #agroFoodPark
Om os
Agro Food Park is the perfect location for innovative companies within the food and agriculture industries. Here, you become part of an environment that gives acces to networks, opportunities for coorperation as well as specialised knowledge. As of 2019, around 80 different companies of various sizes are located within Agro Food Park. You will find large, established coorperations, knowledge and educational institutions, selected service providers, small and medium sized companies, technology companies and entrepreneurs. A total of 1.150 specialised people work in Agro Food Park, all with highly skilled and innovative competences and representing the entire value chain - from farm to fork. If you want to get in touch, please contact us at info@agrofoodpark.dk. Welcome to the future!
- Websted
Eksternt link til Agro Food Park
- Branche
- Føde- og drikkevarer
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 1.001 – 5.000 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Århus N
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2009
- Specialer
- Innovation and networking og Food and agriculture
Agro Food Park 13
Århus N, 8200, DK
Medarbejdere hos Agro Food Park
Poul Blaabjerg
Direktør, bestyrelsesmedlem, strategisk rådgiver
Jane Bodín
Overall Office Management & Internal Project Management - Communication - HR support & "go-to" person - Events
Janne Pløen
Project Management | Sustainability | Property Development | CapEx Investments
Søren Madsen
Community Manager - Agro Food Park
Kalder alle iværksættere inden for grønne fødevarer, som har et bud på, hvad vi skal spise i fremtiden. Her er en mulighed for at tage dit produkt et skridt videre. Er det dig, eller kender du nogen, så del gerne? Vi ses til Food, Trends & Sustainability 2025. Årets program er ved at tage form, og der er meget at glæde sig til. Det fortæller vi snart meget mere om. I mellemtiden kan du følge med på vores hjemmeside, hvor du også kan tilmelde dig: https://lnkd.in/dH3gsvf9 #FTS2025 #FoodTrendsSustainability #MavensHule #innovation #iværksætter #fødevarer #Agrofoodpark
🚀 Vi søger fremtidens grønne fødevareiværksættere! Tilmelding til Mavens Hule 2025 er åben. Har du en innovativ fødevareidé, der kan være med til at forme fremtidens spiseoplevelse? Så er det nu, du skal tage chancen! Mavens Hule 2025 giver fem udvalgte fødevareiværksættere mulighed for at præsentere sit produkt foran et panel af brancheeksperter – vinderen får et skræddersyet udviklingsforløb hos Compass Group og Dagrofa Foodservice - og med det rette produkt vil det blive muligt at teste det i udvalgte Compass Group kantiner. Sidste år løb CONTEMPEHRARY med sejren og en række af deres produkter er nu at finde i vores indkøbssortiment via Dagrofa Foodservice. Hvad får du som deltager? ✅ Eksponering og feedback fra brancheeksperter ✅ Sparring om fx opskalering, ESG, produktudvikling, forsyningskæder og markedsstrategier ✅ En unik mulighed for at teste dit produkt i kantiner 📅 Pitchrunder og finale: 8. maj 2025 på Agro Food Park, Aarhus ⏳ Ansøgningsfrist: 16. marts 2025 Kender du en spirende fødevareiværksætter? Tag dem i kommentarfeltet! Læs mere om Mavens Hule og tilmeld dig her: https://lnkd.in/dhV3X3m6 #MavensHule #fødevarer #innovation #foodstartup #ESG
Agro Food Park invites you to Morning Masterclass on Food Quality. If you are interested in nutrition, safety, taste and consumer trust, you won't want to miss this Masterclass in Agro Food Park on 5. March. It's completely free, but to secure your seat you must register with Søren Madsen at srma@agrofoodpark.dk. You'll get four keynote speeches (in English): -Sustainable diets consist of 4 elements: nutrition, cultural acceptability, climate and environment, and affordability according to guidelines from WHO and FAO. As part of the green transition, nutrition is one focal point. Securing nutrients for all takes a lot of knowledge about how food combinations interact, their individual nutrient supply and the different needs of nutrients throughout a lifespan. Presented by Chief Consultant Puk Maia Holm-Søndergaard, Danish Agriculture and Food Council. - Bacteria are found in almost all foods, and in many food products, in huge quantities of up to 1 billion per gram. In most cases, these microorganisms have a positive effect on the quality of food but also on our health. However, in rare cases unwanted bacteria can enter our food and pose a serious threat to our well-being. Presented by Managing Director Dr. Dieter Elsser-Gravesen, ISI Food Protection ApS. - For food quality to matter, food needs to be eaten. Sensory qualities such as taste, flavor, and texture are crucial factors in food choice. However, taste isn't just about taste – what is bitter to one person might not be bitter to another, and what seems perfectly sweet to one might be too sweet for someone else. People have different sensory abilities, and this might play a role in what they find tastes good. Presented by Postdoc Jonas Yde Junge, Department of Food Science, AU FOOD. - Today, food quality imeans more to consumers more than just good taste – it is also encompasses convenience, healthiness, sustainability, and feeling good. The perception of food quality is increasingly dependent by communication and on the extent to which consumers trust food chain actors. Presented by Professor Klaus G. Grunert, MAPP Centre - Research on Value Creation in the Food Sector. We look forward to seeing you on 5 March from 07-09 am in Agro food Park no. 15 (meeting room 9). We start with breakfast snacks at 07 am.
Can farmers grow the food we need without stressing the planet? You can find out by listening to Foodpod Denmark, which offer various perspectives on the topic, inspired from a Morning Masterclass at Agro Food Park. Ivan Paponov from Department of Food Science, AU FOOD, Mette Kramer Langgaard from SEGES Innovation, and Philipp Trenel from Danish Technological Institute participated and are also featured in the podcast, Go listen to this extremely interesting and highly relevant podcast, produced by Cath Mersh. 📌 The Morning Masterclass at Agro Food Park is always an opportunity to be inspired. Look forward to this year's first Masterclass on Food Quality, which will take place on March 5th - we will tell you much more soon. #AgroFoodPark #Sustainable #Agriculture #FoodQuality #MorningMasterclass
🌎Can farmers grow the food we need without stressing the planet? Foodpod Denmark returns with a new episode that focuses on the efforts to minimise #greenhousegas emissions from the soil and prevent #nutrientrunoff into fragile waterways 🌱🐟 We’ve talked to three experts who are building new knowledge and digital tools for #sustainable #agriculture. From the food science department at Aarhus University, Ivan Paponov explains the dilemma of nitrogen use in the field and his team’s work to understand the processes that enable plants to absorb nitrogen efficiently. Philipp Trenel from Danish Technological Institute introduces the #SmartField initiative, a five-year project that aims to build a lighthouse for understanding and controlling nitrous oxide – a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than #CO2. Mette Kramer Langgaard from SEGES Innovation describes the field trials and satellite data behind the latest digital tools for farmers and a new age of traceability in primary production. Find the new episode from Foodpod Denmark on your favourite podcast app or tune in here 👉https://bit.ly/41Ywkdn With thanks to Søren Madsen at Agro Food Park for the inspiration and to SEGES Innovation for the photo
🌟 HAPPY NEW YEAR🌟 2025 is already well underway here at Agro Food Park. 🧡 Did you know that Agro Food Park is home to 100 companies and 1500 people go to work here. That means lots of activities, lots of knowledge sharing, lots of stories coexisting side by side and as part of a great community across the agricultural and food industry. In 2024, we launched a new magazine that tells some of the many stories that exist here. We'll be telling more stories in 2025. 💥 In the new year, we look forward to even more knowledge sharing, interesting meetings and events, visits from domestic and foreign delegations and more residents moving into Agro Food Park. Soon we will announce the first events that you will have the opportunity to participate in. For example, look forward to the first Morning Masterclass, which we will soon tell you more about here on LinkedIn and on our website, where you can also find the new magazine Stories. ✨ Stay tuned. #AgroFoodPark #Landbrug #Fødevarer #Sustainability #2025
I Agro Food Park samler vi på talenter og deler gerne ud… Vidste du, at din virksomhed har mulighed for at blive koblet til studerende og nyuddannede fra en lang række uddannelser inden for landbrug- og fødevareområdet i Career Space Agro Food Park. Virksomheder har nemlig mulighed for at indgå et partnerskab med Career Space og ad den vej få direkte adgang til de studerende og indflydelse på arrangementer. Vi har fornøjelsen af partnerskaber med Palsgaard A/S, IDA, Magistrenes A-kasse, Rockwell Automation, SEGES Innovation, Foodjob Nordic, AAK, Nature Energy, Essentia Protein Solutions, SKOV A/S, Tetra Pak. Susanne Thorgaard Madsen, Senior HR Business Partner, Global People & Culture, i virksomheden Palsgaard A/S siger om et partnerskab med Career Space: ”Vi er glade for at være en del af Career Space, da det giver os en fantastisk mulighed for at komme tættere på de studerende. Her kan vi dele vores erfaring, lære nyt, skabe dialog og indgå spændende projektsamarbejder med engagerede og dygtige studerende.” Kunne du tænke dig at høre mere om et partnerskab med Career Space, er du velkommen til at kontakte Space Manager Johanne Sønderlund Birn på jobi@agrofoodpark.dk Læs mere om Career Space her: #AgroFoodPark #Landbrug #Fødevarer #Rekruttering #Employerbranding #Innovation #Careers
Agro Food Park invites to Morning Masterclass on biodiversity. If you are interested in biodiversity, you won't want to miss this Masterclass in Agro Food Park on 3. December. It's completely free, but to secure your seat you must register with Søren Madsen at srma@agrofoodpark.dk. You'll get four keynote speeches (in English): - What is biodiversity, what is its current state in Denmark, and what strategies can we follow to restore biodiversity and ecosystems based on the latest science? by Jens-Christian Svenning, Professor, PhD - Director, DNRF's Center for Ecological Dynamics in a Novel Biosphere (ECONOVO), Aarhus University. - BiodiversityLift approach for scoring and benchmarking habitats on farmland, and what is "the lay of the land" on Danish farmland with this approach? by Christoffer Grønne, Senior Consultant, Innovation Centre for Organic Farming. - Nature Check as a tool to secure the best solutions, so that nature, economy and operational practices come together - case Arla Foods by Emil Skole Læsøe, Consultant SEGES Innovation P/S - Nature & Environment. - How we operationalise our biodiversity strategy in our product range, purchasing policy, raw material strategy within coffee, cocoa, fish and more by Rikke Ramm Eberlein, Corporate Affairs - Team Leader CSR, Lidl Danmark We look forward to seeing you on 3 December from 07-09 am in Agro food Park no. 15 (meeting room 9). We start with breakfast snacks at 07 am.
If you are a student and recent graduate in Agriculture and Food, check out this event in Career Space Agro Food Park
Calling all students and recent graduates with a passion for agriculture and food! 🌱🍽️ Are you eager to connect with industry professionals and like-minded peers? Looking for a space that links you directly with innovative companies in the agri-food sector? Join us at Career Space, a dedicated environment for students and graduates interested in agriculture and food. Based in Agro Food Park, Career Space offers you the opportunity to attend theme-based events, networking activities, and meet companies looking for talent. Come to our information meeting to learn more about how Career Space can be a vital link in your career journey. 📅 Tuesday, October 8th, 15:00 - 16:00 📍 Career Space, Agro Food Park 13, 8200 Aarhus N 👉 No registration needed – just show up We look forward to seeing you. #CareerSpace #AgroFoodPark #AgriFood #Networking #CareerOpportunities #Students #RecentGraduates #Agriculture #FoodIndustry #TalentDevelopment
Something special 🌟 Career Day 2024. Though it was the eighth time Career Day took place, it was a very special day. This year with approximately 400 students and 30 companies which turned up with the desire and enthusiasm to meet and talk about future job opportunities. A day of talks and workshops that provided insights and answered students' questions about the future job market in the rapidly evolving agriculture and food industry. Thank you to all the students and companies who came and helped make Career Day 2024 a very special day. See you again in 2025. And a special thanks to Johanna Vena for letting us follow her around on the day 🤩 #AgroFoodPark #CareerDay #agriculture #foodindustry #CareerOpportunities
Only one week to go... Career Day 2024 is coming up. If you are a student or recent graduate looking for a job in the agriculture or food industry hurry up and register now if you want to grab one of the last spots (in the link below). Career Day 2024's programme is packed with interesting talks and workshops where you can gain insight into a wide range of exciting companies and get answers to questions targeted at your job search in the agriculture and food industry: On the day you can hear Stine B. og Catrine Bundgaard Thybo from Credin Danmark, Thorkild Qvist Frandsen from Arla Foods, Foodjob Nordic, Margrethe Therkildsen from Aarhus University, Sigrid Gertsen-Schibbye from Lallemand, IDA, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark, John Smedegaard from Cordulus, Studenterhus Aarhus In addition, around 30 companies will be represented at stands where you have the opportunity to talk to people from the company. Sign up here: #careerday #jobseeking #student #foodindustry