💔 One of the biggest causes of animal suffering is the use of fast-growing chicken breeds, also known as “frankenchickens”. They are bred to gain weight so rapidly that their bodies can’t keep up. This means a lifetime of severe pain and discomfort, or even death from organ failure.
🇩🇰 Our Danish team is fighting to improve the lives of the chickens raised for meat.
🤝🏻 We believe that major food businesses can be our partners in creating change for animals. We regularly talk with companies, addressing welfare concerns and helping them move away from unacceptably cruel practices. But when constructive dialogue stalls, we reach for creative action.
🪧 In January, we displayed a live stream from a chicken farm on a big screen directly outside the headquarters of a Danish retailer Coop. Bringing the cruel reality of a factory farm to their doorstep, we showed them the real-life impact of their policies, urging them to drop fast-growing chickens.
🪧 Last week, we showed up to a new McDonalds opening in Copenhagen, carrying oversized "inspection reports" with sad smileys – a spin on Denmark's well-known food safety rating system.
👎🏻 Both McDonalds and Coop in Denmark are lagging behind the competitors in fulfilling their promises of implementing higher welfare standards.
🗳️ Behind the scenes, we also making policy change happen. Thanks to our work, 11 Danish municipalities (and counting!) excluded fast-growing breeds from their purchases. 🎉 Why does this matter? Danish municipalities are major meat purchasers, providing meals for schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and elderly care homes. Each such policy change impacts hundreds of thousands of animals.
With this mix of grassroots campaigning, corporate engagement, and policy work, we believe we can achieve real change. And we’re happy to see more businesses and policymakers stepping up for animals. 🙌🏻
#animalrights #animalactivism #animalwelfare #frankenchicken