Annual report shows record year for Beritech ✨ We are continuing our significant growth, culminating in the most successful year in Beritech's history. Our 2023 financial statements indicate a net income after taxes that increased to 67.2 million DKK in 2023 from 2.1 million DKK in the previous year. While we have plenty to celebrate, this success won’t make us complacent. In 2024, we plan to enhance our infrastructure by expanding our production facilities nationwide and focusing on reinvesting in the business areas that require attention. Additionally, we will launch new product lines specifically designed for the seafood industry, focusing on processing equipment for salmon and whitefish. With this, our main focus will be on reinvestments, using the surplus to support ongoing consolidation. For detailed figures from our annual report, visit our website: #Beritech #AnnualReport2023 #SolutionsDrivenByPeople
Nørresundby, Nordjylland 3.751 følgere
We deliver processing equipment and project solutions for Food and Pharma clients all over the world.
Om os
Beritech delivers premium project solutions to diverse clients in the food and pharmaceutical industries. At the heart of our success lies a passionate team of 720+ employees driving innovation and collaboration to achieve high-quality outcomes in every project. What sets Beritech Group apart is our holistic approach to project involvement. We seamlessly integrate into the entire value chain, allowing us to participate in projects from their initial consulting and design stages all the way through engineering, manufacturing, assembly, on-site installation, and service. As an organization, Beritech Group operates in the following areas: 📍Nørresundby (HQ) 📍Aalborg Øst 📍Randers 📍Hinnerup 📍Kalundborg 📍Hillerød
- Websted
Eksternt link til Beritech
- Branche
- Produktion
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 501 – 1.000 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Nørresundby, Nordjylland
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2020
- Specialer
- Processing Equipment, Stainless Steel, Pharma, Food, Seafood, Dairy, Turnkey Solutions, Mechanical Engineering og Process Tanks
Kystvejen 54, 9400 Nørresundby
Nørresundby, Nordjylland 9400, DK
Medarbejdere hos Beritech
Design changes in Pharma – how does our QA team navigate? 💡 QA Specialist Rikke Skov Præstgaard shares her insights. As designs evolve, so do the challenges in the welding process and the accompanying documentation. Our QA team tracks each modification to ensure compliance with the latest standards, all while maintaining quality through GDP methodology 🗒️ #PharmaProcessing #QualityAssurance #GDP #Beritech #SolutionsDrivenbyPeople
💬 “It’s very important to have tracked everything, step by step.” Sylwester Mikołajski, one of our Welding Coordinators, shares the complexities of welding in Pharma. Each weld in Pharma must be done at exactly the right stage, with careful planning to keep every step in sync. Our digital and paper welding logs capture every detail, allowing us to trace and resolve issues quickly if they arise. In Pharma production, precise welding and documentation are crucial for maintaining high hygiene standards and quality ✨ #PharmaProduction #PharmaWelding #Beritech #SolutionsDrivenbyPeople
Like Rome, our dairy tanks weren’t built in a day 💡 Producing a tank is a process that goes through several stages: Step 1 👉 We produce all parts for welding the tank top and bottom. Step 2 👉 We manufacture the tank casings. Step 3 👉 All parts are welded to create the complete tank top and bottom. Step 4 👉 Casings and skirt are welded to the tank bottom. Step 5 👉 The top is lifted (nice view, right?), and the bottom is attached. Step 6 👉 The tank is lifted out of the tower area and to the assembly hall. Step 7 👉 Testing, insulation, cladding, and external pipes are added. Step 8 👉 Accessories (ladder, railings, valves, etc.) are installed. Step 9 👉 The customer comes by for FAT test. And of course, step 10: The tank is now ready for delivery 💌 #TankProduction #DairyTanks #Beritech #SolutionsDrivenbyPeople
Er du på hjemmebane, når det kommer til strategisk økonomirapportering, interne kontroller og overholdelse af regnskabsstandarder? Så er du måske vores nye Financial Controller. Som Financial Controller vil du få en nøglerolle i vores økonomiafdeling, hvor du vil være med til at sikre præcise regnskaber, styrke vores økonomiske controlling og levere strategisk rapportering – alt imens du optimerer og forbedrer vores økonomiske processer 📈 Du vil blive tilknyttet vores afdeling i Nørresundby, hvor du bliver en vigtig del af det lokale team, der varetager koncernens aktiviteter. Vi glæder os til at læse din ansøgning 🙌
Vi søger en Accountant 🌟 Så har du erfaring med regnskab og økonomi samt forretningsforståelse, har vi jobbet til dig. Vi forestiller os, at du har en relevant økonomisk uddannelse kombineret med erhvervserfaring inden for området. Det er vigtigt, at du er nysgerrig, har et højt drive og er indstillet på at arbejde proaktivt for videreudvikling og optimering af eksisterende arbejdsgange i teamet. Du vil blive tilknyttet vores afdeling i Nørresundby, hvor du sammen med det lokale team vil understøtte koncernens aktiviteter i Aalborg og Nørresundby. Læs mere og ansøg her:
SELO certification put into action ✅ Just a few weeks ago, we successfully delivered three pressure tanks to a customer in China, marking the first use of our renewed SELO certification from June. The SELO certification guarantees that our equipment meets China’s strict safety and technical standards, involving rigorous testing, inspection, and quality control ✨ At Beritech, quality assurance is a cornerstone of everything we do – from ISO certifications to SELO compliance. Our team of 60 QA specialists collaborates closely with design and production to ensure top-quality solutions for customers in Denmark and across the globe 🌍 #PharmaSolutions #PharmaProcessing #SELOCertification #Beritech #SolutionsDrivenbyPeople
Har du solid erfaring med kvalitetssikring, dokumentation og certifikater? Og bliver du motiveret af at hæve standarderne for kvalitet i både processer og produkter? 📈 Så er det måske dig, vi søger som vores nye Senior QA Specialist i Kalundborg. 💬 "I rollen som Senior QA Specialist bliver du en vigtig del af vores arbejde med at sikre høje kvalitetsstandarder. Dine faglige kompetencer vil blive udfordret og udviklet gennem tæt samarbejde med tværfaglige teams, og du får mulighed for at bidrage til innovative løsninger, der skaber langsigtet værdi for vores kunder og øvrige interessenter." – Lasse Bo Lumholdt Riisager, Quality Director. Hvis det lyder som en stilling for dig, så send en ansøgning til os herunder. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig ✨
600 pages of documentation 📩 That’s the amount of reading QA Specialist Sandra Bang Jensen and the rest of the team sometimes must go through – an essential task to guarantee nothing is overlooked. And it’s all to make sure that every component aligns with the strict requirements 💎 The process is meticulous: “We physically inspect each part, then review all the documentation – from 20 to 600 pages – gather the necessary information, and only approve it once everything checks out.” But it’s more than just ticking boxes; ensuring smooth operations means working closely with suppliers to resolve issues like incorrect materials or missing certifications. – “We rely heavily on close collaboration with our suppliers to keep operations running smoothly,” Sandra adds. Sandra and the QA team's commitment to quality is crucial in helping us deliver superior solutions to our customers 🌟 #MeettheMakers #Beritech #SolutionsDrivenbyPeople
Er du en erfaren leder inden for kvalitetssikring, og ønsker du at spille en central rolle i at sikre og udvikle vores kvalitetsprocesser? 🤝 Vi søger en Quality Assurance Manager, som vil være medvirkende til at sikre, at vores kvalitetsstandarder opretholdes og videreudvikles. Du bliver en central drivkraft i organisationen, hvor du får ansvar for at sikre effektivitet og kvalitet i vores QA-aktiviteter – både internt og hos vores kunder på forskellige sites på Sjælland. 💬 "Rollen som QA Manager er afgørende for at opretholde vores forpligtelse til at levere produkter af højeste standard til vores kunder. Stillingen kræver en skarp strategisk forståelse, dyb faglig indsigt og evnen til at skabe resultater gennem stærkt samarbejde på tværs af organisationen og med vores kunder." – Lasse Bo Lumholdt Riisager, Quality Director. Din primære arbejdsplads vil være på vores lokation i Kalundborg, men du skal forvente, at dele af din arbejdstid skal bruges på vores øvrige lokationer og kunder i Danmark. Interesseret? ✨ Læs mere og ansøg her: