

Produktion af vedvarende energi

Copenhagen, Capital Region 4.571 følgere

We make local communities circular

Om os

BioCirc is a circular bioeconomic company. We aim to be a best-in-class developer, owner, and operator of renewable energy clusters. We establish and produce green energy in all its forms (electricity, gas, fuel, & heat) and integrate solar and wind power, biogas, electrolysis, pyrolysis, and power-to-x technologies into a revolutionary interconnected circular system. Our circular approach ensures every stage of the process contributes to a sustainable future and our clusters act as a one-stop-shop for municipalities to accelerate their green transition - displacing the use of fossil fuels locally, we help local communities to implement a full green transition today.

Produktion af vedvarende energi
201-500 medarbejdere
Copenhagen, Capital Region
Renewable Energy, Power to X, Biogas, Waste to Energy, Energy Clusters og Innovation


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    Amaliegade 22

    Copenhagen, Capital Region 1256, DK

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    Middelfart, 5500, DK

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    Bertel Maigaard took the stage earlier this week at the NET ZERO Pathways Conference, representing BioCirc and our vision for a green energy future. At BioCirc, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the circular bioeconomy, focusing on creating integrated circular energy clusters that generate green energy in the form of electricity, gas, fuel, and heat. During his presentation, Bertel highlighted some of our ambitious projects, including our efforts to achieve large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) and one of our lighthouse cluster projects, ‘Vesthimmerland Go Green’. By 2036, BioCirc aims to store more than 1 million tons of biogenic CO2, making it the largest CCS project in biogas to date, while continuously developing our circular energy cluster platform to maximize local CO2 abatement. The conference, hosted by Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center and Green Hub Denmark provided a platform for collaboration and discussion on accelerating the green transition through innovative technologies like #Power-to-X, #CCS, and #EnergyClusters. #NZp2024 #BioCirc #GreenTransition

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  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    At BioCirc, we believe that innovation and collaboration across sectors are crucial to achieving a green transition. Today, Anders Christian Nordstrøm, CEO, Power-to-X and by-products, joined an expert panel at DNV's series "Financing the Energy Transition" in Copenhagen. The discussion focused on CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage) and BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage) – key levers for reducing CO2 emissions and accelerating the path to net-zero. As BECCS gains momentum, particularly here in Denmark as a central part of the country’s climate strategy, these conversations are vital. We’re excited to contribute BioCirc’s expertise on integrating circular energy clusters, biogas, and Power-to-X into this evolving landscape. A big thanks to DNV and the leaders from across sectors. #EnergyTransition #CCUS #Biogas #PtX #Sustainability #BECCS #CarbonCapture #GreenTransition #Innovation

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  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    A new innovative sand-washing technology for dairy farmers In partnership with DLG Group, we are launching a new sand-washing technology designed to revolutionize manure management in Denmark's dairy sector. The standalone, plug-and-play system allows farmers using sand in cow bedding to easily prepare manure for biogas production. The scalable solution is resource-efficient and reuses up to 95% of the sand, offering both environmental and economic advantages. With a flexible leasing model, BioCirc ensures that more farmers can access this innovative technology, furthering the push towards a more sustainable and circular agriculture. #BioCirc #DLG #GreenEnergy #CircularEconomy #Innovation #Biogas #DKgreen #Dairy

    Biocirc Newsroom

    Biocirc Newsroom

  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    Open house at BioCirc Blåbjerg Biogas Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting an 'open house' at our biogas plant in Blåbjerg. With high spirits and beautiful sunshine, the event saw over 100 enthusiastic local visitors join us in Nørre Nebel. We were especially honored to welcome the Mayor of Varde Municipality, whose presence added a special touch to the occasion. The day was filled with exciting conversations, guided tours, and a deeper look into the work we do at BioCirc. We are thrilled to see the growing interest in our efforts to drive the green transition through sustainable energy solutions. Our collaboration with the agricultural sector was a highlight, showcasing our commitment to a fully circular model - turning waste into value and creating a sustainable future. Biomethane plays a crucial role in ensuring energy and fertilizer supply security while helping agriculture reduce emissions. In 2023, nearly 40% of the Danish gas system was comprised of biogas. We are proud to be part of this journey towards greener energy. A huge thank you to everyone who attended and supported this event. Varde Kommune #biogas #greenenergy #DKgreen #circularity

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  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    Tre af BioCircs Go Green projekter er en del af de statsligt udpegede energiparker på land Som en del af indfrielsen af Danmarks ambitiøse klimamål, har Plan- og Landdistriktsstyrelsen i dag meddelt, at BioCircs Go Green energiprojekter i Jammerbugt, Vesthimmerland og Viborg er en del af de statsligt udpegede områder til energiparker. Bertel Maigaard, CEO for BioCirc, udtaler: "Vi er yderst tilfredse med udpegningen af vores projekter. Det er en anerkendelse af vores tilgang til lokal grøn energiproduktion gennem cirkulære energiklynger." Udpegningen af områder til energiparker er et led i den overordnede plan for indfrielse af klimamålene. Som en konkret ændring i energilandskabet skal der i 2030 stå fire gange så meget vind- og solenergi på land, som der er sat op gennem de seneste mange år. Derved firdobles elproduktionen fra sol og vind på land frem mod 2030, så den går fra ca. 12 til 50 mia. kWh. BioCircs cirkulære energiøer på land kombinerer flere grønne teknologier, herunder biogas, solenergi, vindkraft og Power-to-X. Den integrerede tilgang betyder, at en BioCirc energiø fortrænger mange gange mere CO2 end en traditionel sol- eller vindpark, hvilket gør vores projekter til en afgørende faktor i kampen mod klimaforandringerne. Vi ser frem til at fortsætte arbejdet med at udvikle og implementere lokale energiløsninger, der gør en reel forskel for miljøet og samfundet. ---- English version ---- Three of BioCirc's Go Green projects are part of the state-designated areas for energy parks on land As a means to achieve Denmark's ambitious climate goals, it has been announced that BioCirc's Go Green energy projects in Jammerbugt, Vesthimmerland and Viborg are part of the government-designated energy parks. Bertel Maigaard, CEO of BioCirc, states: "We are extremely satisfied with the designation of our projects. It is a recognition of our approach to local green energy production through circular energy clusters." The designation of areas for energy parks is part of the overall plan for achieving Denmark’s climate goals, and as a tangible change in the Danish energy landscape, there will be four times as much wind and solar energy on land in 2030. Thereby, electricity production from solar and wind on land will quadruple towards 2030, from approx. 12 to 50 billion kWh. BioCirc's land based circular energy clusters combine several green technologies, including biogas, solar energy, wind power and Power-to-X. This integrated approach means that a BioCirc energy clusters displaces many times more CO2 than a traditional solar or wind farm, which makes our projects a decisive factor in the fight against climate change. We will continue the work on developing and implementing local energy solutions that make a real difference to the environment and society. Bertel Maigaard #BioCirc #EnergyClusters #RenewableEnergy #Biogas #DKpol #DKgreen

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  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    Tak for denne gang, Folkemødet! Et solbeskinnet #Folkemøde på Bornholm, hvor berigende dialoger, spændende events og netværk gik op i en højere enhed. En stor tak til Biogas Danmark og de andre partnere bag Klima- og Energiscenen for et flot program. Vores direktør, Bertel Maigaard, deltog bl.a. i debatten "Energiøer på land" og delte vores vision for bæredygtig innovation. En stor tak til BioCirc-holdet for at sætte fokus på grøn energi og teknologisk innovation ved #FM24 – og et stort klap på skulderen og tak for i år til vores gode samarbejdspartnere i #energibranchen og #landbrugssektoren. Vi ser allerede frem til Folkemødet 2025! 👏 #BioCirc #GrønEnergi #Bæredygtighed #Innovation #VedvarendeEnergi #FM24 #DKgreen #DKpol Sammen med Vestjysk Bank og GreenLab

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  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    We are thrilled to unveil BioCirc’s Integrated Annual Report 2023 The report reveals a strong 2023 financial result, delivering substantial top- and bottom-line growth in a year characterized by declining gas prices. To deep dive into our 2023 journey, and to discover more about BioCirc's ESG commitments, incl. scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions - please follow the link below:

    Intergrated Annual Report 2023 - Biocirc

    Intergrated Annual Report 2023 - Biocirc

  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    Celebrating Employee Day at BioCirc! At BioCirc, we believe that unity and team spirit are the cornerstones of our success. Earlier this week, we had the pleasure of hosting our annual Employee Day, where team members from all our locations came together to celebrate our collective achievements and shared vision. A special welcome to our new colleagues from Germany, who have recently joined our growing family. Onboarding is a top priority for us, and we're excited to see how your unique talents and perspectives will enhance our dynamic team. As a rapidly developing company, we understand the importance of every employee's voice in shaping our workplace culture. The program included collaborative sessions where everyone had the chance to contribute ideas on what makes BioCirc a great place to work. We firmly believe that our colleagues possess unique capabilities and play a critical role in our organization's success. Your expertise, creativity, and determination drive us forward, and we wouldn't be where we are today without your invaluable contributions. Thank you to all our employees for your dedication and hard work. Together, we are building a sustainable and impactful energy future. #EmployeeDay #TeamSpirit #BioCircFamily #Sustainability #Innovation #RenewableEnergy Bio Recycling A/S - NORTH-TEC Gruppe - BioCirc

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  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    BioCirc wins significant share of the NECCS fund for major CCS project We are thrilled to announce that BioCirc has been awarded a significant portion of the NECCS funding by the Danish Energy Agency. The initiative is a key step towards achieving Denmark's ambitious climate goals by enabling negative CO2 emissions through advanced carbon capture and storage (CCS). About the project: BioCirc is set to capture and permanently store over 1,000,000 tons of biogenic CO2 from our biogas production between 2026 and 2036. This volume is equivalent to the annual direct CO2 emissions of approximately 133,000 Danes. Our plan involves enhancing our biogas plants with CO2 capture units that will allow for the transportation of captured biogenic CO2 to underground storage facilities over 1,500 meters below the surface at Gas Storage Denmark's Stenlille site. Why this matters: The captured CO2 will be permanently stored, reducing the atmospheric concentration of CO2. The project, which is set to be the largest of its kind from biogas to date, supports our mission to displace carbon emissions by integrating cutting-edge technology into our operations. It represents a new chapter, not only for BioCirc but also for our joint efforts in environmental conservation and sustainable energy practices. Strengthening the leadership team: In conjunction with these developments, we are also strengthening our leadership team. Anders Christian Nordstrøm, with vast experience in green transformation from Ørsted, joins as CEO of our Power-to-X division, which includes our CCS activities. Anders's deep expertise will drive the development of projects from innovation to scalable and implementable solutions. Our vision: Looking beyond the NECCS period, BioCirc aims to utilize the biogenic CO2 in our land-based circular energy clusters to produce green fuels such as e-methanol through Power-to-X technologies. This will enable a shift towards sustainable energy solutions within hard-to-abate sectors such as transportation and heavy industries. We are proud to play a pivotal role in Denmark’s journey towards carbon neutrality and look forward to sharing more updates as we progress. #GreenEnergy #SustainableEnergy #CCSTechnology #DKgreen #DKpol #CarbonCapture #CCS #Biogas

    Biocirc glædes over støtte til verdens største lagringsprojekt på biogas

    Biocirc glædes over støtte til verdens største lagringsprojekt på biogas

  • Se organisationssiden for BioCirc, grafik

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    DLG and BioCirc tightens the collaboration with the agricultural sector In a strategic partnership, DLG and BioCirc are committed to ensuring that the value created by the agricultural sector in renewable energy production remains within the sector. Hence, the parties are now presenting a model where farmers can make agreements for the supply of livestock manure, get a degassed product back with a lower climate footprint and at the same time get the opportunity to invest in BioCirc's current energy production and future energy projects, that will ensure a green local production of electricity, gas, fuel and heat. This brings the agricultural sector even closer to the value creation that the industry contributes to the green transition. Key highlights: - Biomass agreements: Farmers supply biomass and receive a digested product with a reduced carbon footprint as fertilizer for their fields. - Investment opportunities: Engage directly in BioCirc's ongoing and future green energy projects, extending beyond local biogas facilities to include solar and wind energy, and technologies like Power-to-X and bio-refining. The initiative marks a significant milestone nearly a year after DLG Group's largest investment in the green transition, becoming part of BioCirc's ownership group. Join us in celebrating initiatives ensuring a more sustainable future where agriculture plays an active role in powering the green transition, one biomass agreement at a time.    #RenewableEnergy #SustainableAgriculture #GreenTransition #CircularEconomy #Biogas

    Partnerskab åbner for landmandskroner til energiselskab

    Partnerskab åbner for landmandskroner til energiselskab

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