Another sweet electric steam boiler is ready to leave Danstoker ⚡ The destination for this boiler is Greenland, where it will be installed at Nukissiorfiit in Nuuk, from where steam is supplied to Nuuk Hospital 🏥 With an output of 600 kW, a steam capacity of 900 kg/hour is achieved. Design pressure is 10 barg. We are happy to be able to deliver our electric steam boiler to our good customer Nukissiorfiit in Nuuk, who can look forward to the following benefits: ✅ Reduced CO2 emissions ✅ The carbon footprint for steam production accounts for 0% in Green Accounts using an electric boiler ✅ Efficiency is 99% (less than 1% radiation loss) ✅ Stable steam pressure that benefits the entire steam system ✅ 72 hours of operation reduces manpower costs over the weekend ✅ Lower maintenance costs At Danstoker and Nukissiorfiit Nuuk, we take pride in making energy plants using renewable and energy-efficient solutions that drive operational excellence ♻️
Produktion af industrimaskiner
Birk, Middle Jutland 2.849 følgere
Manufacturer of boilers for industry, district heating and energy sector .
Om os
This company profile promotes : Danstoker A/S & Danstoker Poland Sp. z o.o. - both members of DANSTOKER GROUP. ABOUT DANSTOKER Danstoker over the years became one of the leading players on the boiler market and specializes in following boiler technologies: • boilers for combustion of biomass • shell & tube boilers for oil and gas • water tube boilers for biomass, oil and gas • electric boilers for heat and steam • Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (WHRB) • exhaust gas boilers for cogeneration engines • absorption heat pumps and chillers FAR-SIGHTED ENERGY POLICY Domiciled in Denmark – a country renowned for its far-sighted energy policy – Danstoker’s own policy has been to constantly engage in intensive product development and constructive dialogue with the market players, i.e. combined efforts that have resulted in technical innovation and extensive experience. OVER 80 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Since the outset in 1935, Danstoker has developed into a company whose name is synonymous with high-performance boilers for the international energy sector. More than 80 years’ experience with boilers guarantees a quality which includes environmental considerations and operational economy as important parameters. SUMMARY IN POLISH/ STRESZCZENIE PO POLSKU: Ten profil promuje: Danstoker A/S i Danstoker Poland Sp. z o.o.- obie firmy należą do GRUPY DANSTOKER. O DANSTOKER Danstoker jest jednym z wiodących graczy na rynku producentów kotłów i specjalizuje się w następujących technologiach kotłowych: • kotły do spalania biomasy • Kotły płomienicowo-płomieniówkowe na olej i gaz • kotły wodno-rurowe na biomasę, olej i gaz • kotły elektryczne (woda/ para) • Kotły odzysknicowe (WHRB) • kotły dla układów kogeneracyjnych • absorpcyjne pompy ciepła i chillery Ponad 80-letnie doświadczenie w produkcji kotłów gwarantuje jakość, która uwzględnia aspekty środowiskowe i ekonomikę eksploatacji.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Danstoker
- Branche
- Produktion af industrimaskiner
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 51-200 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Birk, Middle Jutland
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 1935
Medarbejdere hos Danstoker
Electric boilers used in the transition from fossil fuels into renewable energy ♻️ When Ege Carpets (Egetæpper) made the active decision in 2024 to convert from gas to electricity for their steam boilers, they chose Danstoker. Both departments, in Herning and Gram, replaced the existing Danstoker N-gas steam boiler with a new electric steam boiler. Thanks to Ege Carpets, Siemens, and Chr. Møller for their collaboration throughout the entire project. Both electric boilers produce 6 tons per hour at a design pressure of 10 barg. These are low-voltage steam boilers operating at 3x690V. Since the boilers regulate with 50 kW per step, a very stable steam pressure is achieved. And the results? 👇 ✅ Reduced CO2 emissions ✅ The carbon footprint for steam production accounts for 0% in Green Accounts using an electric boiler ✅ Efficiency is 99% (less than 1% radiation loss) ✅ Stable steam pressure is a significant advantage for the overall steam system ✅ 72 hours of operation reduces manpower costs over the weekend ✅ Lower maintenance costs ✅ No periodic shutdowns for burner inspections At Danstoker, we take pride in empowering businesses with sustainable, energy-efficient solutions that drive operational excellence. #Danstoker #Boilers #EnergyTransition
A joyful welcome to 2025! 🌟 We at Danstoker hope that all of our partners, customers and colleagues have had a great start to the new year. As we have returned to our routines and daily work, we are now looking forward to seeing what 2025 has in store for us. 2024 was a year with many interesting opportunities, exciting partnerships, and new investments to increase our capacity as well as our quality – and we hope to continue this streak in 2025! Our ambition for this year is to collaborate even closer with many of our partners through close dialogue to explore how we can support them and their strategic endeavours even better than previously 🤝 Likewise, we will work tirelessly to process each and every order within the expected delivery times. This also entails continuously optimizing our own production facilities and processes to ensure that every boiler meets the high-quality criteria associated with Danstoker boilers 🔧 We look forward to collaborating with all of you throughout the year – and we want to take this opportunity to wish all of our followers here on LinkedIn a very successful 2025!
Happy Holidays from Danstoker 🌟 We want to wish all of our partners, customers, stakeholders, and followers here on LinkedIn happy holidays – regardless of where you reside 🌍 From all of our employees at our various offices and production facilities, we want to sincerely thank each of you for a productive and inspiring year! Throughout 2024, we upgraded our facilities and equipment and participated in various events, where we also had the pleasure of meeting many of you. But perhaps most important of all, we have had the pleasure of working on a plethora of new and exciting projects. Hence, we look forward to continuing this trend in 2025 by exploring even more new opportunities and further developing our business areas in the coming year. Until then, we wish you a joyous time throughout the remainder of 2024, which will hopefully include a lot of quality time with friends and family 🎄
Looking forward to a stable 2025 📅 Dear customers, partners and suppliers, We would like to thank you for the flexibility and cooperation we have experienced in recent years. Activity has been unusually high, particularly in the field of biomass plant execution across Europe 🌍 This increased activity put a lot of pressure on our production facilities, but with a joint, coordinated effort and close dialogue, we have managed to complete the majority of our projects together. Hence, we look forward to a more normal order intake in the remainder of 2024 as well as in 2025, where Danstoker is dedicated to processing your orders within the expected delivery time on all boiler types. We are ready to handle new inquiries on both standard and customized boiler systems. When delivery time is crucial, we can meet our customers' needs! 🤝 Thank you for your continued trust and cooperation. We look forward to a productive 2025!
Det er godt at være tilbage på årets Fjernvarme Landsmøde💥 Første dag afsluttes efter mange gode samtaler og forespørgsler, som vi ser frem til at følge op på🤝 Vi takker af for i dag og glæder os til endnu en dag i morgen. Bedste hilsner team #Danstoker
Kom og mød os til Fjernvarmens Landsmøde! Fjernvarmens Landsmøde 2024 løber af stablen den 24.-25. oktober i Bella Centeret. Vanen tro er Danstoker at finde på et træfpunkt (nr. 33), hvor vi står klar til at tale med fjernvarmebranchens interessenter. I år har Danstoker valgt at lægge særlig fokus på fire områder: 1. Lavspændings el-kedler. Kom forbi og bliv inspireret. Vi kan rådgive om, hvad der bør afklares for at sikre den bedste el-pris og en stabiliseringsaftale ⚡️ 2. Economisere på standby-kedler, kan det betale sig? Vi er klar med en hurtig beregning 🔥 3. Nordens største biomassekedel producent. Dansk kvalitet i højsædet ♻️ 4. Danstoker Serviceafdeling. Kom forbi og tag en snak om en forestående serviceopgave 🛠 Vi glæder os til et par gode dage i Bella Centeret. English: Come and meet us at the District Heating Conference! The Danish District Heating Conference 2024 will take place on October 24th-25th at Bella Center. As always, Danstoker will be present at a meeting point (no. 33), where we’ll be ready to talk to stakeholders from the district heating sector. This year, Danstoker has chosen to focus on four key areas: 1. Low-voltage electric boilers. Stop by and get inspired. We can advise on what needs to be clarified to secure the best electricity price and a stabilization agreement ⚡️ 2. Economizers on standby boilers, is it worth it? We’re ready with a quick calculation 🔥 3. The largest biomass boiler manufacturer in the Nordics. Danish quality at its finest ♻️ 4. Danstoker Service Department. Come by and have a chat about an upcoming service task 🛠 We look forward to a couple of great days at Bella Center.
What is good craftsmanship? 💡 Since 1935, Danstoker has produced boilers for clients around the world 🌍 It happens quite frequently that we get inquiries from old clients who need new boilers. However, it also happens occasionally that clients with old Danstoker boilers inquire about a possible update of the design pressure to meet their new demand. Recently, we received such a request from a Danish customer with a Hot Water Boiler type VRH from 1966. The design pressure was 6 barg, but now the client required 8 barg instead. In this case, updating the old boiler was not possible due to changes in the boiler standards. However, in our opinion, the fact that this boiler, produced in black steel, has been in operation since 1966 shows exactly what good craftsmanship is 🛠 Depicted are the original drawings of the boiler in question, and in the bottom right corner, you can see that the date stamped is 28/6/1966. We are immensely proud to produce and deliver boilers of such high quality, and every single day, our skilled employees strive to continue our legacy of good craftsmanship!
New equipment ⚙️ Over the course of the previous years as well as in 2024, we have taken various steps to improve both our production as well as our facilities 🔧 Recently, we invested in some new equipment to ensure that we can always meet our partners’ and customers’ requirements. This included a new CNC machine to improve our automation as well as a new plasma cutter to increase our capacity. Furthermore, our Polish factory just received a brand-new rolling machine, which means we can produce even bigger boilers going forward! We are thrilled to see these improvements come to fruition; improving our production capabilities is always a joy. At Danstoker, we stay ahead of the curve by actively investing in our future and always keeping an eye out for new, better, and smarter ways to do things. Because we are dedicated to consistently delivering the best possible service 🤝
Service and reparation of boilers 🔧 – Danstoker’s Service Department is ready to be deployed! At Danstoker, we know how important it is to keep your boilers in top condition to avoid unnecessary downtime in your operations and continuous optimal output 📊 Our experienced service team is highly specialized in the maintenance and reparation of industrial boilers, regardless of whether your needs concern tube exchanges, tube plating, or plate work in the burning zone. We understand the importance of having the work done quickly and correctly. Our team is ready to be deployed as soon as your need arises to ensure that your boilers keep producing the necessary heat and energy 🔥 You can always reach out to us if you want to know more about how we can help you ensure that your boilers stay in optimal operational shape.
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