De Forenede Sejlskibe I/S

De Forenede Sejlskibe I/S


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Om os

UNITED SAILING SHIPS (DE FORENEDE SEJLSKIBE) * Company Events * Teambuilding * Reception * Family Parties SAILING ADVENTURES Adventurous experiences at sea. Don’t be content to admire the beautiful, classic wooden ships from the quay. Whether you need a unique setting for a company event, teambuilding or a romantic party – come aboard for an extraordinary experience. As refreshing sea air stimulates the appetite, let the SALT restaurant spice up your adventures at sea with delicacies from the galley, ranging three-course menus to Danish open sandwiches to be eaten on deck. Choose from short voyages with or without sails or spending half or whole days at sea. Welcome aboard – unforgettable experiences await you! COMPANY EVENTS Put the wind in your sails at your next meeting. Invite your customers onboard to work undisturbed as the ship glides through the water. Our beautiful, proud wooden ships with tall masts, white sails, cordage and polished brass provide an elegant setting for your product presentation or reception. FAMILY PARTIES A ship is perfect for a fantastic party. Why not combine your next party with a unique adventure at sea? The historic wooden ships provide a romantic setting for a wedding party, where the celebration of love can be held outdoors as the ship plies the waters at full sail. TEAMBUILDING Walk the plank – together. There are many ways of getting to know one another better, and having to work together to sail a classically rigged sailing ship will challenge you in ways you are not accustomed to.

2-10 medarbejdere
DK-1253 Copenhagen C
Company Events, Family Parties, Teambuilding, Reception, Vacation og Sailing


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    c/o CAH

    Toldbodgade 31, 5. fl.

    DK-1253 Copenhagen C, DK

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