digital attention | d|a

digital attention | d|a


Medie & digital markedsføring på abonnement - 3 pakkeløsninger til alle virk. 1. Rådgivning 2. Udvikling 3. Uddelegeret

Om os

DIGITAL ATTENTION tilbyder medie og digital markedsføring på abonnement! Vi er et marketing konsulent bureau der er specialiseret i medier (on- & offline) og digital markedsføring. Vi har erfaret at alt for mange annoncører ikke får den hjælp de har behov for, til at kunne udnytte deres fulde mediepotentiale. Udfordringen er at de ved ikke hvor de skal starte. Vores missionen og “why” er at alle skal have mulighed for at få uafhængig, transparent og professionel rådgivning omkring medier og digital markedsføring. Uanset størrelse og budgetter Vi har gjort det ultra nemt at komme igang - både økonomisk og produktmæssigt. Vi tilbyder 3 pakker på abonnement der matcher de behovsniveauer vi har observeret i markedet. 1. Rådgivning 2. Hands-on 3. Uddelegeret Pakkerne starter med den rene, uafhængige, transparente rådgivning/second opinions til hands on hjælp der frigiver tid I virksomheden. Alt sammen fleksibelt, dedikeret på opgaven og uden alt bøvlet med lange bindingsperioder, feriepenge, pension etc. Det er i vores optik den mest convenient vej for annoncører til at optimere deres udbytte af medieinvesteringer. Vi skal væk fra mavefornemmelser og gætterier, væk fra beslutninger taget på et uoplyst grundlag eller i sidste sekund. Adfærd der betyder at annoncører spilder annoncekroner, misser deres fulde potentiale og sætter brandsikkerhed på højkant. Og i mange tilfælde vil en fuldtids ressource eller et bureau være for stor og for dyr en mundfuld. Med digital attention får I hjælp til lige netop de opgaver der er behov for - nemt, ligetil og uden tricks. Vi glæder os til at arbejde med jer - det kan ikke betale sig at lade være :-) ps: Vi har mere end 15 års erfaring i det digitale medie og markedsførings-landskab fra forskellige brancher og virksomheder. Erfaring der kommer alle kunder i d|a tilgode.

1 medarbejder


Medarbejdere hos digital attention | d|a


  • Det skal være nemt at arbejde at arbejde kvalitativt med medier. Ofte ser vi dog at nemt og kvalitet ikke helt går hånd i hånd, og nemt for lov til at få overtaget. Vi tager de hurtige og nemme beslutninger der ikke gavner vores brand og vores spilder vores annoncekroner. Det kræver ekspertise & tid, noget der for de fleste er en mangel vare. Vi vil gerne have at I får maksimalt udbytte af jeres annoncekroner. Vi vil gerne sikre at jeres brand er "sikker på nettet" og IKKE er et af de brands der investere i online robotter og AI genererede sider. Vi vil gerne sikre at jeres kampagner er integreret i jeres virksomhed og der er rød tråd mellem ide og eksekvering. En medie manager har ekspertisen til at navigere i det billede og sådan en skal alle brands have. Abonner på en media manager til en pris hvor alle kan være med og få maksimalt udbytte af jeres marketing- & medieindsats. lad os snakke og læs mere på vores side

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  • 🚀 Unlocking the Power of a dedicated media- & digital manager In the fast-paced world of media and digital marketing, many marketers find themselves facing a dual challenge: a lack of in-depth knowledge and limited time to dive into the complexities. It can be overwhelming. For many marketers, this means that media becomes a side task due to time constraints. Juggling multiple responsibilities often results in the strategic aspects of media planning and optimization taking a backseat. The primary issue is often resources – not all brands have the budget for a dedicated full-time internal media & digital manager. Get a flexible one that fills this knowledge gap! Providing expert guidance to navigate the dynamic terrain, stay ahead of trends, and help optimize your media and digital presence. Ensure your media efforts receive the attention they deserve, maximizing impact without draining your valuable time. Consider a flexible media- & digital manager as your strategic ally. Let's elevate your media and digital strategy together. #DigitalTransformation #MediaManagement #MarketingOpportunity 🚀

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  • When we delve into the topic of insourcing digital resources, the conversation often revolves around tasks, workloads and how many people we need. However, my experience is that many companies miss the fundamental aspect of looking at own data as a start! Gaining control of all account and media platforms (social, programmatic etc.) by moving away from using agency account setups. This is a step every company, regardless of size, should take – small, medium, or large. The key reasons for such a move go beyond just owning your data. It's about transparency, flexibility (ever wondered what happens to your data when transitioning to a new agency? 🤔), and seamless integration with third-party tools like CDPs, to name a few. Importantly, insourcing doesn't imply taking on everything yourself. All processes with agencies can continue as usual. The key difference is that you retain ownership of the data and gain full transparency. It is worth taking a moment to look at how you do it today. There are great potential in insourcing your data ownership? Let's connect to explore your current setup 💬🚀 #DigitalInsights #DataOwnership

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  • To insource or not to insource, that is the question. 🤔 When it comes to navigating the landscape of digital resources, every business finds itself at this crossroads. It's like choosing between classic coffee or the trendy latte - decisions, decisions! ☕💼 At Digital Attention, we understand this dilemma. We've been the trusted guide for businesses contemplating this very dilemma. So, why take the plunge into the world of insourcing? Well, let's flip through the pages as there are quite some variables to consider 📖. 1️⃣ Budget Considerations: Insourcing isn't just a financial decision; it's an investment in efficiency. We work with you to analyze the financial aspects, ensuring that it aligns with your budgetary goals. 2️⃣ Organizational Readiness: Before diving in, assess if your organization is ready for this shift. We help you evaluate your internal structure and capabilities, ensuring you don't just create another silo. 3️⃣ Strategic Fit: Does insourcing align with your current media and digital strategy? We assist in examining the strategic fit to ensure it complements your overall business approach. 4️⃣ Financial Feasibility: Evaluate your media budget. Is it ready for the change? We guide you in assessing your budget's readiness to support insourcing effectively. Whether you're meticulously reviewing figures or simply trying to make sense of the options, we're here to provide practical insights, help and guidance tailored to your business. Let's have a conversation about how insourcing could work out for you. 🚀💬 #DigitalAttention #Insourcing

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  • Media- and digital managers and the expertise they bring to brands, are often reserved for the larger companies with budgets for full-time resources. A challenge familiar to many small and medium-sized businesses. Unfortunately, they often miss the opportunity to optimise the use of media and external agencies (remember that external agencies often have a different agenda than the company 😉 ). At digital attention - MEDIA ATTENTION & GREEN MEDIA TRANSITION we want to challenge this. We want to ensure that all companies have access to the expertise that media and digital marketing people bring internally. ✴ The concept is simple: We offer media- and digital managers as 100% neutral and independent partners, just like an internal resource. An easy and flexible solution, adapted to your company's needs. ✴ How it works: Flexibility is key. Maybe you only need 10 hours a month, 1 day a week or full throttle during busy periods. We're here to make sure you don't miss opportunities to optimise your media work. ✴ Your benefits: - Flexibility to adapt resources as needed. - Optimise your relationships with external agencies. We offer help to manage and optimise partnerships that ensure fruitful collaborations that align with your business goals. - Enjoy the benefits of having specialised expertise in-house usually available to larger brands. This gives your business a competitive edge in navigating the complexities of media and digital marketing. - Optimising your media activities, media efforts, budgeting etc. without exceeding budgets. - Gain strategic insights from professionals with experience in media planning, ensuring your campaigns align with industry trends and consumer behaviour. - Get second opinions on media plans, channel mix and media budgets, which reduces the risk of ineffective strategies. Our experts act as valuable sparring partners for your decisions. - Sparring and advice on optimising your digital ecosystem. From launching new channels to development projects. We want to help you get the most out of your media budgets and your agency connections. Reach out - we always just start with a chat about needs, options and challenges 🚀

    digital attention | flexible media- & digital managers

    digital attention | flexible media- & digital managers

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