EMCO Controls A/S’ coverbillede
EMCO Controls A/S

EMCO Controls A/S

Industriel mekanisering

Hillerød, Hovedstaden 1.370 følgere

Flow and family business since 1966.

Om os

Welcome to EMCO Controls EMCO Controls is a Danish instrumentation company supplying flow, level and temperature instruments tailored precisely to the needs and requirements of our customers. From our premises in Hillerød near Copenhagen, domestic and export sales as well as manufacturing are conducted. We employ skilled people with many years of experience in manufacturing of mechanical instruments. Our history originates back to 1966 and has right from the beginning been recognized as a manufacturer of process control equipment specializing within primary elements for flow measurement. Design and engineering of our instruments are based on recognized international standards including EN, ISO, DIN and ASME. Our work is supported by the latest version of Autodesk Inventor with 3D solid modelling and computer programmes developed by our engineers. Our instruments are manufactured according to the EU Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23 EC and CE marked when required by the process conditions. We continually strive to provide high quality sensors with design innovation to meet our customers' requirements. Manufacturing We stock base material with traceable material certificates according to EN 10204 - 3.1. Our CNC machines for turning and milling are equipped with CAM. Weldings are based on certified WPAR (Welding Procedure Approval Record) according to EN 288 or ASME IX. Our welders are certified according to EN 287 and ASME IX standards. Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) is performed when required due to material quality or material thickness. The instruments can be non-destructive examined NDE according to EN or ASME standards. Heat treatment of the instruments is available to comply to NACE MR-01-75.

Industriel mekanisering
11-50 medarbejdere
Hillerød, Hovedstaden


  • Primær

    Høgevej 6

    Hillerød, Hovedstaden 3400, DK

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Medarbejdere hos EMCO Controls A/S


  • JOB POST ❗ Vi søger en PTA-medarbejder til vores kontor i Hillerød! Er du en struktureret og detaljeorienteret teknisk profil med erfaring inden for produktionsplanlægning og ERP-systemer? Trives du i et teamorienteret miljø, hvor humor og samarbejde vægtes højt? Så har vi en spændende mulighed hos Emco Controls! Vi søger en PTA-medarbejder, der kan tage ansvar for produktionsforberedelse, produktionsplanlægning, koordinering med underleverandører og support til produktionen. Emco Controls er en virksomhed med 28 medarbejdere, der i fællesskab leverer kvalitetsprodukter (som det nedenfor) til deres kunder. Der er højt til loftet, frihed under ansvar og mulighed for at påvirke ens egen hverdag. Der er en uformel tone, et stærkt sammenhold og en kultur, hvor idéer og initiativ værdsættes. Derudover tilbydes der gode personalegoder og en frokostpause, hvor de mest mærkværdige emner bliver diskuteret – altid med et godt grin! Du kan læse mere om stillingen og ansøge her: https://lnkd.in/dmRdStY6

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  • Cavitation is a common but often overlooked issue in flow measurement systems and pressure reducing units. It occurs when fluid pressure drops below its vapor pressure, thus forming small vapor bubbles that collapse rapidly when pressure recovers. This can lead to: - Damage to equipment - repeated bubble collapse causes erosion as seen in the photo. Even the strongest grades of steel are at risk of looking like this or even worse. - Measurment inaccuracy - as a consequence of the above point, the sharp edges that are essential for accurate readings are damaged, impacting the reading. restriction plates will be less effective when cavitation damage occurs. - Noise - cavitation generates high-frequency noise and vibrations - Operational cost We want to share our knowledge to support industries in making informed decisions to minimize risks, costs and optimize performance. #cavitation

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  • Some news👇

    Se organisationssiden for Lisberg Valves

    151 følgere

    Lisberg Valves is live on Linkedin! We are not new to our craft though! For those of you who are not familiar with us, we are a Danish instrumentation valves manufacturer launched by EMCO Contols in 2015. Our mission is to deliver high-quality valves to support efficient control and transportation of energy. We have developed a complete program of standard and special valves with everything done in-house from our production facilities in Denmark - and with our specialized knowledge of materials, we can manufacture our valves in both basic and exotic materials. This offering consists of conventional needle valves, manifold valves for differential pressure transmitters, shut off valves for flow meters, double block and bleed valves and instrumentation ball valves. We have served customers in Off-shore Oil & Gas, FPSO, Power Industry, Power to X, CCS – Carbon Capture and Storage, Chemical and Petro-chemical industries, and general process industries. Since future energy consumption will be based on green energy, all our valves are gradually becoming hydrogen-ready. Curious to learn more? Visit our website here: https://lisbergvalves.dk/

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  • Final preparations are underway for our 20-inch cone meter with a 2500 lb RTJ flange and 60.3mm wall thickness before shipment to a customer in Nigeria. Our welder, Christian, is tightening the bolts to prepare it for pressure testing—an important step in ensuring reliability for high-pressure gas flow applications. From design to manufacturing, everything is done in-house at our factory in Denmark, guaranteeing the quality of our flow meters. #FlowMeasurement #MadeInDenmark #ConeMeter #Manufacturing

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  • We had the pleasure of hosting Hans Andersen, a Danish Member of Parliament, for a cup of coffee and an insightful discussion about the Danish business environment. During his visit, we touched upon ESG, and the importance of automation and employee development to increase productivity. We also showed him the scale of our in-house operations, from design to manufacturing of the final flow meters. Thank you, Hans, for taking the time to visit us!

    Se profil for Hans Andersen

    Folketingsmedlem for Venstre. Finansordfører. Kommitteret for Hjemmeværnet.

    Kvalitets flowmålere fra EMCO Controls A/S til hele verden. Emco Controls A/S har været markedsleder inden for flowmålere siden 1966 i Nordeuropa. I fredag var jeg inviteret en kop kaffe om rammerne for at drive virksomhed i Danmark af direktør Mads Lisberg og stifter af virksomheden Henrik Lisberg. Emco Controls A/S er en klassisk ingeniørvirksomhed, hvor både design, salg og produktion foregår i viksomheden. Emco Controls A/S er vokset gennem årene og sælger flowmålere til hele verden til fx olie og gasindustrien, fjernvarmeproduktionen til PTX produktion. Vi drøftede omfanget af bureaukrati og hvordan virksomheder kan arbejde med ESG uden at det bliver en tung administrativ byrde og jeg hørte meget om hvordan produktiviteten kan øges gennem brug af automatisering i forbindelse med produktionen af mekaniske instrumenter og ved uddannelse af medarbejdere. Rigtig godt at opleve en ingeniørvirksomhed som har produkter, der er efterspurgt i hele verden pga den høje kvalitet.

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