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Forte Advice

Forte Advice

It-ydelser og it-rådgivning

Empowering Growth Through Technology, UX Excellence, and Strategic Consulting

Om os

Forte Advice serves as a premier destination for clients seeking unparalleled expertise in various domains, including IT consulting, product and service development, platform architecture, service and graphic design, UX, and digital business development. Our primary objective is to deliver exceptional value to our clients by leveraging our extensive knowledge and experience. By partnering with us, clients gain access to the insights and capabilities necessary to achieve their business goals, streamline operations, enhance user experiences, and cultivate an environment conducive to sustained growth. We are 300+ IT professionals spread across offices in Denmark, Norway, Germany, and Poland, all ready to serve your every IT need 🚀

It-ydelser og it-rådgivning
201-500 medarbejdere
Copenhagen V
UX design, Data Science, Technology, Strategy, Microsoft, Optimizely, Frontend, CMS, CDP, ecommerce og Web development


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    Gl. Kongevej 3E

    Copenhagen V, 1610, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Forte Advice


  • Thank you for the recognition Dansk Markedsføring (Danish Marketing Association) 🎉 Our Managing Director & Partner at Forte Advice, Jesper Nørding Pedersen, has earned a spot on this year’s M-List by Dansk Markedsføring. This recognition highlights Jesper’s dedicated leadership and the collective achievements of the entire Forte Advice team over the past year. At Forte Advice, we continue to lead the charge in digital product development and user experience. This recognition underlines the importance of technology in driving commercial strategies and highlights how digital innovation is increasingly becoming the primary platform for business development. Join us in congratulating Jesper this well-deserved honor! #ForteAdvice #DigitalTransformation #MList2025 #DanskMarkedsføring

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  • We're excited to share a significant transformation in Danish tourism with the rebranding and digital enhancement of Hærvejen (Udvikling Hærvejen), the historic hiking and cycling route through Jutland. Our collaboration aimed to introduce this beautiful trail to a broader audience, ensuring Hærvejen becomes a beacon for outdoor enthusiasts worldwide - a unique turist attraction in Denmark.     Leveraging Hærvejen's rich history (going more than 300 years back) and scenic landscapes, we developed a fresh visual identity, for both online and offline use, and robust digital solutions, including a new website and mobile native application. These platforms are designed to enhance the visitor experience, offering detailed maps, route planning, and engaging content to support the whole user journey, from inspiration, planning and assisting travelers. From idéa at home to actually walk and cycle the whole route or part of it.     We extend our heartfelt thanks to Hærvejen and Nordea-fonden for trusting us with this significant transformation. We invite everyone to explore the revamped Hærvejen and discover the beauty of Denmark’s nature firsthand when at its best.     Explore the new Hærvejen:  Thomas Sofienberg Cathrine Gro Frederiksen Maj Falcon Stein Cato Sætre Trine Frederikke Kortland Sabina Sonne Sciolla Birk Marcus Hansen Caroline Vestergaard Reiter John Christensen Helena Hilma Eriksen-Aagreen Kazimierz Migdał Mateusz Marchewka Mateusz Podemski    #Hærvejen #DigitalTransformation #TourismInnovation #ForteAdvice

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    KICK-OFF 2025 🚀 Hos Advice og Forte Advice skyder vi traditionen tro det nye år i gang med vores årlige Kick-off. Fredag samlede vi alle vores skønne kollegaer fra forskellige etager og business units for at reflektere over det forgangne år og se frem mod det nye. Selvom verden til tider kan virke turbulent og usikker, ser vi frem til igen i år at engagere os i masser af meningsfulde projekter og samarbejde med vores ambitiøse og modige kunder. Og tro os, vi regner med at have det sjovt undervejs! 🎉 Tak for et fantastisk kick-off og en forrygende fest 🥳 2025, vi er SÅ klar!!! #Advice #ForteAdvice #KickOff2025

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      + 6
  • TV2 NEWS: Creating a Diverse Future at Advice and Forte Advice. Yesterday, our Managing Director, Jesper Nørding Pedersen-Pedersen, shared his insights on TV2 News regarding the importance of diversity in tech and at our workplaces. Here at Advice and Forte Advice, we’re not just talking about diversity; we aim for an environment where everybody thrives. Why Diversity? When we are developing an AI or a digital service for our clients, we see diverse teams as a cornerstone of our innovation and business success. Jesper highlighted that we can only develop the best digital solutions in a positive workplace culture that attracts top talent. By encouraging a variety of perspectives, we ensure our teams produce innovative results. Efforts in Action: Together with IT-Branchen we are committed to increasing female participation in tech through targeted mentor programs. And we are ensuring that our hiring practices are inclusiveand strive to provide visible role models across all levels of our company. This helps all employees see themselves reflected at all levels and fosters a sense of belonging and contribution. Interested in learning more or getting involved? Reach out to Jesper directly at #InclusionMatters #ForteAdvice #Advice 

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  • Apoteka - Powering Apopro has been nominated for the E-commerce Award (E-Handelsprisen) 2025! 🎉 We are proud to announce that our client Apoteka, the powerhouse behind Apopro, has been nominated for the E-commerce Award 2025 in the category "Denmark's best B2C company with online sales over 100 million dkk." This nomination recognizes Denmark's leading e-retailers and highlights Apoteka's fantastic contribution to the industry. Over the past year, we have had the pleasure of assisting Apoteka in their efforts to invest and innovate, including an optimized online store, which have significantly enhanced the customer experience. Apotekas impressive development has also streamlined the delivery processes with a new, automated warehouse, ensuring fast and reliable delivery of everything from pharmacy goods to prescription medicine. This nomination is a significant recognition of Apoteka's courage and ambition to drive innovation in digital commerce. We are incredibly proud to have been part of Apoteka's journey and are excited to see what the future holds. Thanks to everyone at Apoteka for their hard work and dedication 🎉 Lasse Rey-Andersen Julie Toft Brian Brorsbøl Gitte Dreyer Philip Danhøj Larsen Daniel Matras Jesper Nørding Pedersen

    Apopro er nomineret til E-handelsprisen 2025! 🚀 Vi er utrolig stolte over at Apopro nomineret i kategorien Danmarks bedste B2C-virksomhed med online omsætning over 100 millioner til Dansk Erhverv E-handelsprisen 2025 – branchens største hyldest til Danmarks dygtigste e-handlere 🙌 Denne nominering betyder ekstra meget for os, fordi sidste år var et år med store investeringer og hårdt arbejde bag kulisserne. ✅ Vi har lanceret en ny identitet, som inkluderede en helt ny og forbedret storefront med fokus på at give vores kunder en markant bedre oplevelse, få rådgivningen fra vores apotekerteam mere bredt ud og gøre det endnu nemmere og mere diskret at købe receptmedicin. ✅ Investeret i et nyt, automatiseret lager, der sikrer, at vi fortsat kan levere både apoteksvarer som hudpleje, vitaminer og mineraler, apoteksforbeholdt håndkøbsmedicin og receptmedicin – ofte samme dag! 🚚💨 At blive anerkendt for indsatse betyder alverden for både Apopro og Apoteka - Powering Apopro. En kæmpe tak til vores kunder og vores fantastiske teams, som gør det hele muligt 💙 #Ehandelsprisen2025 #Apopro #Apoteka #Ehandel #Kundeoplevelse #OnlineApotek

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  • We are thrilled to officially welcome Amanda Tougaard to the Forte Advice team 🎉 Since joining us in November as a Project Associate, Amanda has already proven to be an invaluable asset, significantly contributing to several projects, particularly in UX design and creative content development. "I'm excited to be part of such a dynamic team at Forte Advice. It's inspiring to contribute to projects that not only challenge me professionally but also create meaningful impact. I look forward to continuing my journey here and contributing to our success." - Amanda If you want to learn more about Amanda and her new role here at Forte Advice, feel free to reach out to her at ✉️ Welcome aboard, Amanda! #ForteAdvice #ProjectAssociate #Welcome

    • Amanda Tougaard, Project Associate
Forte Advice
  • 🎄 Holiday Reading from Forte Advice: Unlocking the Power of Data-Driven Culture! As Christmas is right around the corner, Forte Advice has one last insightful piece for you to enjoy during the holidays. Our latest article, written by Eva Leth, UX Data Analyst, delves into the essentials of fostering a data-driven culture through UX and data storytelling. Read it: "Foster a Data-Driven Culture Using UX and Data Storytelling" explores how organizations can enhance their competitive edge by effectively analyzing and utilizing data. Whether you're dealing with ML models, sales data, or the latest AI technology, understanding the performance of your projects and products is crucial. Eva provides tips on how to: · Clearly communicate your data narrative to guide your audience. · Focus attention on crucial data points to drive strategic decisions. · Build a hierarchical data structure that resonates across all levels of your organization. This holiday season, grab the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and prepare to lead your team to new heights in the coming year. #DataDrivenCulture #UX #DataStorytelling #ForteAdvice #HolidayReading

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  • At Forte Advice, our digital Christmas card, UNWRAPPED 24, is more than just a festive greeting - it’s a cherished tradition that brings us closer to our clients, collaborators, and extended network. It's our way of spreading a little holiday cheer and expressing our gratitude for the partnerships and achievements that have shaped our year - and, we even have fun while doing it 🎁 Check it out: This year's edition of UNWRAPPED 24 highlights the incredible efforts of our colleagues and showcases the projects and achievements that have made 2024 truly remarkable. We invite you to take a moment to reflect on the past year with us and celebrate the successes we've shared. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and happy New Year from all of us at Forte Advice! 🎄 #ForteAdvice #Unwrapped24 #ChristmasCard

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  • ... ONE MORE THING 🎉 This post is a little different than usual, as it celebrates two colleagues who have been with us for quite some time. Anne and Trine have both completed Forte Advice's Senior Program, earning them new titles and responsibilities. The Senior Program underscores our commitment to our team's professional growth and equips them with the skills to become leaders in their fields. Anne Mikkelsen, Senior Advisor & Delivery Manager Anne has refined her expertise in agile methodologies during her time in the Senior Program. In her new role, Anne will play a crucial part in guiding our clients to seamlessly integrate and optimize agile practices to achieve strategic success. Anne, your progress and dedication to excellence are truly commendable! Trine Frederikke Kortland, Senior Strategic Content Designer Trine has advanced within our design team, where she leverages her enhanced skills in content and UX to offer creative and systematic solutions to our clients. Her focus throughout the Senior Program on elevating her advisory skills and deepening her knowledge of the latest design tools has prepared her to take on this new challenge with confidence. Please join us in congratulating Anne and Trine on their well-deserved promotions. 🎉 #ForteAdvice #Promotion #SeniorProgram

    • Anne Mikkelsen, Forte Advice
Trine Frederikke Kortland, Forte Advice
  • Welcome Mark Vassallo, our new Senior Project Manager! 🎉 We are excited to announce that Mark has joined Forte Advice, bringing years of extensive experience in managing digital projects and leading successful teams. "I enjoy managing digital projects and building teams, uniting members from both the bureau and the customer side toward a common goal. After a few conversations with Forte Advice, I knew I had found the perfect environment to contribute my ideas, continue learning, and further develop my skills." - Mark Mark's expertise will undoubtedly help propel our projects forward and enhance our collaboration across all levels. If you want to learn more about Mark and his new role here at Forte Advice, feel free to reach out to him at ✉️ 2025, bring it on! 🚀 #ForteAdvice #SeniorProjectManagement #Welcome

    • Mark Vassallo, Senior Project Manager
Forte Advice

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