
Gentofte, Hovedstaden 3.523 følgere

Business Strategy Made Simple

Om os

INSTRAT360 offers an end-to-end, AI-powered collaboration platform that simplifies the creation of business strategies. With a highly configurable process and outcome-based methodology, it enhances measurable collaboration, drives scalable efficiencies, mitigates risks, and validates outcomes. INSTRAT360 ensures precision in outcome engineering, making it simpler and more accessible for anyone to achieve excellence.

2-10 medarbejdere
Gentofte, Hovedstaden


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    Sønderbakken 8

    Gentofte, Hovedstaden 2820, DK

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Medarbejdere hos INSTRAT360


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    3.523 følgere

    We've taken business strategy and execution to the next level and now, we're excited to announce the release of the future of productivity in its most simple and powerful form. Now you can harness the full power of AI-driven collaboration, project management, and visual communication - all streamlined to simplify even the most complex tasks. The future is here, and it’s more productive than ever before. Stay ahead and transform the way you work with INSTRAT360! 💡 #BusinessStrategy #AI #Productivity #Innovation #Execution #AI-Piloted

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  • Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

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    Another late night, and our template and strategy tool is continuously improving and becoming more integrated. Today, we’ve added 2 new templates in Danish – one for sustainability and CSRD reporting and another for general strategy and execution management. And we’re continuously adding more. With the right approach, our tool can save you thousands of hours of work and deliver a well-thought-out result in just 30-45 minutes. Not only that, you’ll experience a seamless workflow from idea generation, collaboration, reporting, and presentation of results, along with logical support throughout the design and implementation process. Try it for free – we’re here to assist you! And yes, it’s a new tool, and trying something new takes a little effort. :-) Good evening! #AI #BestPractices #Planning #Collaboration

    Se profil for Asbjørn Levring, grafik

    CEO & Founder | AI Innovator | Thought Leader

    Endnu en sen aften, og vores skabelon- og strategiværktøj bliver konstant bedre og mere forbundet. I dag har vi tilføjet 2 nye skabeloner på dansk – én til bæredygtigheds- og CSRD-rapportering og én mere til generel strategi og eksekveringsstyring. Og vi tilføjer flere løbende. Med den rette tilgang kan vores værktøj spare dig tusindvis af timers arbejde og levere et gennemarbejdet resultat på bare 30-45 minutter. Ikke nok med det, du får et sammenhængende arbejdsflow fra idéudvikling, samarbejde, rapportering og styring og præsentation af resultater, samt logisk støtte i design- og implementeringsprocessen. Gå ind og prøv det gratis – vi står klar til at hjælpe dig! Og ja, det er et nyt værktøj, og det kræver lidt at prøve noget nyt. :-) God aften! #AI #BedstePraksiser #Planlægning #Samarbejde

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  • Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

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    🚀 INSTRAT360 Update: AI-Powered Business Solutions We’re excited to announce the launch of our One-Click Business Update Feature, making it easier than ever to generate high-quality, result-oriented updates for management reviews, project status, and performance tracking. With just a click, our AI compiles real-time insights that help you stay agile and informed. Also, don’t miss Asbjørn Levring, our founder, at Maverick Minds - Episode 9 on September 19, 2024. He’ll be sharing insights on how INSTRAT360 is revolutionizing business strategy with AI. Stay tuned for more updates! #AI #BusinessUpdates #Strategy #Innovation #INSTRAT360

    Business Strategy and Project Management with AI Piloted Control and Integration

    Business Strategy and Project Management with AI Piloted Control and Integration

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    🚀 Exciting Event! 🚀 Our founder, Asbjørn Levring, will be speaking at Maverick Minds - Episode 9 on September 19, 2024. Join us for an exclusive live demo of INSTRAT360’s groundbreaking AI-powered business strategy tool. Asbjørn will delve into how we’re revolutionizing business strategy with cutting-edge AI technology, from data-driven strategies to real-time execution. A must-see event for those passionate about the future of business. Here's what to expect: - A deep dive into the story behind INSTRAT360 - Live demo of our AI-powered strategy tool - Q&A session to explore the tool's potential Don’t miss out - tune in live at Maverick Minds #9 to witness how INSTRAT360 is shaping the future of business strategy! #AI #BusinessStrategy #Innovation #DataDriven #INSTRAT360 #Entrepreneurship Best, The INSTRAT360 Team

    LIVE: INSTRAT360’s AI Strategy Tool Demo with Asbjørn Levring | Maverick Minds #10

  • Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

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    I'm hosting INSTRAT360 Major Update: The Next Generation of Data-Driven Presentation. Make sure to attend it on October 3. 🆕 Introducing INSTRAT360's One-Click Business Update Feature Now, with the click of a button, you can generate a high-quality, result-oriented business update tailored to your needs. Whether it's for management review, project status, or performance results, INSTRAT360’s AI-driven feature compiles insights, analyzes data, and presents clear, actionable updates instantly. 🆕 Management Updates: Get a comprehensive overview of progress, challenges, and next steps. 🆕 Project Updates: Real-time insights into timelines, milestones, and deliverables. 🆕 Results-Oriented: Highlight key achievements, KPIs, and strategic outcomes. Stay informed, agile, and ready to act - all in seconds. #BusinessUpdates #AI #ProjectManagement #Strategy #Results #Efficiency #Context #Matters #Most

    Se profil for Asbjørn Levring, grafik

    CEO & Founder | AI Innovator | Thought Leader

    Er vi ved at falde bagud i AI-kapløbet? Det er afgørende, at vi står sammen for at sikre, at vi forbliver i fronten af, hvad der er muligt. Forestil dig potentialet ved at skalere AI gennem enestående og sammenhængende analyser, planlægnings- og resultatstyring der vil hjælpe dig med at skalere din indsats og vidensopbygning inden for AI, bæredygtighed og digital transformation mv. Sammen vi skabe en konkurrencemæssig fordel, generere enorm værdi og fastholde vores position i det hurtigt voksende AI-drevne teknologikapløb. AI er andet og mere end chatbots og markedsføring og kan tilføre acceleret værdiskabelse med den rigtige struktur og integration i din foretning. Lad os samarbejde og udnytte AI’s fulde potentiale sammen! Deltag i denne interaktive session og opdag de fremtidige muligheder, vi kan låse op for sammen. #AI #StrategiskPlanlægning #Innovation

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  • Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

    3.523 følgere

    🆕 Introducing INSTRAT360's One-Click Business Update Feature Now, with the click of a button, you can generate a high-quality, result-oriented business update tailored to your needs. Whether it's for management review, project status, or performance results, INSTRAT360’s AI-driven feature compiles insights, analyzes data, and presents clear, actionable updates instantly. 🆕 Management Updates: Get a comprehensive overview of progress, challenges, and next steps. 🆕 Project Updates: Real-time insights into timelines, milestones, and deliverables. 🆕 Results-Oriented: Highlight key achievements, KPIs, and strategic outcomes. Stay informed, agile, and ready to act - all in seconds. #BusinessUpdates #AI #ProjectManagement #Strategy #Results #Efficiency #Context #Matters #Most

    Se profil for Asbjørn Levring, grafik

    CEO & Founder | AI Innovator | Thought Leader

    🚀 Another Exciting Update from INSTRAT360! 🚀 Introducing our most significant update yet - #INSTRAT360’s next-generation data-driven #presentation feature. Designed to transform the way you communicate strategies, planning, and outcomes, this update empowers you to move from insights to action with unprecedented speed and accuracy. #Innovation #DataDriven #Strategy #Execution #Business

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  • Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

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    INSTRAT360 is hosting Releasing the Future of Productivity with INSTRAT360 🚀. Make sure to attend it on September 25.

    Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

    3.523 følgere

    We've taken business strategy and execution to the next level and now, we're excited to announce the release of the future of productivity in its most simple and powerful form. Now you can harness the full power of AI-driven collaboration, project management, and visual communication - all streamlined to simplify even the most complex tasks. The future is here, and it’s more productive than ever before. Stay ahead and transform the way you work with INSTRAT360! 💡 #BusinessStrategy #AI #Productivity #Innovation #Execution #AI-Piloted

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  • Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

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    You’re right - People might not fully grasp how everything is connected within INSTRAT360. It’s more than just strategy or project management. With timelines, brainstorming sessions, roadmaps, and presentations all integrated, INSTRAT360 allows AI to help you build, execute, and plan while generating real-time updates and insights with just a click. That level of seamless connection and AI-driven support might be the game-changer that needs more focus.

    Se profil for Asbjørn Levring, grafik

    CEO & Founder | AI Innovator | Thought Leader

    Our AI-powered approach is now deeply embedded in everything we do, offering infinite control and seamless integration to keep you competitive with #AI. 🎁 It's not just about AI it’s about delivering quality and achieving faster time to value. From #timelines to #brainstorming, #roadmaps, and #presentations, everything works together effortlessly. Focus on the big picture while every detail stays perfectly aligned from start to finish. Just change the perspective and visualise to understand. #Strategy #ProjectManagement #Innovation #Roadmaps #AI #Sunday

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  • INSTRAT360 genopslog dette

    Se profil for Asbjørn Levring, grafik

    CEO & Founder | AI Innovator | Thought Leader

    Hej allesammen, Jeg vil gerne tilbyde dig og din virksomhed noget unikt: Jeg kan skabe en AI-strategi, bæredygtighedsstrategi, eller en customer success plan for dig eller en af dine kunder. Sig bare til, så leverer jeg det til dig via INSTRAT360. Hvis du kan lide det, kan vi aftale et møde for at tale videre. Jeg skal blot bruge lidt information fra dig – bare tre linjer – for at komme i gang. Udover en gennemarbejdet strategi og leverance får du et dynamisk og levende miljø til at styre målsætninger, samarbejde, lave præsentationer og udnytte det bedste af kunstig intelligens. Det eneste, vi kræver, er, at du er seriøs omkring det. Hvis der er et andet emne, du gerne vil tage op, så siger du bare til. Og da jeg har stor erfaring med AI, bæredygtighed og succesplanlægning, er det måske ikke helt skudt ved siden af :-) #Freebie #Strategy #Successplan #Sustainability #Anything #Challenge

    Se profil for Asbjørn Levring, grafik

    CEO & Founder | AI Innovator | Thought Leader

    💥 On the 25th, we are launching our AIPilot, offering ultimate simplicity and control supported by AI. 💥 Simply talk to INSTRAT360, and it will build and update your plans with advanced filters. 💥 Providing you with the perspective needed to optimize your plans, completions, progress, and any data or content that can be optimized at the click of a button. 💥 INSTRAT360 is one of the world's most sophisticated and connected systems. The complexity of the business context plays a significant role, and that’s where we make a difference.

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    Se organisationssiden for INSTRAT360, grafik

    3.523 følgere

    We've taken business strategy and execution to the next level and now, we're excited to announce the release of the future of productivity in its most simple and powerful form. Now you can harness the full power of AI-driven collaboration, project management, and visual communication - all streamlined to simplify even the most complex tasks. The future is here, and it’s more productive than ever before. Stay ahead and transform the way you work with INSTRAT360! 💡 #BusinessStrategy #AI #Productivity #Innovation #Execution #AI-Piloted

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