LINX Association

LINX Association


Transferring Front-Line Research Expertise to Companies

Om os

The LINX Association (Linking Industry to Neutrons and X-rays) is a triple helix setup consisting of companies, regions and universities. LINX is a focal point for creating commercial value through innovative material science solutions based on advanced neutron & x-ray technology in collaboration with facilities, such as MAX IV, ESS and XFEL. LINX shall develop and mature an industry portal for companies to improve their R&D capability by exploiting the potential of advanced neutron and X-ray techniques. The ambition is by 2020 to have provided unique R&D input to more than 50 companies in terms of understanding critical material components or processes. At the same time, LINX shall ensure that Danish industry takes optimal advantage of the coming large-scale facilities ESS and MAX IV in Lund and European XFEL in Hamburg.

11-50 medarbejdere
Copenhagen V
Triple helix association, Advanced material science, Knowledge and information promotion, Create growth and employment og Neutrons and X-ray


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    Vester Farimagsgade 19

    Copenhagen V, 1606 , DK

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    “The SRI conference was fantastic. Amazing," says Jacob Becker-Christensen, CEO of LINX, about, the 15th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) held in Hamburg. For anyone who wants to grasp the complexity of pushing the frontiers of analytical insight into our physical world, this was definitely one of the places to go. Even something "simple" such as getting different pieces of measurement equipment to act in sync becomes hugely complex when the phenomena they record occur at extremely short time scales. Shooting slow-motion movies of crack propagation in glass, for instance, or capturing the nanosecond creation of crystals during chemical synthesis. The examples at the conference were almost endless. “The green transition suddenly seems to be just one step closer,” Jacob adds. The conference was once again hosted by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and the European XFEL. The last one was in 2021 and could only take place online. The programme ran in four tracks over four days, with plenty of time to network during the lunch break and to study the many posters #SRI2024 #materialscience #greentransition #Desy #synchrotron #XFEL #IndustriensFond

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    🛠 Motorvej for Materialeviden: Metodeworkshop 🛠 I samarbejde med vores engagerede partnere i LINX arbejder vi løbende på at finjustere de metoder, der danner grundlaget for det onboardingforløb, vores erhvervsrådspartnere skal gennemgå i løbet af efteråret. Sidst i august samledes vi derfor i Kolding til anden runde metodeworkshops i samarbejde med Aarhus BSS - Aarhus University og Half Double Institute. Workshoppen gav os mulighed for at dykke dybere ned i de udfordringer og barrierer, som erhvervsrådspartnerne møder, når de rådgiver travle små og mellemstore virksomheder (SMV'er). Vi diskuterede løsninger og fremhævede vigtigheden af stærke relationer og en kontinuerlig dialog i lokalsamfundet. Desuden lagde vi vægt på at udarbejde en klar handlingsplan, fastholde motivationen og sikre, at virksomhederne er fuldt informerede gennem hele processen. Vi fokuserede også på at forstå virksomhedernes unikke behov og modenhedsniveau for at sikre, at vores indsats rammer plet 🎯. Ved at prioritere at lytte og forstå, før vi præsenterer løsninger, skaber vi fundamentet for stærke og bæredygtige samarbejder.  Tak til vores samarbejdspartnere ProVarde Erhvervsudvikling, Ringkøbing-Skjern Erhvervsråd, Business Djursland, Tønder Erhvervsråd, Kalundborg Business Council, Danish Technological Institute og FORCE Technology for en inspirerende og lærerig dag. Projekt "Motorvej for Materialeviden" er støttet af Industriens Fond. #MotorvejForMaterialeviden #Videndeling #SMV’er 

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    Vidste du, at der er 4000 forskellige skal slags plast, og at 6-7 procent af al olie bliver brugt til plast? Erhvervsråd og GTS’er, der er med i Motorvej for Materialeviden, blev pumpet med oplysninger, da Birgit Storm, ekstern konsulent tilknyttet Plast Center Danmark, engageret fortalte alt om plast, mens hun underbyggede det med cirka 70 slides. Hun holdt kun pause, mens Hatice Tüzün, også fra Plast Center Danmark viste rundt på laboratoriet. Formålet med workshoppen var at give erhvervsrådene en grundlæggende gennemgang af, hvad plast er, så de bedre kan forstå og rådgive SMV’erne. Et af emnerne var emballage, dels at mindske forbruget, dels øget genanvendelighed Workshoppen var den første af flere for erhvervsrådene i Motorvej for Materialeviden, som LINX arrangerer. Senere følger der kurser i metal/aluminium, fødevarer, lægemidler/biomaterialer og tekstil. Flere af deltagerne sagde efterfølgende, at niveauet havde været meget højt, men at de havde fået nogen forståelse af plast, så de er bedre klædt på til at tale med deres plastvirksomheder. I øvrigt er de 4000 plasttyper inddelt i fire hovedgrupper: termoplast, hærdeplast, elastomerer og bioplast. Deltagerne kom fra ProVarde Erhvervsudvikling, Ringkøbing-Skjern Erhvervsråd, Business Djursland og Tønder Erhvervsråd #MotorvejforMaterialeviden #plast #olie #SMV #emballage

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    Business Councils Convene to Establish a Common Approach to Methodologies 🎓 LINX’s business council partners were introduced to methodologies and reporting for the Industriens Fond project, ‘Motorway for Materials Expertise,’ aimed at fostering the green transition and enhancing Danish competitiveness. The network meeting in Vejle, held in early June, focused on addressing the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in business development. Discussions centered on how our business council partners can effectively identify and cater to these needs, often represented by a single decision-maker. Highlights included a presentation by David Hindberg from Kalundborg Business Council on understanding businesses' core needs and maturity. Aske Gejl from the Danish Technological Institute and Henrik Hassing from FORCE Technology shared insights on GTS institutes' collaborations with SMEs. Aarhus BSS - Aarhus University's Per Svejvig, Mette Neville, and Tina Fugl, along with Jesper Broberg Bang from Gejst Studio, and Christina Sejr Pedersen from Half Double Institute, presented robust reporting methodologies, underscoring the importance of ongoing research for consistent evaluation and learning. Thank you to all participating business council partners: ProVarde Erhvervsudvikling, Ringkøbing-Skjern Erhvervsråd, Business Djursland, Tønder Erhvervsråd, Kalundborg Business Council. Together, we ensure SMEs receive essential knowledge and support. We eagerly anticipate the next network meeting to explore practical solutions. #Networking #BusinessDevelopment #SMEs 

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    New Member of the Board of Directors🤗 We are delighted to welcome David Hindberg, Chief Consultant and Head of Communication at Kalundborg Business Council, as one of two new members of the LINX Association’s Board of Directors. “I have agreed to join the board of LINX Association because I genuinely believe that LINX can serve as a crucial link between universities and businesses in need,” says David. He continues: “This has been a key issue for me for a long time, as my daily interactions with businesses reveal the significant gap between those who generate new knowledge and those who need it. Additionally, I hope to bring further insights and perspectives on local business support and SMEs to the board.” David has been a consultant at Kalundborg Business Council for almost six years. Before earning his master's degree in International Business Communication, Intercultural Management, from Copenhagen Business School, he held various positions that provided him with extensive knowledge of people, municipalities, and companies. #SMEs #MaterialScience #KnowledgeExchange

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    New Member of the Board of Directors🤗 Christel Anderson, Senior Technology Specialist Tetra Pak® in Lund, is one of the two new members of the LINX Association’s Board of Directors. She works in the field of packaging and material characterisation.       Her first encounter of LSRI (Large Scale Research Infrastructures) was in November 2022, when the beamline called ForMAX at MAX IV in Lund opened for industrial users. The experiment involved X-ray scattering methods called SAXS and WAXS. Since then, she has been part of a team conducting X-ray imaging experiments at both the renowned beamline called TOMCAT at the synchrotron facility SLS (Swiss Light Source) and again at ForMAX. It was funded by Vinnova and done in close collaboration with LTH and RISE.     “We also have a strong collaboration with 3DIM at DTU - Technical University of Denmark and have had several fruitful projects with other members of LINX,” Christel explains. “Together with FORCE Technology, Tetra Pak is currently planning a neutron imaging experiment at the NeXT instrument at ILL in Grenoble this summer - a step taken to be well-prepared for the opening of ESS to industrial users. This experiment is partly funded by ReMade@ARI, which we initially connected with at a LINX event in Copenhagen.”      Christel is enthusiastic about her new role on the board: “It is time to contribute back to the association by being part of the planning and structuring of collaborative activities. Our hope is that LINX will continue to function as an attractive hub of partnership and learning towards a successful sustainability transformation of materials and products.”     #PackagingInnovation #MaterialScience #Leadership 

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    🌟 Accommodating Ever-changing Times with New Statutes 🌟 At our annual general meeting on Thursday, 23 May, members made a significant decision to update the original LINX statutes of 2016. 1) The board may expand from 10 to 12 members. 2) There is now a broadened scope for LINX to operate in the field of materials, with X-rays and neutrons as a specialisation. Jakob Schmidt, Chairman of the LINX Association and elected chairman of the meeting, explained that LINX operates very differently today compared to when the association was founded in 2016. The latest development is that LINX is now leading the Motorway for Materials Expertise project, which has thus far received DKK 21 million in funding from the Danish Industry Foundation.  "LINX has simply outgrown the old statutes," he explained. He further stated that there is a strong case to bring in new members onto the board in order to adequately reflect the new project.    The attendees approved both proposals, with no votes against.  We are thrilled to welcome our two newly elected board members: Christel Andersson from Tetra Pak® and David Hindberg from Kalundborg Business Council. The membership fees for the LINX Association are: DKK 25,000 annually for large organisations/companies, DKK 15,000 for medium-sized, and DKK 5,000 for small businesses with less than 10 employees.     #MotorwayforMaterialsExpertise #GeneralMeeting #NewStatutes     Christel Andersson, David Hindberg, Hao Yin, Jane Hvolbæk Nielsen, Jonas Okkels Birk, Lykke Nielsen Høj, Stephan Bouman, Martin Bremholm, Mette Neville, Mette Bach Dyremose, Veronica Lattanzi, Dr, BM, Lola Lærke Larsen, Jacob Becker-Christensen, Annelise Mølvig, Martin Klusak Ljungstrøm, Niels Halfdan Hansen, Marianne Brandt and several others.

    • Annual General Meeting, LINX Association, Thursday, 23 May 2024
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    Two New Colleagues at LINX Secretariat🤗 One "old" and two new employees have joined the LINX Secretariat – you may already be familiar with Martin Klusak Ljungstrøm, but now Lola Lærke Larsen and Marianne Brandt have joined the secretariat thereby completing the Administration Team 👏 All three are heavily engaged in advancing LINX to face the challenges of the Industriens Fond project (Danish Industry Foundation) ‘Motorway for Materials Expertise’ with the grand purpose of aiding the green transition. Lola and Marianne each bring valuable skills to the LINX team – not only from their comprehensive resumes from private and public organisations, but also important ‘soft skills’, such as remembering all the little – but very important highlights as birthdays - in a busy secretariat 🍾 🥂 🍰 Lola is our new Executive Secretary. With a distinguished background in management support and administration from both the private and public sector, Lola possesses the ideal expertise to support LINX in achieving the rapid growth necessary for its future activities. A trajectory that has already begun.  Marianne is our new Project Coordinator and the team leader for its administration. Marianne will oversee a multitude of functions within LINX, playing a pivotal role in the operational hub that supports the Association's new project. You will likely have the opportunity to connect with her in the near future. #greatteam #linxassociation #motorwayformaterialsexpertise 

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    Copenhagen Science City har skrevet en artikel om LINX. Navnet dækker over et innovationsdistrikt med 500 virksomheder og 40.000 forskere, studerende og øvrige ansatte. Groft sagt går det fra Aldersrogade til Blegdamsvej på den ene led og Øster Alle og Tagensvej på den anden led. Her ligger bl.a. Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, COBIS - Copenhagen Bio Science Park og mange andre. Artiklen handler om materialeforskning, og om at LINX har fået 21 millioner af Industriens Fond til projektet Motorvej for Materialeviden, der forenklet fortalt går ud på at forbinde SMV’ere med materialeforskere. #SMV #forskning #motorvejformaterialeviden

    Small Companies to Get Easier Access to Materials Research - Copenhagen Science City

    Small Companies to Get Easier Access to Materials Research - Copenhagen Science City

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    Spændende jobmulighed for en engageret og karismatisk medarbejder til en stilling som daglig leder for vores kommunikationsfaglige team 🤗     Til vores nystartede fondsfinansierede indsats ’Motorvej for Materialeviden’ søger vi dig, der enten har en kommunikationsfaglig eller naturvidenskabelig baggrund, og som i en årrække har arbejdet med forskningskommunikation. Det er en fordel, hvis du har dokumenteret erfaring som uformel eller formel teamleder. ’Motorvej for Materialeviden’ skal bringe ny viden om materialer fra universiteterne og universitetsforskerne ud på fabriksgulvene i danske SMV’er, så den gør en forskel i deres grønne omstilling. Projektet er altså i sin essens en øvelse i effektiv forskningskommunikation til en veldefineret, men divers målgruppe. Som teamleder får du ansvar for den daglige drift af den komplekse og succeskritiske kommunikation. Din opgave bliver at sikre, at vi når de opstillede mål i den oprindelige projektansøgning og i den tilhørende evalueringsstrategi. Jobbet er imidlertid ikke en traditionel kommunikationschefstilling. Tværtimod har vi store forventninger til dine egne evner som praktisk kommunikatør og din jobtilfredsstillelse ved selv at være udførende på en vifte af opgaver. Foreningen LINX arbejder i feltet mellem universiteter, teknologiske institutter og erhvervsaktører med at accelerere grøn omstilling på tværs af Danmark – med særligt fokus på små- og mellemstore virksomheder.       Læs mere 👇👇👇      #wearehiring #motorvejformatrialeviden #SMV

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