Come and meet our French team at this year's Expoprotection ! If you're visiting Expo Protection in Paris, we hope you'll stop by our stand where you can see a wide selection of our ranges. Our French team will also be ready with advice and guidance to match your requirements and needs for safety clothing and footwear! You can find us at stand K066. 🇫🇷 Rencontrez notre équipe française à Expoprotection ! Si vous visitez Expoprotection à Paris, nous espérons que vous vous arrêterez à notre stand où vous pourrez découvrir une large sélection de nos collections. Notre équipe française sera également à votre disposition pour vous conseiller et vous guider en fonction de vos besoins en matière de vêtements et de chaussures de sécurité. Vous nous trouverez au stand K066. Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir !
Mascot International A/S
Produktion af tekstiler
Engesvang, Middle Jutland 25.969 følgere
Vi producerer og udvikler arbejdstøj og sikkerhedsfodtøj | Tested to Work
Om os
MASCOT® WORKWEAR er en danskejet familievirksomhed, og vi er blandt de førende inden for udvikling, produktion og markedsføring af arbejdsbeklædning. Vores produkter bliver udviklet i Danmark og størstedelen bliver produceret på vores egne fabrikker i Vietnam og Laos. Vi er repræsenteret ved egne sælgere i 15+ lande, men vores produkter eksporteres til det meste af verden. At vi er en familievirksomhed, kommer blandt andet til udtryk i måden, vi tilgår både hinanden og vores kunder på. Vi arbejder dedikeret med udvikling for øje og søger altid det bedste for vores kunder, så vi kan tilbyde dem en professionel og fremsynet løsning hver gang. Kvalitet og ordentlighed Vores kerneværdier er kvalitet og ordentlighed, og de går igen i alt, hvad vi gør. Det betyder, at vores kunder og leverandører altid får kvalitet i produkter, løsninger og aftaler, mens ordentlighed for os er ensbetydende med, at vi er grundige, professionelle og tager ansvar. Kerneværdierne afspejler også vores tilgang til den måde, vi arbejder med samfundsansvar på. Vi arbejder eksempelvis målrettet på at nedbringe klimaaftrykket i vores produktioner samt på at forbedre holdbarheden i vores produkter. Gennemtænkte løsninger på alle parametre Historisk er vi vækstet organisk og gennem udviklingen af produkter, produktområder og serviceløsninger. I de første år blev stort set alt geninvesteret i virksomheden, og vi investerer fortsat kraftigt i virksomheden og vores medarbejdere. Fra begyndelsen har vi tænkt langsigtet, stort og strategisk med ønsket om at skabe innovative og funktionelle kvalitetsprodukter, der opfylder vores kunders behov – både i dag, i morgen og i de kommende år.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Mascot International A/S
- Branche
- Produktion af tekstiler
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 1.001 – 5.000 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Engesvang, Middle Jutland
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 1982
- Specialer
- Workwear, Safety Footwear og Safetywear
Medarbejdere hos Mascot International A/S
Danny Bonn
Experienced International Market Developer in the workwear & safety footwear & textile business. Distribution channels & Teambuilder
Wouter Marck
Pål Nesbø
Country Manager @ Mascot International A/S | Tested to Work
Halfdan Bock Andersen
HR Chef hos Mascot International A/S
The world’s best workwear is more than top quality products. This is one of the reasons why we have decided to keep the production of our marketing materials in-house. Our marketing department is a creative, innovation area where photographers, graphic designers and communicators work closely with instore designers, marketing coordinators (country-specific marketing) and our SoMe and eCommerce teams to support our sales organisation and our many distributors. The team create an experience universe for our collections in the form of catalogues and POS material for distributors and ensure that MASCOT is top of mind with end users with catchy ads and commercials. They are Tested To Work!
The Formula 1 car is an innovative masterpiece where 3D-printed components combine maximum strength and extremely lightweight properties! Where engineering and craftsmanship create the ultimate performance 🏎️ At MASCOT® WORKWEAR we combine innovative solutions, functionality, and extreme comfort - so you can always deliver your best.
Do you know how your workwear is produced? 🏭 At MASCOT, we have our own factories in Vietnam and Laos that produce around 80% of all our products. We prioritise the safety and well-being of our employees! To be able to document this, to ourselves and to the outside world, we have chosen to have both factories SA8000 certified. SA8000 certification is one of the most recognised international certification standards and is proof that our employees work in a safe and secure working environment with good working conditions adapted to local conditions. The certification is dynamic, so for us, it is also an opportunity for constant development and improvement in the field! #SA8000 #workwearsolution
We WORK towards 100% recycled polyester and polyamide ♻️ MASCOT has made the decision to phase out the use of virgin polyester and polyamide by the end of 2025. We transition as we purchase new fabrics, as the most sustainable option is to use already purchased materials first. At the beginning of 2024, we had phased out more than 70% of the virgin polyester and polyamide in our production.
Come and meet our team at FinnBuild at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from today until the 10th of October. At our stand you can see a wide selection of our collections. You can find our team at stand: 7h110. Will we see you there? 👋
On and under the ice! 🏒 On Friday night, Red Bull München played their second home game in their new super-arena, SAP Garden - and it was an exciting game. The opponents were none other than the defending champions Eisbären Berlin, who we also work with 😉 If you saw the game, you might have noticed that MASCOT was also present on the ice - our logo is visible on one of the face-off zones! #togetherweperform
The countdown is on ⏱️ With only one month to go until Expoprotection in Paris, preparations are in full swing. At the fair, you will have the opportunity to experience a wide choice of our collections for different industries - and you can also learn more about our many service solutions and our work with corporate responsibility. Expoprotection will take place from 5-7 November at the Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles, and we’re excited to invite you! Simply follow the link below to claim your invitation: We hope to see you there 👋 🇫🇷 Le compte à rebours est lancé ⏱️ À un mois du salon Expoprotection, qui se tiendra à Paris, les préparatifs battent leur plein. Lors de ce salon, vous aurez l'occasion de découvrir un large choix de nos collections destinées à différents secteurs d'activité. Vous pourrez également découvrir davantage nos nombreuses solutions de service et en apprendre plus sur notre travail en matière de responsabilité de l'entreprise. Expoprotection se tiendra du 5 au 7 novembre au Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles, et nous sommes ravis de vous inviter ! Suivez simplement le lien ci-dessous pour obtenir votre invitation : Nous espérons vous y voir 👋
What a finish! Congratulations to Kasper H. Jensen and MASCOT MOTORSPORT - winner of TCR Denmark 2024! 🏆 This is Tested To Work at its best! RaceGroup DK #togetherweperform